Advice/ Help please?

Hi! I am 16 years old, 5'4 and I weigh 207 lbs. I want to know how much weight would it be possible to lose in five months before july basically for my weight,height etc. Also, what do u think would be a reasonable amount to be at by July and have it still be healthy(no crash diet or fad diet have to be included) I was thinking 180 or 175 by July, but again im not sure.
Also, would it be healthy for me to eat 1,500 calories and burn 500 calories a day? My BMR is 1,785.4. I havent been monitoring my food as I should for a while but about 3-4 times a week when I go to the gym I always reach 1,000 calories burned on eliptical and treadmill and i do 30 minutes of the workout machines.
So just overall thoughts and advice would be much appreciated. Thanks a bunch !


  • benno1978
    benno1978 Posts: 90 Member

    Healthy weight loss is 1-2lbs per week so if you take the midpoint of 1.5lbs pw that works out approx 30lbs in 5 months = 177lbs by July so your estimate of 175-180 is good

    You should log everything you eat as accurately as possible, use a food scale etc also be careful the machines may say you burned 1000 cals but thats an estimate and you prob burned less - either get a HRM for more accurate logging or eat back only 50-75% of your exercise

    You should do some resistance training as well as your cardio to help fat loss and maintain muscle as you lose weight

    This thread is a good place to start -

    Good Luck