
OK, so I have been "good" for over 3 weeks. I have exercised, stayed slightly under my calorie goal, and I have not lost a single pound. What gives? Any advice appreciated. I only need to lose 10 lbs. I am also a little confused as to what my "healthy weight" really is. I am 4 ft. 11 and weigh 134 right now. According to charts I have seen, my goal weight of 125 is still overweight. When I lost down to 116 a few years back I looked sickly. Anyone have any words of wisdom?


  • Frittycat
    Frittycat Posts: 51 Member
    I am in the same boat and just posted a new topic very similar to yours, haha. I need to lose 20 pounds, but I exercise, and watch calories for the most part. I am also short, which doesn't help. I will be curious to see others' responses!
  • Always_Smiling_D
    Always_Smiling_D Posts: 118 Member
    There are plenty of reasons, what type of workouts are you doing? Do you hit your macros at the end of the day and your sodium intake is in check? How about water?
  • fatfranny
    fatfranny Posts: 36 Member
    I am a teacher with a bladder problem. I drink as much water as I can without having to run to the restroom every 10 minutes. Usually 6 cups daily. However, I do drink quite a bit of coffee. I just started T25 and it is so hard. I am 42 and wondering if I made a bad choice purchasing such an intense workout plan. Thinking about backing up and doing some walking or Walk Away the Pounds videos to build stamina, then trying T25 again. How can I share my food diary? I would love input from you.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    With 10 lbs. to lose, a healthy goal is .5 lbs. per week. If you're not losing, you're probably underestimating your food or overestimating your burn. Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Are you getting enough of a calorie deficit to lose weight? Maybe like a lot of us you're overestimating the calorie burn or you're eating more calorie than you think you are. The body keeps an accurate log of exercise and food regardless of what we think we did.

    As for your weight, perhaps 116 pounds looks better on someone with a small frame whereas you might look better with a bit more pounds than that. I'm average height and 116 is ok for my height, but when I've been at that weight, I looked gaunt. I look better in the 125-140 range.
  • fatfranny
    fatfranny Posts: 36 Member
    Thank you for your time. I think I might need to go back to measuring my portions again. I always log my food for more than I have actually eaten, though. Last time I lost it was faster. Guess I am just going to have to have patience and be thankful for .3 lbs. lost in a week. The joys of being vertically challenged, I guess..
  • fatfranny
    fatfranny Posts: 36 Member
    Actually, I am only 4'11". I was purely focused on weight loss the last time. Maybe I looked sickly because I was not getting the nutrients I needed.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    It's 3 weeks and you only have a small amount to lose. Patience
  • I don't agree with My Fitness Pal assigning 1200 calories to everyone, despite their height! You need a program that creates more of a calorie deficit for you, 1200 calories may actually be close to a maintenance calorie range for you. That is my opinion. I have a degree in Human Nutrition from Arizona State University so I'm not just making this stuff up.
  • If 125 is healthy for YOU (meaning your triglycerides are healthy, blood pressure is normal, etc) then screw the BMI charts. You know when you feel/look good so let that be your guide.
  • tbresina
    tbresina Posts: 558 Member
    Thank you for your time. I think I might need to go back to measuring my portions again. I always log my food for more than I have actually eaten, though. Last time I lost it was faster. Guess I am just going to have to have patience and be thankful for .3 lbs. lost in a week. The joys of being vertically challenged, I guess..

    Unfortunately I think its the joys or perimenopause. I am 44 and ever since I turned 40 no matter what I do it is incredibly hard to lose even 1 lb.....
  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    You may want to switch to TDEE and cut that by 5-10%. While 1200 calories for me would be starving myself, at 5'11 for you it is maintenance.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I don't agree with My Fitness Pal assigning 1200 calories to everyone, despite their height! You need a program that creates more of a calorie deficit for you, 1200 calories may actually be close to a maintenance calorie range for you. That is my opinion. I have a degree in Human Nutrition from Arizona State University so I'm not just making this stuff up.

