How Can My Diet Survive The Holidays?

Does anybody have any tips on how to enjoy family time (and, specifically, the food we'll be eating) over T-Giving, Christmas, etc. without losing momentum on my diet?

More carbs? Less carbs? Are there any traditional desserts to avoid or enjoy? Side dishes to avoid/enjoy?

Thanks for the help!!


  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    Just enjoy it an don't stress. A couple of meals is not going to hurt the habits you have developed. Afterwords resume your normal life.
  • McBody
    McBody Posts: 1,703 Member
    Enjoy the holiday foods! If you're doing the cooking, you can replace a lot of the traditional high fat ingredients with low fat options. Avoid the skin on the turkey (no matter how good it looks!), and instead of heaping mounds of food on your plate... take a small portion of all of it!
  • krisdw
    krisdw Posts: 25 Member
    Just try to limit your portions. have small amounts of a lot of things so you don't feel limited. I'm going home for the holiday's and am planning on spending a lot of time with my mom in the kitchen to figure out how to add the recipe's to so i know exactly how many calories i had in any given portion.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Eat the food but try and eat less of the condiments. Eat the turkey and tators. Avoid the gravy. Eat the sweet potatoes or yams. Avoid the marshmellows and sugar. Eat the pie. Avoid the crust and whip cream/ice cream. This was advice I read on another site. :)
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    First off, enjoy yourself, a few meals that are a big heavier on calories won't undo all of your hard work. Try a little bit of everything and stop eating when you're full. Don't deprive yourself, because that will make it that much harder to stick with! Moderation, moderation, moderation! And if you know you'll be in a situation where you'll eat a lot of calories (Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Dinner, etc.) get an extra workout in--go for a walk, it'll help you digest, pop in a DVD, do some crunches and jumping jacks. Just stay active! I, personally, have been incorporating a little more physical activity with my kids since I started getting into shape. Last night after my daughter's dance class, we raced to the car, which was at the far end of the parking lot. A bunch of little things add up!
    Also, when you're loading up your plate at meals, make sure the bulk of what you have is veggies and meat. Only take a spoonful of potatoes, a small sliver of pie, etc.
  • alucard75
    alucard75 Posts: 207 Member
    same as everyone else....enjoy your two or three meals...avoid the picking at the foods, and don't keep any of the sweet in the fridge or in your house.
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    Just like every other day, you can still eat all the foods you want as long as you don't over do it. If you're really concerned about it, just take smaller portions and remember to drink lots of water. But, even if you do go over board on Thanksgiving, it won't hurt anything. One day will not cause you to gain weight. (I take my weekends "off" and I'm still losing over a pound a week.) And if you aren't hosting the holidays you won't have to worry about leftovers, so it really will just be one day.
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    I'll tell you what I'm gonna do!!

    I'm gonna start the morning off with a nice run, or workout.

    Then I'm gonna eat light until the feast. I'll drink some wine, fill up my plate once, and enjoy everything on the menu.

    Then I will take another walk with my family in the evening. No leftovers for me!! The next morning it will be back to regularly scheduled activities.

    It will be just fine!
  • Mrbackslap
    I will be pigging out on the holidays.
    You workout hard a few day of bad eating wont hurt.

    Goodluck everyone on the holidays ;)
  • bparr
    bparr Posts: 246 Member
    I too am already wondering how I'm going to 'maintain' over the next week. I'm going home for the week of Thanksgiving and already know the various family gatherings that I'll be attending-- and all the yummie stuff that will be there.
    I'm planning ahead to put in as much cardio as I can so I can enjoy all the homemade goodness.