Postcard Challenge 12!!! Starting 11/18/10

It is my great honor to start Postcard Challenge 12 and then pass the postcard batton on to the next winner! I have decided to start this challenge on Thursday, 11/18, to allow week one to end on Thanksgiving Day! This will be our push and promise to one another to not allow sweet potatos with marshmallows, mash potatoes with lots of butter or mushroom loaded stuffing to get the best of us! However, if they should... we have a week to make a come back!

Here's what to do: post your weight as of Thursday (November 18th!) then in 2 weeks (December 2nd!!!), post your updated weight. Two individuals will be awarded postcards. One for the most weight lost in the two weeks and then one for the highest percentage lost. Each winner will receive a postcard from the one and only Detroit, MI. (The French city of love and romance or automotive capital, or voted most dangerous city.... take your pick!)

I like the previous winner, will start up a spreadsheet to keep track of everyone's beginning and ending weight. Which I'll post at the end of the two weeks!

I'll send a message on 1st of December to remind you all of the final weigh in. (if you want to add me as a friend, please do. Will make it easier to remind everyone). Then, keep your fingers crossed!!!!!!

Ready to begin? 1...2...3...GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • inskydiamonds
    inskydiamonds Posts: 2,519 Member
  • drew531
    drew531 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in... That means I have to head back to the old gym to get my starting
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    I'm in! Will weigh myself on Thursday ( we don't do Thanksgiving here in Blighty but I'll become an 'honorary' American for this challenge).
  • Mari1969
    I'm in! Will post my weight on Thursday (my weigh in day anyway)
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    Me! I am in!
  • rclarke05
    Sound like fun! I'm in.
  • havfaith
    I'm in!! I'll be posting my weight thursday!
  • Oldbat61
    Oldbat61 Posts: 141
    I'm in; will post on Thursday. Like Looby 1968 I am in blighty but am proud to be an honorary American.

    All the best
    Pam :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • dtcauley4
    dtcauley4 Posts: 110 Member
    I am in once again..good luck to all!!
  • abbiez
    abbiez Posts: 229 Member
    Woohoo. I've always wanted to do one of the postcard challenges bit always forget. I'm in this time!!
  • tai_88
    tai_88 Posts: 23
    I'm in!
  • JuliaRose73
    I'm in; will post on Thursday. Like Looby 1968 I am in blighty but am proud to be an honorary American.

    All the best
    Pam :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I'm thinking to keep things fair all of our "Honorary Americans" need to have a slice of pumpkin pie next Thursday with us!

    All in favor say "I" !
  • Learning2LoveMe
    Learning2LoveMe Posts: 1,430 Member
    I'm in... I didn't get a chance to post my final weigh-in on the last round, but thats okay because I gained :grumble: :embarassed:

    Congrats JuliaRose and everyone else who lost last round.

    I'll update with my most current weight on thursday. Good luck to everyone! Let's beat turkey day! :drinker:
  • timbotina
    timbotina Posts: 1,130 Member
    bumping for Thurs
  • cdsledge09
    cdsledge09 Posts: 167 Member
    Count me in...I'll weigh in on Thursday!
  • ClaireElanB
    ClaireElanB Posts: 94 Member
    I'll have a go too. Will also post Thursday.
  • looby1968
    looby1968 Posts: 742 Member
    I'm in; will post on Thursday. Like Looby 1968 I am in blighty but am proud to be an honorary American.

    All the best
    Pam :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I'm thinking to keep things fair all of our "Honorary Americans" need to have a slice of pumpkin pie next Thursday with us!

    All in favor say "I" !

    If I can find any (or make it), I'll join you in a slice! If not, I'll get a slice of carrot cake!!!!
  • storybookcreator
    I'm in! Sounds like a great little extra incentive
  • storybookcreator
    bumping for Thursday Nov 18
  • MrsSeaShell
    I'm so in =]

    Can i suggest pics of the scale with a code word to verify weigh-ins?