Need help!!

I have tried almost everything to lose weight and be healthy but I can never stick to my plan or it my plan doesn't work. I have tried eating more, eating less, and been near eating nothing at all (low point of my life). The point is I don't feel like I can do it. My problem is wanting to eat all the time and feeling guilty about eating, even when it is a healthy snack. I always feel like I am eating too much when I do that. Can anyone inspire me or give me tips?


  • Maiducali
    Honestly, its okay if you're eating more than 1200 or 1500, as along as you can eat healthy. Also it's a slow start. if you try doing everything at once, and go extreme with your calories, you'll set yourself up for defeat. So eat as much as you want, just don't try doing more than 2000 without being somewhat active. After that, work some type of cardio and strength. Let that build up and you'll see how much you eat will burn off. I do the same, and i found you have to set yourself up to succeed with a slow program. So eat as healthy as you can (because that can go worst for you) and just try being as active as you can week after week and build it up! You will do it!!
  • Manatwo2002
    Hi, my name is Christina and I too feel like I have been up and down all my life, because I have but my biggest problem is that I yo-yo in a ten pound range for a long time and then I stay in it for years UGH.....

    I just want to lose some weight and feel good about myself again. I am unhappy in this body and I went to the local gym/community center and said I NEED just so happens that they are doing a weight loss program and it was free to sigh up and the weigh ins are once a week from now till the end of March........1st place is a year of Membership for the whole family
    2nd is 6 months free for the whole family, and the 3rd is 3 months free for the whole family....

    So I like to compete and I am definitely not in school anymore so what better way then to do it this way, worse case is that I don't win but I HOPEFULLY lose weight in the process and best case is that I HOPEFULLY lose the weight and get one of the top 3 spots..........Now so far there are 30 people in it and I am one of the TOP 3 BIGGEST people in it. But they are going off BIM so instead of weight.....So I am very nervous and scared.....I don't like doing this alone, and I want to show my kids I can do something I set out to do but just scared.......But I am going to all in baby and giving it all that I can. Its for myself and its 3 months if I can do this for 3 months maybe just maybe I will stick with it all the way to get where I want to be around 100 pounds liter.

    Hope this helps you to see you are not alone.