Active job, how many calories on days off?


I do warehouse- type sales work (anything from phones and computers to hauling boxes and loading trucks) and I've set my activity level and calories to reflect that. On days I'm not working, should I still be aiming to hit the same goals? I'm thinking not but I'm not sure how under calories I should aim?

I work out daily (not much as I'm recovering from a foot injury caused by said job, but at least 45 mins) and I have some disordered eating behaviors so I really don't know what's realistic (my brain says 900 which I know is highly unhealthy!) I'm trying to lose 20 lbs. but I'm looking to do it slowly and correctly this time.



  • PumpJockeyy
    PumpJockeyy Posts: 98 Member
    I'd hit the same totals everyday. If you find you're not losing at your desired pace you can simply make a small adjustment. Also if you lift weights and do cardio, you could always just keep food the same and up cardio by 10 mins a session or something along those lines to create the larger deficit. Losing 1-2lbs every 7-10 days is a good pace, no need to diet on drastically low calories. (900 is lowwww)
  • megpumpkin
    Thanks for the reply! :) I know 900 is low, it's my brain being stupid.