Insulin Resistance and Linking Treats

I know on the insulin resistance diet you are to link 15g carbs to 7g of protein but what do you link to a cupcake? I'm not going to give up cupcakes forever so I need to follow a lifestyle that allows for that. If I want to have cake/cookies/ice cream, etc.. and have the calorie allowance, what protein foods would I use to link with it?


  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    I have insulin resistance from PCOS and I've never heard of this 'linking formula'. Although I have heard of balancing carbs with protein (just not a 2:1 formula for it) and eating high-fiber carbs to lower the net carbs. There are anti-carb purists out there and the PROtein crowd might jump in, but my advice is simply this:

    Eat what you want
    Watch your calorie intake
    Increase your activity level

    As your weight reduces, so will your insulin resistance.

    I still eat carbs including cake/cookies/whatever, but I LOG IT and re-balance my calories around it or exercise for it. I TRY to hit my protein macro, but sometimes I don't make it. I DO choose high fiber carbs for my regular carb consumption which lowers the burden on my insulin resistance / blood sugar.

    I take metforim 2x a day and a low dose of spironolactone in the morning to help balance my hormones and regulate my menstrual cycles. The metforim also helps with blood sugar control and insulin resistance. I would say the biggest contributing factor to lowering my insulin resistance and getting normal blood sugar numbers was, because I had and still have so much to lose though, weight loss. I've lost over 70 lbs from my HW and still want to lose over 80 more. Focus on that goal and the rest will fall into place.
  • kidtechnical2
    kidtechnical2 Posts: 11 Member
    Provided your cupcake has under 30g then you can have it (otherwise you can have some, or make your own then you are in control of the carb count & size). I'm fairly new to it and finding it easier to link with nuts (almonds being my favourite) or milk.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    Milk, nuts, peanut butter, cheese, eggs... there are many options.