Whats your biggest set back?

When it comes to keeping on track with your goals what is the one thing that really sets you back?

For me, its my lack of preparation. When I have pre-prepared and planned my meals, I rarely get off track but when I haven't, it is so easy to eat whatever has been cooked by my siblings or eat out. It doesn't even take long to prepare the food in advance so its not really a valid excuse. I really need to fix up there.

What about you?


  • jcorpern
    jcorpern Posts: 96 Member
    My alcohol on Friday and Saturday nights :drinker:
  • MichelleLaree13
    MichelleLaree13 Posts: 865 Member
  • ready2beme
    ready2beme Posts: 151 Member
    Getting low on groceries that I feel make meal time "convenient" and healthy. Then I start reaching for the oatmeal creme pies and cookies and chicken nuggets and in proportions that blow my calories out the roof.

    OP: I agree its hard when I don't preplan meals. Today has been my restart and I planned my meals yesterday and already had them in MFP so I could refer to it throughout my day. It has made today a breeze and I haven't had to force myself to avoid my pantry or kitchen because of munchies or boredom.
  • Richard_101
    For me its social events.
    I appreciate you can go to parties and not drink but it wouldnt be the same. Ive also got a couple of work black tie events coming up and I think it would look odd if I wasnt drinking and eating with everyone else.

    I end up making sure Im on track in the run up to going out and then back on track straight afterwards. What is hard is not having a fry up the morning after!
  • Schtroumpfkin
    Schtroumpfkin Posts: 123 Member
    Weekends: So much socialising. So little structure.
  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
    My desire to be lazy on days off...my desire to drink and eat wings every couple of weeks if I karaoke...my lack of desire to workout.
  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
    For me its social events.
    I appreciate you can go to parties and not drink but it wouldnt be the same. Ive also got a couple of work black tie events coming up and I think it would look odd if I wasnt drinking and eating with everyone else.

    I end up making sure Im on track in the run up to going out and then back on track straight afterwards. What is hard is not having a fry up the morning after!

    And it is that alcohol that makes events all the more fun. I've heard of folks secretly filling their beer bottles with water so that an image of drinking is portrayed but not actually partaken of.
  • Gingerspice45
    Gingerspice45 Posts: 137 Member
    socializing and eating at restaurants
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    My boyfriend... he's fit and in shape and doesn't have to be so scrupulous.
  • GradatimFerociter
    GradatimFerociter Posts: 296 Member
    My good looks. Every time I walk past a mirror I end up there for ages. Leaves little time to work out.

    Actual: fluctuating moods, probably. Assuming I can't just call the last 4 or 5 years a set back.
  • eelamme
    eelamme Posts: 1,135 Member
    Getting low on groceries that I feel make meal time "convenient" and healthy. Then I start reaching for the oatmeal creme pies and cookies and chicken nuggets and in proportions that blow my calories out the roof.

    OP: I agree its hard when I don't preplan meals. Today has been my restart and I planned my meals yesterday and already had them in MFP so I could refer to it throughout my day. It has made today a breeze and I haven't had to force myself to avoid my pantry or kitchen because of munchies or boredom.

    And when it is your day off and you're exhausted yet the cupboards are near bare, who really wants to go to the store and deal with all the people out there. Maybe it is because I work in an industry where sick and cranky people are in my face 13 to14 hrs a day, when it comes to having a day off, I prefer not to see a soul.
  • danahubley
    danahubley Posts: 40 Member
    Super depressed. I was so happy 10 days ago when my doctor took me off of my water pill for high BP. One of my goals was to be able to be med free. I have been working out a lot and eating right but still managed to gain 4 pounds this week. It's water..I know this...but I am so frustrated.
  • afitch311
    afitch311 Posts: 8 Member
    For me it is school. Last year I became so obsessed with maintaining a 4.0 that I stopped exercising. I had a couple of really hard classes that completely stressed me out, and the combination of stress and not exercising, I gained almost 10 pounds within a few months. This year is the final year in my BA program and while it will be nice to finish with a 4.0, I have to remind myself that a B every once in awhile is not going to be the end of the world! I am happy to say that this year so far has been a complete turn around, I am exercising much more regularly, and being more relaxed is actually helping me with school, I just finished a class with a 99.91% So I am going to try to enjoy life more, and hopefully get my weight back down! :)
  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    When I get stressed I clamor for the comfort foods. Also, since a cause of my stress is usually too much going on and too little time in the day I tend to skip the workouts.
  • evitaevita12
    evitaevita12 Posts: 69 Member
    :drinker: wine... always craving when I am stressed out,
  • Cracken99
    Cracken99 Posts: 39 Member
    Eating out and parties. We usually have something going on every weekend (today it is friends over for Football). This is only my second week, so I need to figure this out,
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    The drink... Always the drink. And my laziness.
  • healthybodyhealthylife
    Mine too!! He can eat for Britain yet still struggles to put on weight!
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I have a few. Lack of preparation is one of mine too, & under this I would include going grocery shopping on time so I don't run out of my fresh foods.

    Another problem I have is living alone. I've lived alone for 3 years now but I still struggle to eat my food before it goes bad. I've learned to switch to eating things that last longer, like baby spinach lasts longer than iceberg lettuce, tomatoes on the vine last longer than other varieties, etc. I've given up in the past because I get sick of throwing away food that's gone bad because I couldn't eat it fast enough, so now I try to figure out ways to make it work - like freezing half gallons of milk or half packages of deli turkey for sandwiches.

    One of my biggest setbacks used to be going out with friends. I still struggle with this but not as much because I recently started school in a new place and have fewer friends, and we're all fairly busy. But when I am asked to go out for lunch or drinks, I always say yes because I don't want to limit myself to the point that I'm not enjoying myself. I just try to make good food choices when I go out for lunch & only go out drinking like once a month or less [it helps that I'm not a huge fan of alcohol!].

    My last big setback is going home for school breaks. My mom loves fresh fruits & veggies & both of my parents have lost a lot of weight eating in moderation and eating healthier, but I always seem to really struggle when I'm home & have no idea why.
  • callyart
    callyart Posts: 209
    Not being able to exercise more. I have bad back and leg pain which means I can only do a bit at a time. I do admit, since starting to exercise, the pain has got better, so who knows, I might be able to do more in the future :)