Do you eat when you're bored?

I do! How can I stop wandering to the fridge every time I get bored?


  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Try hot's good for the cravings or boredom.
  • Meggiepegs
    Yes I did that before. But now I eat constantly but good foods and water it keeps me full so I actually don't even crave junk food. I was at mcdonalds today and everyone in my family ate it except me...
  • PricillaChristine
    Try hot's good for the cravings or boredom.

    That's something I will try! I love tea, so it shouldn't be too drastic. Does it matter what kind of tea?
  • turtleball
    turtleball Posts: 217 Member
    I just did and i'm planning on eating more mainly because I have quite a bit of exercised calories.
  • Love4fitnesslove4food2
    Try hot's good for the cravings or boredom.

    That's something I will try! I love tea, so it shouldn't be too drastic. Does it matter what kind of tea?

    Unsweetened tea--whatever kind you like best.
  • PricillaChristine
    Thanks! (:
  • florentinovillaro
    florentinovillaro Posts: 342 Member
    Fill your day with things to do, wash the car, clean the house, go for longer walks, etc. Staying home can seriously trigger an appetite. Hope this helps you as it has me.
  • dezb64
    dezb64 Posts: 109 Member
    That's one of the major reasons I gained so much weight. Try green tea it helps to curb appetite . I also keep veggies cut up and ready to go in the fridge so If I do snack it's healthy (most of the time).
  • lisalsd1
    lisalsd1 Posts: 1,520 Member
    I use green tea, b/c it i supposed to boost your metabolism. I also use a flavored tea with it; like mint...right now, I have a chocolate mint tea. I add 1/2 tblspn of's only 30 cals. The hotter the takes longer to drink!
  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    I bake when I'm board and make up appreciation plates. I bring these to local nursing homesand neighbors. It fills my need to interact with food without the cals.
  • nightshutter
    I do also. If you have the calories to spare try eating a healthier snack.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    That is a serious weakness for me! I'm pretty much a SAHM, and the only time I really get to do anything is when I'm shopping or at the gym, or occasionally working. I eat when I'm bored, anxious, sad, happy, celebrating, mourning. All of it. Well, I used to, but since I realized that's how I got fat, I've changed. Now I try to occupy myself, with either MFP, exercise, cleaning, cooking, laundry, playing with the kids, reading a book/magazine, watching a movie....etc. Mindless eating was a big thing for me too. Eating just because you see it in front of you, even though you're not hungry, and really don't even want it, but it's there, so you just stuff your face, lol. I've quit doing that, for the most part, and try not to leave any food sitting out in plain view, unless it's a healthy snack. ;) Good luck!!!
  • naedeeramirez
    You eat Ice cream when you are bored, huh?
  • FindingMyPerfection
    FindingMyPerfection Posts: 702 Member
    You eat Ice cream when you are bored, huh?
    Well aren't you a helpful peach!
  • BrownEyeAngel
    BrownEyeAngel Posts: 331 Member
    I do eat when I am bored too. Trying to get this under control now!
  • NaomiJFoster
    NaomiJFoster Posts: 1,450 Member
    Bored-eating was probably the biggest factor in my weight-gain. Will-power is not my greatest strength, lol. I'm finding that a cup of flavored caffeine-free tea helps me. It's sweet, it's too hot to sip quickly so it lasts awhile, and I tell myself it's just good for keeping me hydrated.
  • Fiery_Vixen
    Fiery_Vixen Posts: 795 Member
    Oh yeah...I'm pretty sure that's why I started gaining weight back after the baby. "I'm bored, Oooo, cookies sound good" lol. Since starting back up MFP I was able to see just how many calories I was consuming with my snacks and that made me stop immediately. It's still hard; one because cutting back my calories so drastically from what I was eating before leaves me hungry a lot of the time; and two because I still have all those old goodies sitting around the house calling to me. But I limit my snacks and when I do eat them its something I know that's low in calories like a banana, cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, or a fiber/protein bar. Only at the end of the day will I let myself indulge in one of my old goodies IF I have the calories to spare. If you feel the need to snack, try a protein bar. Special K makes one's that are only 110 Calories and have not only protein, which helps you to feel full longer, but fiber as well (plus they taste good too which helps with those urges)
  • PricillaChristine
    Well, I'm glad to see I'm not alone on this one. I tried the hot tea thing today. I burnt my tongue, but it did help.

    Also, when I track my food on here, it says I'm eating too few calories, but I feel like I'm eating too many.
  • seamonsterr
    I drink when I'm bored!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I'm always eating and so eating when I'm bored (or not bored) is kind of inevitable.