question for those who have lost 100 pounds

I am doing a biggest loser challenge on here and at work. My goal is to atleast lose 60 pounds but I would love to lose 100. Especially since people don't think I can. I love to prove people wrong
So my question is how long did it take you to lose 100 pounds. What was your calorie intake and what kind of exercises did you do and how long did u work out in a day?


  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I'm half way to my 100+ lb goal. I started mid-October. I've been on 1200 cals since the beginning pretty much, and exercise daily. I started with my Wii, then graduated to Couch to 5k (, and now I do C25K, weights, and Zumba.
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    it takes a long time.... about a year , and that is working your butt off!!
    I stuck with 1200 , and worked out 5x a week. lots of cardio and lots of weights. doing both made me build muscles and also burn calories. Dont be a cardio freak and just do cardio, Be sure to get those weights in there too!!!
    Best of luck!
  • chandnikhondji
    chandnikhondji Posts: 136 Member
    It totally depends where you start. When you start very very high like i did, the 100lbs can go down pretty fast, but most will be water weight. I started at 550lbs and i am convinced that getting down 100lbs from there is MUCH MUCH easier than from for example 350lbs.
  • freehold1979
    I lost over a 100 before but i was 16 in 6 months by walking 3.5 miles a day walking back and forth to work. I ate alot more than i do now. But now i try to keep between 1200-1500 cals daily and try to get in atleast 30mins cardio everyday. So far Im down 41lbs in 2months but Im on a dr prescribed diet pill so it might be as fast for others. But if you are truly willing to push yourself harder than you ever have and willing to work out atleast an hr a day, I say about 6-8 months you should be able to do it. Good luck!!!
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    I haven't lost that much (yet!) myself, but generally, a healthy loss is no more than 2 lbs. per week. So 100 lbs. would take 50 weeks, and that isn't accounting for any plateaus, which are known to happen and stall things a bit. So you are looking at probably over a year.

    Don't rush yourself. You don't want to be unhealthy because you lost the weight too quickly; you don't want to gain it all back, either, which happens a lot with rapid weight loss.

    Good luck!
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member

    I have 150 lbs (1/2 of me) to lose and I"m eating 2100 cals a day and exercising 5xs week (Cardio and weight training). I notice most of you all say you ate 1200 cals. How did you do it? Weren't you starving? :) 2100 cals is what MFP says(and all the equations out there) say my body needs to lose 1.5-2 lbs a week between calorie deficit and exercise. From what I've read, it seems like 1200 would put my body into starvation mode. Help?
  • Cytherea
    Cytherea Posts: 515 Member
    It could be because of a lot of factors. First, what you do for your job, your "lifestyle." If you have a desk job, a "sedentary" lifestyle, you are going to need to eat way less calories per day in order to get the same deficit someone who is active and always on their feet does. Also, you may be exercising more or more intensely, meaning that you need to eat more. It could also be because of your weight.

    There are a lot of things that go into the calculations, and if you say that is what every site/equation says, then you are doing fine!

    Anything under 1200 per day is definitely starvation mode, but you are right, for you that would most likely put you into starvation mode because you are allowed so much!

    I won't lie though, I am jealous of your daily allotment! lol... I need to lose close to 100 lbs. total and mine has been 1200 calories per day total the whole time. Some days I am starving, and other days, I don't eat enough. It really just depends! =)
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member

    Don't be jealous- I think i have a lot more weight to lose! I played around and if I did ZERO exercise with max of 2 lbs/week, my cals still come to 1600, so I'm way up there in weight (just over 300). :blushing:
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171

    There is no simple answer you have to work out hard core and eat really well I lost 100 pounds in 9 months. I did alot of cardio I took up jogging I would do about 5-10k a day and strengh training 45 mins of weights arms one day legs the other everyday It was like I had a full-time job just losing weight. I would go to the gym twince a day and go for a 5k run mid day I was crazy I would eat about 1500 cals a day as well. But everyone loses it differently and the longer you take to lose it the better because you will have a less chance of gaining back.

    Good luck and don't be hard on your self if you do not get to your goal right away.
  • Nina74
    Nina74 Posts: 470 Member
    Mrs....You are a complete inspiration!!!
    I am impressed!! Have lots of questions and hope they are not too personal. Has it been difficult to maintain your weight loss? Have you kept up the same level of intensity as when you began ? Did or do you have a problem with excess skin? Someone told me when I reach my goal I'll have a lot of extra skin just hanging. Don't think that's true.
  • MrsBattousai
    MrsBattousai Posts: 171
    I'm still losing wieght I have about 30 pounds to go but I'm not as crazy as I have been with working out. Currently I have 2 Edmonton Journal papers about half hour of jogging and 2 hours of walking a day. I also do Hot yoga on sat for 90 mins once a week and go for a 5k run atleast 3 times a week. And other paper route two times a week that in total is 7 hours of walking aswell. I have not be able to go to the gym as much as I want to but I still lift weights 5 times a week. I think the most important thing to remember is to get some kind of routine for work outs that work for you. After you lose alot of weight you have to eat really well and up your excerise to get the last little bit off. Yup I do have alot of extra skin just went to see the dr. to see what can be done about it. I may be able to get a tummy tuck and some of the extra skin removed but there is a waiting list from one to two years. but I have also talked to some other ladies who have lost alot of weight and they were able to tone their skin with weight training. but it does take time.

