PMS stress...!

Hi everyone,

So I generally work out 5-6 days a week and eat a pretty healthy diet. Before I went away on a short vacation my weight was 113lbs, which is my normal. So when I went away this past week, I didn't get to go the the gym and I did cheat on my healthy eating 'diet'. Now, I didn't go completely crazy or eat A LOT by any means, but I did have enjoy myself. So needless to say I got a little stressed out when I came back yesterday to see I was 116lbs, and when I weighed myself today and I was 118lbs! Now as I began to freak out that I gained about 5-6lbs. in a week, I did remember that this past week I was on vacation was also my PMS week and I am due to get my period this upcoming week.

So now my question, is it common to gain this much weight in while PMS?! I can't imagine I gained that much in just one week! Anyone else share this problem/stress?


  • BlackRose101
    BlackRose101 Posts: 117 Member
    I gained about 3 during mine. So it may be normal, but I also was eating more than usual. However, a week later and i'm 1 lb away from where I was pre pms.
  • SashleyA
    SashleyA Posts: 122 Member
    I always bloat out several pounds at the beginning of my period and drop it all back by the next week. I don't think 5 or 6 is unreasonable, especially if you've been eating salty food, because that can intensify the period bloat.
  • llerelgin
    llerelgin Posts: 17 Member
    I do. I usually gain 2-3 LB with mine. If you are on vacation...and not working gets a little worse. But, you are back and working on it so, You are fine!