Plateau for almost 3 months, suggestions?????

In Oct 2012 I hired a trainer and got a gym membership. Prior I would walk an hour fast, elliptical, and have been eating much healthier the past year. Lost 55 lbs15 months ago with walking, elliptical and eating 1200 healthy (found mfp info 2012).

I am 35, 5'2", 159.9 lbs, size M, 8/10.

I weigh, count, and am accurate on my servings. I wear a HRM to track my excercises. I drink tons of water. Diary is OPEN. macros I usually hit (40 carb, 30 protein and fat, usually protein is 37).

I went from 1200 to 1400 calories around Late Nov. Still plateaued. Now I'm up to 1600. (So looking at my diary, earlier posts will make it LOOK like I ate way under, but again I've upped calories recently to try and break the plateau).

Thyroid was checked 2 weeks ago and was normal.

I've been excercising 5x a week since Oct. Past 2 weeks 6x. I do bodypump mon/thurs/sat, run a mile prior to personal trainer on Wed, do Zumba 2-3x a week.

I ate bad on Xmas eve and Day, but otherwise a lifestyle/healthier way.

I eat back my calories (not all). Yesterday I did bodypump and Zumba right after so I'm aware I was low on calories NETTED but I ate over 1700 and was full!!!

Trainer was shocked I haven't lost but since I was gone for a few weeks for travels, first thing he said was I looked toned, smaller, how much have I lost? And I said "none". I'm trying to gain muscle but trust me I'm not gaining muscle that fast from what I've read other posters say about others thinking they are.

Constructive help?????????

Edited: goal is size 6, 145 lbs strong!


  • mariecurie88
    mariecurie88 Posts: 15 Member
    I've been battling this for almost 4 years. I cannot get past 140 lbs (I'm 5'3''), and now know I am dealing with an allergic reaction which causes me to swell with water weight. Not saying you have the same issue, but it was maddening to deal with the endless plateau even in doing everything right. I too hired a trainer, went to the school dietitian, taught belly dance, ran, Weight Watchers, juice detox, and numerous other things to break it. Notice, I did all this over a few years time, since I know it takes time for the body to respond. Anyways, as of August 2013, I went to the doctor and they noticed I had a distended intestine upon palpitation. So, after several months of only eating ten different foods along with blood tests, we figured out I have a gluten allergy. Also, something else it plaguing me we have yet to figure out.

    Good luck, and maybe this helps. I never thought my issue would be a good allergy, but live and learn.
  • snapehbp
    Interesting!!! Yeah my Dr said if in 3 months I'm still stuck to make an appointment.

    Someone had sent me a message about measuring/pics. I should note that I tried measuring only to get different measurements each time. I haven't taken pics so I might start that!

    And I know I had a pizza blow out a week ago but that rarely happens. I do 2 cheat meals a month. Week before Christmas was sorta bad but I still worked out 4x and lost the few lbs I gained in less than a week.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    Interesting!!! Yeah my Dr said if in 3 months I'm still stuck to make an appointment.

    Someone had sent me a message about measuring/pics. I should note that I tried measuring only to get different measurements each time. I haven't taken pics so I might start that!

    And I know I had a pizza blow out a week ago but that rarely happens. I do 2 cheat meals a month. Week before Christmas was sorta bad but I still worked out 4x and lost the few lbs I gained in less than a week.
    Definitely start taking pics and measurements.

    To make measuring more accurate, make a note of where the measuring tape is - like at navel, across hip bones, or widest point - something to help you get the tape in the same place each time.

    If your trainer says you look toned and smaller, something must be working. How do your clothes fit? Any looser? I went six months without losing any weight on the scale, but during that time I lost inches and dropped a full size. My body was changing for the better, it just doesn't always reflect on the scale.
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I was stuck for 2 months when I first started because I wasn't eating enough for what I was burning. It seems like a little shock is needed to get off a plateau. In your case, I'd try going as low as you can get on sodium for several days. If that doesn't start the scale moving in the right direction, then eat at maintenance for a couple of days, then at a fairly large deficit for a day or two. That's what got me moving. But looking at your diary for a few days, I'd try controlling sodium first. If I have a high sodium day, I see it on the scale for the next 2-4 days.
  • snapehbp
    If your trainer says you look toned and smaller, something must be working. How do your clothes fit? Any looser? I went six months without losing any weight on the scale, but during that time I lost inches and dropped a full size. My body was changing for the better, it just doesn't always reflect on the scale.

