Shayloss Dietbet?

I'm just wondering if anyone on here is doing the Shayloss Dietbet? If you are then add me as a friend because I figure it'd be nice to have a bit of support and encouragement maybe? :smile:


  • mcpakemeg
    mcpakemeg Posts: 5 Member
    I really wanted to join the Shayloss bet but I was already involved in a game and didn't want to get ahead of myself. Hey, maybe we can join one together next time? I'm finding dietbets to be so motivational and it really helps to have support on the sidelines. :)
  • bazsteele
    bazsteele Posts: 5 Member
    Aw that's okay, it'd probably too big of a commitment to be in two games at once anyway! But we can still support each other with the dietbets anyway! Oh and I'll for sure join the next one with you :smile:
  • GlamourBean
    GlamourBean Posts: 18 Member
    I signed up for my first one. So excited!! Did either of you win any money yet? Good luck!!!