When do people notice?



  • vwbug86
    vwbug86 Posts: 283 Member
    My boyfriend, who I live with notices at about 20lbs, some friends who haven't seen me didn't notice anything. Most people start to notice at about 40lbs.
  • CandaceG514
    CandaceG514 Posts: 24 Member
    It took about 50 pounds before people started making comments to me that I was looking good and wanting to know what I was doing to lose all the weight. I agree with some of the others that the people that don't see you everyday are the ones that will notice the most and make the most comments.
    I've already gotten the "you're looking great - you aren't losing more, right?" thing, even though I plan to lose a lot more based on health and fitness since i'm still super overweight lol

    I started getting those comments 30 pounds ago and just last week I was told that if I lose any more weight I am going to look anorexic. :grumble: I don't really know what to say to comments like that. I know I am not too thin but it still makes me feel self conscious. Everyone seems to want to give their opinion on the way I look now and watch what I am putting on my plate.
  • djxil
    djxil Posts: 357
    When people see you everyday, the little by little differences are hard to see, however, those people you see only once in a while may be completely shocked at the transformation.

    You may already know this but I think I will put on my Capt Obvious Cape to save the day - Do this for you, not them, not her, not him, not the kids or the family or friends and not the co-workers. Not to be negative, but putting your weight loss into their hands is dangerous b/c people tend to let you down and when they let you down, you can spiral. Do this for you, compliments and comments will come with time, it may come all at once, like a blast from a grenade, they might trickle in like condensation dripping off a glass. Those compliments and comments are gravy, they are icing on a cake, the meat is you. Cape off.

    Give yourself a little more time, but do it for you.
  • aponia
    aponia Posts: 28
    Don't pay any attention to what anyone else says! you know your own body, you see it every day, and with much less clothes on than they do (lol). I started off at 330 and it wasn't until I was about 280-270 that people started really complimenting me on my weight loss. They notice, but it seems less significant when you have so much further to go. Don't let that deter you, though! Be proud of your little accomplishments, like sitting down in jeans and not having to unbutton them. It's little victories along the way that make the weight loss journey worth it. Losing weight is one of the hardest things anyone can do and you should be very proud of yourself for your success thus far!

    Here's something that'll REALLY help you with seeing how much weight you really did lose: find a picture of yourself at your heaviest weight, then take a picture of yourself now (in the same clothes, if you can), and put them side by side. Look at the picture whenever you start feeling any doubt, or feeling yourself wanting to slip. I did this and it really helps me put my weight loss into perspective.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    Just because they've not said anything doesn't mean they haven't noticed. They might just not feel comfortable commenting, Some people take offence when people comment on their weight loss. I'm always very cautious about commenting on other people's weight loss even though I'm delighted if someone comments on mine. I wouldn't pass comment unless that person mentioned their weight loss themselves first.

    My family noticed at the first half stone, and close friends noticed soon after. But I've lost 3 stone, and look dramatically different, I've dropped 2 dress sizes. But still there are lots of people who don't comment, But I don't care, I feel great, and that's all I care about!
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Right now I'm wondering when people will notice I have lost weight, even though I

    have lost around 35 lbs in the last 18-24 months and my body shape has changed

    I still get comments about my weight, I know I'm still overweight, fat as most people

    put it, but if a slightly overweight person lost 35 lbs they would look noticibly better

    why does it not notice on a heavier person and at what point will it notice.

    Maybe its just peoples perception of a person they see everyday as I work with a

    skinny guy who told me had put 14 lb on and for life of me I could not see where he

    had put it. Hopefully people wont still think I'm fat in 6 months time when I have lost

    about 25-30 lb and changed body shape some more.

    I try so hard to lose weight it really knocks my confidence when people ask me if I

    have put on weight after losing weight.

    Before and after pictures. keep a picture of what you used to be to compare from. I honestly kept wearing the same clothes until I had lost 2 or 3 sizes so people noticed when I finally got smaller clothes that fit.
  • Elsie_Brownraisin
    Elsie_Brownraisin Posts: 786 Member
    Just because they've not said anything doesn't mean they haven't noticed. They might just not feel comfortable commenting, Some people take offence when people comment on their weight loss. I'm always very cautious about commenting on other people's weight loss even though I'm delighted if someone comments on mine. I wouldn't pass comment unless that person mentioned their weight loss themselves first.

    My family noticed at the first half stone, and close friends noticed soon after. But I've lost 3 stone, and look dramatically different, I've dropped 2 dress sizes. But still there are lots of people who don't comment, But I don't care, I feel great, and that's all I care about!


    I have commented on somoneone's weight loss before and been informed by her that she had been diagnosed with coeliacs and had been in terrible pain and was malnourished. Eek.

    Like others, people who see me often don't notice, especialy because I am (intentionally) losing slowly, though my husband does notice my muscles building. I saw 3 people last week that I see infrequently and they commented on my decreased mass.
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    This is not meant to be rude, but . . . . who cares when THEY notice?

    Like some others have said, weight loss is a sensitive subject. Which is why people are reluctant to say anything when they notice that someone is gaining it, or losing it. Don't worry about if other people are taking note. Some are. Some aren't. Your attitude and observation is the only one that really matters.

    When you are fit and healthy, you will likely be much happier. People WILL notice THAT and they will probably mention it. In the meantime, just keep trudging on. Set your goals, work hard to reach them. And be proud of yourself when you do.

    Good luck!
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    I personally would not have the patience to lose weight in stones (14 lbs US for those that don't know). To lose almost 45 lbs and minimize that number to 3 stones makes it seem like a small amount to those of us that don't use those measurements, but it would be hard not to notice that someone lost that amount.
  • veggiemary
    veggiemary Posts: 12 Member
    I went from 124 pounds to my current weight of 106 and no one has noticed. I'm small boned so maybe I hid the extra pounds well. So, like another poster said, I got my hair cut into a pixie style....VERY short. People noticed the new hair cut. LOL Maybe they just see my hair and that's enough of a shock that they don't notice my new "slimness."

    Be patient, and do it for you.
  • Guamybear
    Guamybear Posts: 1,061 Member
    For me it was around the 30lb mark.. but then again it was winter and with the coats and stuff I guess it was hard to tell but when spring rolled around and the coats came off, EVERYONE noticed and commented.