Do I need to sweat for it to count?

When I work out at home using various YouTube cardio workouts, I sweat a lot and I'm tired and I feel like I got a good workout (about 40 min). I just joined the gym and after being on the bike and treadmill for the same length of time as a workout, I just wasn't that tired or that sweaty even though my calorie burn was about the same.

Is 100 calories burned really 100 calories burned whether I sweat or not? I know this may be a dumb question, but it seems like without the sweating that I'm not really doing much. Should I not be expecting to work up a sweat on the stationary bike?


  • kaylorraine44
    kaylorraine44 Posts: 135 Member
    Machines at a gym often overestimate calories burned. I would suggest investing in a HRM if you want an accurate count of calories burned at the gym.
  • Adc7225
    Adc7225 Posts: 1,318 Member
    One reason I do not like working out at home is because in general I like to keep my home pretty warm. So unless I open a window or turn on the fan when I start working out at home 7 minutes in I have sweat runiing down my face. At the gym it tends to be pretty cool but I still sweat on the bike and elliptical when I work out, unless I happen to be downwind of one of the fans. I would not really worry about it, keep going and see what happens :smile:
  • Tia_N_Mac
    Tia_N_Mac Posts: 181 Member
    One reason I do not like working out at home is because in general I like to keep my home pretty warm. So unless I open a window or turn on the fan when I start working out at home 7 minutes in I have sweat runiing down my face. At the gym it tends to be pretty cool but I still sweat on the bike and elliptical when I work out, unless I happen to be downwind of one of the fans. I would not really worry about it, keep going and see what happens :smile:

    You know, I never thought about that! It makes a lot of sense. I live in S. Florida so unless the AC is on, it's always gonna be a little warm in the house. Thank you for that! I'm going to keep moving on :)
  • canwenotgothere
    I have thought about this and also would like to know the answer. I often work out at home, with that being a workout video or just simply the exercise bike and I always have the fan on. If I have the fan on, I don't feel as sweaty and as I'm doing as much work, therefore carrying on for longer - if that makes sense?
  • WalkingAlong
    WalkingAlong Posts: 4,926 Member
    Sweating is irrelevant.
  • Jenloves2eat
    Jenloves2eat Posts: 4 Member
    I've often wondered this same thing! My husband and I can do the exact same cardio workout and he will be sweating profusely, while I will be just slightly shiny on my forehead. I feel like I must be doing something wrong!
  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    I live in a pretty small house and the only room I have to workout inside is next to my wood stove. Needless to say I sweat buckets! However when I am in the gym or run outside in this weather - no sweat or hardly any. So I think temperature has a lot to do with it. Also some people just don't sweat that much.