    MFP gives the 1200 calorie goal to those that set up aggressive goals. (lose 2 pounds per week) If a person sets up MFP properly 1200 is not the automatic number. The OP is short, has a little amount to lose, so it would seem a smaller deficit is appropriate. On another note, it has been three weeks and giving it more time before readjusting seems reasonable.

    Read the link above and all of the links in it.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Guess I am just going to have to have patience and be thankful for .3 lbs. lost in a week. The joys of being vertically challenged, I guess.
    I'm 5'1 or 2", and it took me a whole year to lose 20 lbs. Everybody's different, and weight loss takes a whole lot of trial & error to find what works for you. Weighing your food is a great place to start.
  • fatfranny
    fatfranny Posts: 36 Member
    This is why I love MFP. Everyone is so supportive and gives great advice. Thanks guys.
  • fatfranny
    fatfranny Posts: 36 Member
    I am thinking of doing the Metabolism Makeover. (only 5 carbs every 5 hours) I think I would be satiated on fewer than 1200 calories since it would be more protein and fiber dense. In your professional opinion, is this a healthy choice? Phase one is for 8 weeks, then you slowly increase carbs. It is a clean eating type of program as well.
  • I am thinking of doing the Metabolism Makeover. (only 5 carbs every 5 hours) I think I would be satiated on fewer than 1200 calories since it would be more protein and fiber dense. In your professional opinion, is this a healthy choice? Phase one is for 8 weeks, then you slowly increase carbs. It is a clean eating type of program as well.

    No, it most definitely isn't. You have 10 pounds to lose and there's no reason of trying something so restrictive. Give it time for your current intake to work.
  • Frittycat
    Frittycat Posts: 51 Member
    I can say that I am short with a small frame, and I had a proper fitness test done in an exercise science dept. by a nutritionist/exercise researcher, and my basic calorie level came out to 800 calories. There is no way I could eat that low and not be famished, but I must have a deficit below 800 if I want to lose weight. I have noticed that that is the magic threshold for me.
  • Well........I am 62 and 1/2. Back in January 2011, I started walking, and eating way less. I went down to 140-145 within 8 months. Kept it off up until last summer. Started LIVING :) The sodium intake went back up, but I still watched my food intake that I wrote down (journal). I am back up to 158!! I was at 225. I am medium framed, 5'2". I wore a size 6-8 at 140-145. Now I still wear a size 8 at 158 lbs.!!, but I am working out on a Gazelle, and floor exercises. I am NOT losing any weight at all. I feel better when I see 145-150. I cannot lose any weight anymore. My calories have increased, sodium too :( I am the one that has to be under 1000 calories to force a weight loss. You see, I feel good, but my fear is gaining back more weight beyond 158. I want so much to get back to 148, maybe and stay there at my age. People say.....wow!! You look so NOT 62, but 45. when I am between 145-150. I feel the best at 145, but you see, my arms show wrinkling at that weight, and my tummy shows wrinkling. NOW after being on the Gazelle, and doing floor exercises, that is toning up, or am I just gaining WEIGHT instead? I am so off kilter here :( I need a talking to, and maybe, someone here might see what I am trying to say, or what to do. I have the willpower, and just want to be healthier for my age, and I have done that. But, WHY can't I lose back down to my 145-150 anymore? I write down my food intake for the last 3 yrs., but I think the sodium quickly brings water weight back in, and the Gazelle and floor exercises has caused muscle weight or something. Am I wrong? What should I do to drop back to 145-150? I am embarrassed that I dropped so much weight, and I can't get this little bit of weight off now.........I need serious advice.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    I agree with calculated tdee and macros as others have said. Going to that format has me losing and no longer feeling like I am starving after about a month stall. I tried just upping the calories or more cardio or other things that were suggested and for me it was my macros being off and really being wrong on the intake that was the problem. Also being consistent so I make sure to keep the same numbers (or as close as I can) day to day. I think that helps as well. You'll get there! Just keep going!