Losing a lb. a day the 1st week. Normal?

Hello everyone! I've only been on here for about a week. My diet has always consisted of lots of bread, tons of Mt. Dew and basically crappy food. This week is the first time in my 5 years I got really serious about losing weight. I started at 176 lbs. 5'2". Anyway, all I really did was start paying attention to calories and walking on the treadmill. (not long walks, just 10 minutes or so a few times this week. I cut the Mt. Dew from about 6 bottles a day down to 1. I'm getting headaches now, probably due to the lack of my pop intake. I've been losing almost a lb. a day. This seems like it's too fast. I'm wondering if the first week will be the most rapid, then fall down to 1-2 lbs. per week, or if it's going to continue to be rapid due to the pop decrease, just doing the same things I'm doing now with the calories and a little exercise, less pop? I eventually want to quit it altogether, but weaning for now to avoid the headaches. I'm learning as I go on changing my diet and I'm stilling having "not so great" food, but it's way better than what I used to eat. Does the calorie intake matter as which foods I'm eating? I don't want to be at a big let down if I gain it all back or go to losing one lb. a week or something. I'm not sure how, but I feel great, even though my food and pop are less, I'm never hungry like I used to be when I'd eat food all day long.


  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I use to be addicted to Mt. Dew, I swear its a 'special' addiction compared to other pop. dropping 5 of those a Day you have dropped at least 1,000 calories a day - awesome!

    Part of the weight loss is probably water weight. a pound is 3,500 calories. You're burning more too. Keep logging, keep doing what you're doing. I agree on finish the pop over a week or so if you want to avoid that nasty headach.

    You can do it!!!!!

  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    it's possible that you're actually losing some fat, but it's most likely going to be water.

    also, yes, calorie intake matters. It's basically all that matters when it comes to losing weight.

    calorie deficit = weight loss.
  • jstout365
    jstout365 Posts: 1,686 Member
    Yep, probably just water weight. It drops off quickly for me the first week and then I get back to a normal (for me) rate. Keep up the good work and healthy changes.
  • ianholmes1964
    ianholmes1964 Posts: 11 Member
    Well done for starting the journey, it's the hardest bit when you look back. I found weight loss quick and easy when I started, it tends to even out. I'm no expert but if your body is used to working hard to metabolise a high calorie diet, initially cutting those cals will give a quick weight loss until your body adjusts to the lower intake. Best advice I could give you would be to use the tracker to aim for a balanced diet, the rest usually takes care of itself.

    Well done again!
  • jcorpern
    jcorpern Posts: 96 Member
    That's not unusual at all the first week. You lose a great deal of water weight the first week that you start controlling your intake. I lost a little over 8lb. It will slow down ::mad: Your headaches are most likely due to the caffeine withdrawal. Mountain Dew contains more sugar and more caffeine than just about any other soda. Keep drinking plenty of water and keep controlling your calories. Your weight loss might be a little higher than 2lb/week your second week, but if it's still over 2lb/week on week 3, then you can increase your calories slightly.
  • truetarot1988
    truetarot1988 Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks Nancy! Yeah, the headaches are the worst! I've tried to quit a few times, but always went back to avoid the headaches. I'm 37 and have been drinking pop like that since I was 15. Honestly, the addiction it gives you should be considered close to that of an alcoholic! In the younger years, I've actually used my last PENNIES rolled up to get that one last pop before payday. :)
  • autiger2013
    I know with all the diets that I have went on, weight loss is a lot faster the first week as a lot of it is water weight. However, it usually slows to 1-2 lbs. a week. I wouldn't be too concerned about it the first week as long as you're getting your caloric allotment for the day. If you are still losing that much each day by the second or third week, then you may need to go back and look at your log again to see if you may be not figuring correctly. For instance, when you exercise it gives you those calories back to eat that day so, if you're not counting that, then that may cause you to lose more than you need to in a given week. I hope this helps!! Have a great day and God bless!!
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Large drops in the first week are to be expected because

    1) Water weight will drop
    2) Food weight will drop

    As well as the beginning of a decrease in body fat.

    So don't feel discouraged when the weight loss slows. Just expect it and keep on going.
  • fitkatb
    fitkatb Posts: 14 Member
    I gave up Mountain Dew September 13, 2012. Clearly it's like a drug if you can remember the day you quit. LOL I lost a lot of weight at first because I too was drinking ALOT. 4-5 24oz bottles EVERYDAY. I'll never have another one. Every now and then, I have a real soda with sugar in it but for the most part, I've given up drinking my calories. I'd rather eat. ;)
  • Arnegard
    Arnegard Posts: 22 Member
    All normal.
    I just wanted to say that drinking green tea will help lessen the headaches. Weather you choose to sweeten it, or have it plain, it has less caffeine than Mt Dew plus other health benefits and can help decrease the intensity or frequency of your head aches.

    Keep tracking and the pounds will keep rolling off.
  • FreshKrisKreash
    FreshKrisKreash Posts: 444 Member
    Just keep an eye on it. If this keeps happening for another week I'd eat more or exercise less.
  • truetarot1988
    truetarot1988 Posts: 56 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I gained back a lb. by blowing my diet, adding the pop and not exercising today. ugh. Honestly, I feel sluggish, and overall mad at myself for doing that. BUT with the people on here, I now have the desire to keep this up and put today behind me. I love myfitnesspal and find myself inspired and encouraged by everyone I here. It's like a new facebook, just with no drama and everyone on your side! I truly enjoy watching so many people succeeding and cheering each other on. I am absolutely blessed to have you all! Again, thanks so much for the advice and encouragement! You are all AMAZING!! Good luck on your journeys! <3
  • jcorpern
    jcorpern Posts: 96 Member
    Ooooh! Good point Fitkath! When you quit Mountain Dew, you do cut out a TON of caloric intake every day!
  • sallysummers16
    I lost 7lbs on my first week (last week) and about 3lbs this week.
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    Just switching from beer, diet coke and coffee to just water, dropped a good amount of weight in my first week too.
  • hastingsmassage
    hastingsmassage Posts: 162 Member
    it's water and body detox when you stop with crap food, keep going :)
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    Thanks so much everyone! I gained back a lb. by blowing my diet, adding the pop and not exercising today. ugh. Honestly, I feel sluggish, and overall mad at myself for doing that. BUT with the people on here, I now have the desire to keep this up and put today behind me. I love myfitnesspal and find myself inspired and encouraged by everyone I here. It's like a new facebook, just with no drama and everyone on your side! I truly enjoy watching so many people succeeding and cheering each other on. I am absolutely blessed to have you all! Again, thanks so much for the advice and encouragement! You are all AMAZING!! Good luck on your journeys! <3

    Yeah, I have my ups too, the main thing is to keep the main trend moving in a downward direction.

    It is important to realise there will be days you do fail, but just learn from your mistakes and keep going. Don't give up.
  • truetarot1988
    truetarot1988 Posts: 56 Member
    Just an update. I'm down to a little under a can a day. The headaches have dramatically lessened, I started taking slimquick yesterday, just because after researching I found that people on mt dew had lessened headaches and a few said they have slowed down smoking as well. idk for sure why and didn't go through ingredients but I have also had an extreme reduction of headaches, fewer cravings for food, much more energy, and my smoking is about 1/3 less. I'm not suggesting this or endorsing it, this is just my experience. I plan to ditch the slimquick once I am done completely with the Dew, as I don't think it's doing me any good for actual weight loss, and I don't wanna add more crap to my body now that I'm just finally starting to take care of it. :) Thanks for all the advice and I really hope this post (with all your advice) helps someone else. You guys are the best!! <3