    I'm just very proud of what I have done and much happier than I was before.

    the only thing I'm having problems with is the eating from working out so much I get so hungry all the time but I'm trying different diet plans from this web-site like eating 5-6 small meals a day which works really good for me. And planing out what I'm going to eat for the week before I eat it helps with impuse eating. The other thing I'm still working on is stress eating I always found comfort in food so I'm trying to find something else to deal with it. I found if I just have a good cry or screaming into a pillow I'm not turning to food. I hope this helps and plz feel free to ask more questions.

    I also do the 30 day sheard from Jullian Michials really good burn on bad weather days when I can not get out for walks.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I started September 8, 2009 on 1200 cals a day and a lot of exercise. I apparently screwed up my metabolism by doing this and from the middle of January 2010 to the middle of Feb 2010 I didn't lose any weight after about 50-55 pounds. I started eating more, and the weight started coming off. I've had to increase my calories 3 times since January to get where I am now (and my body seems to be happy now with around a 750 calorie deficit daily).

    Now I eat 1500-1900 calories most days depending on exercise (I presently try to eat 90-100% of my exercise calories) and I'm losing roughly 1.5 pounds/week. :smile:

    So, it has taken me 9 months to lose 73.2 pounds. I expect it to take another 10-12 months to lose about 40-50 more.
  • Ximana
    Ximana Posts: 26

    i have lost 100 pounds or so a few times in my life

    mostly after i stopped being a top athlete

    so i would say exercise is very important

    -eating consciously is iimportant

    -like not eating pizza or a meat based lasagna

    -reduction of high fat dairy-a.k.a. cheese

    - reduction of red meats

    -increase fruit, vegetable and water
  • Ximana
    Ximana Posts: 26
    trying to lose another 100 again

    I am going to eat lots of soups

    and stay vegetarian
  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Down 86 lbs in 219 days (just over 7 months). Haven't done anything special. I've eaten the number of calories suggested by MFP and walked 3-4 miles about 5 days per week eating back half of my exercise calories. No magic, just basics.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    took me 16 months. started at 1400 cals, upped to 1500, then 1600, now I am at 1700. ate back every single exercise calorie according to my HRM. If i were to do over I wouldnt have stayed at 1400 for as long as I did and would have gone to 1700 right out of the gates.

    walked, danced (xbox), 30ds, started running.

    easier than you think. personally, I think losing has been easy. maintenance is what i worry about.

    I have issues with baggage but frankly, losing 100 pounds completely, one hundred percent, without a doubt, outweighs loose skin. This years goal, lose the last 5-10 pounds, gain muscle.
  • rach503
    rach503 Posts: 86 Member
    I am impressed!! Have lots of questions and hope they are not too personal. Has it been difficult to maintain your weight loss? Have you kept up the same level of intensity as when you began ? Did or do you have a problem with excess skin? Someone told me when I reach my goal I'll have a lot of extra skin just hanging. Don't think that's true.

    I lost 83 in about 7 months, then took the past 3 months on maintenance mode & am now gearing up for my last 20. So, not sure if I qualify, but I've had some success! : )

    I ate really clean - cutting out processed foods and watching sodium was KEY for me. I also make CERTAIN I exceed my fiber goal, and not from fake fiber enhanced products, but from fiber rich veggies, fruits, beans, whole grains or avocados.

    I also mixed up my workouts after about 5-6 weeks. I'd notice my losses tapering off & it was my body's way of saying "BORING!". Once I switched up activities the losses would pick up again. If I was feeling bored I noticed I wasn't working as hard, and I wasn't pushing myself to improve.

    Follow MFP's recommendations, they're a good guide. One thing I was shocked by tho is how far off MFP's estimated calories burned was compared to what my heart rate monitor (HRM) said once I purchased one. Often it would be off by 40-60%, just a heads up on that. Full disclosure: I was in pretty good shape once I bought the HRM monitor so maybe they were more accurate when I was bigger and my body was less efficient.

    I use a FitBit Zip and it has been a-w-e-s-o-m-e to help me monitor how active I am in my day-to-day activities outside of exercise. It works well w/MFP and adjusts how many calories you can eat by how active you have been. It's $50 on Amazon & a good investment!

    I also just tried to practice mindfulness whenever I was in doubt about something. It helped me figure out the difference between hunger and cravings. It also helped me realize - oh hey, I feel like garbage if I eat pasta, bread, white sugar, diet soda, etc.

    Good luck! Hang in there. Be honest with yourself and you won't go wrong. Cheers!

    // anyone feel free to message me if you have questions! :) //
  • rach503
    rach503 Posts: 86 Member
    Oh, also, don't have issues w/skin. Have been diligent about drinking lots of water, using lotion w/vitamin E, and weight training. I'm 5'8" & 30 years old, so not sure if age plays into it.