Hello everyone!!!:)

Hi!!!:) I am Veronica from Southern California. I am happily engaged to the best guy in the whole world and I love my life!!!:) I am a newly diagnosed diabetic and I am having a horrible time trying to deal with what that means in regards to my health and the future health problems that I face because of it. Also, I am trying to get back on track to a strict diabetic healthy diet. I have lost 40 pounds since last June and need to lose another 50. This site I feel will help me to stay motivated:) Ide love to hear others who have diabetes and how they cope:) Hugs


  • vaguelovememos
    Welcome, Veronica! I don't know of many people with diabetes besides my grandfather who passed away in '98. My friend's father had it and didn't cope well since he didn't eat nearly often enough. So, sorry I'm not much help but I figured I'd go ahead and welcome you anyways. :D
  • ohgeez10
    ohgeez10 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello VB. First of all, congrats on loosing the first 50 pounds. :)

    As for diabetes, I don't have it but know plenty of family and friends who do. There is TONS of information out there on how to manage life being a diabetic. Continue on with your health goals and use forums like this for answers and support and you will do fine. :)
  • VeronnyBunny
    Thank you both!!!:) I am sorry it is now 2014 and I just now saw your lovely welcoming posts. Im sorry I have not been on here in quite a while but I am hoping to be on here more often:) God Bless !!!:)