    Clothes (bottoms) seem a bit looser. I'm definitely like you; I want to see the inches melt off. Trainer says to ignore scale, which I agree, but I just want to be in the "normal" BMI range as I'm still "overweight". Wish that scale would account for any muscle mass I have.

    The main reason for my thread is to make sure I'm eating enough (and calories back) enough/too much exercise, quality of food., etc., I've struggled with weight all my life, so it's a mystery to me still.

    Sodium is sometimes high but I never season my food. And I try to minimize any processed food; working on it :)
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    I have hit plateaus really hard since I started. The only thing that has actually broke the plateau for more than 2 lbs is my Bodymedia Link.
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    A brief look at your diary and the thing that sticks out to me is the constantly High salt (sodium). A lot seems to come from pre processed meat and cheese. Change your diet up lower your salt maybe go for less processed options and a lot more fresh fruit and veg see give it a couple of weeks and see where you are.
  • snapehbp
    A brief look at your diary and the thing that sticks out to me is the constantly High salt (sodium). A lot seems to come from pre processed meat and cheese. Change your diet up lower your salt maybe go for less processed options and a lot more fresh fruit and veg see give it a couple of weeks and see where you are.

    Thank you! That's what I'm thinking too. I just get tired of plain omelets but I might try for a few weeks to eliminate the ham/cheese even though I weigh it. maybe I should add protein powder and/or try to find another breakfast (I have two meals, one which is processed jimmy dean egg white/grain sandwiches).
  • snapehbp
    Do you guys feel that I'm eating enough 1600-1700 on days I work out eating back so I net 1200-1300? Or is that too little eaten back? I'm trying to reduce cardio and do more strength.
  • harley_rose
    I work out 5 days a week with cardio and weight lifting, but I found out I wasn't eating enough calories,because I would be so weak and tired all the times. My weight had stalled for about two weeks now, I have given myself two days off from working out and eating all my calories for the day. Guess what I lost two pounds and have energy to work out again..
  • snapehbp
    Sunday's are my day off but I will definately try what you did soon!!

    Anyone else out there feel I'm not eating enough, netting enough, etc? Really appreciate it :)
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    Netting 1200-1300 sounds low to me with everything captured accurately. I'm 59 and 135 pounds and lose nicely at 1400+ net. Make sure you're netting over your BMR.
  • littlebBigB
    I had the pleasure of spending the week with Snapehbp and I can say that we did exactly as she recorded.

    Everyone keeps saying to reduce sodium, and I can understand how that would make you shed some weight...but would that break a plateau?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I went from 1200 to 1400 calories around Late Nov. Still plateaued. Now I'm up to 1600. (So looking at my diary, earlier posts will make it LOOK like I ate way under, but again I've upped calories recently to try and break the plateau).

    If you wanted to gain weight, what would you do? You'd eat more.

    So why are you eating more when you are trying to *lose* weight?

    PS Your calorie burns look over-estimated. HRMs are notorious over-estimaters for the type of exercise you are logging. Can you run for 1 hour without stopping/walking? If so, how far can you go? This is important, because you are eating a whack of them back.
  • snapehbp
    I went from 1200 to 1400 calories around Late Nov. Still plateaued. Now I'm up to 1600. (So looking at my diary, earlier posts will make it LOOK like I ate way under, but again I've upped calories recently to try and break the plateau).

    If you wanted to gain weight, what would you do? You'd eat more.

    So why are you eating more when you are trying to *lose* weight?

    PS Your calorie burns look over-estimated. HRMs are notorious over-estimaters for the type of exercise you are logging. Can you run for 1 hour without stopping/walking? If so, how far can you go? This is important, because you are eating a whack of them back.

    I'm eatting more due to what others have said with plateaus. Eating 1400 burning 400-500, nothing, so I'm trying more especially since many with my stats and workout have suggested it to others. Am I not to net 1200 minimum? Zumba (I don't do it half assed) does not just burn 200. HRM says 500 but I usually lower it in case. I'm spot on my calories, and servings.
  • littlebBigB
    I'm with Snapehbp. I've seen it. If the hrm says 500 she puts a lot less to account for innacuracies. The truth is that plateaus exist. I think she's just making sure she's not in a plateau.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    Zumba (I don't do it half assed) does not just burn 200. HRM says 500 but I usually lower it in case.

    You're not going to want to hear this, but you are using your HRM wrong. As has been discussed on MFP ad nauseum, it will virtually always significantly over-estimate burns for these types of workout.

    For activities like Zumba, if you are already super fit (i.e., fitter than the Insanity instructor) then cut the HRM number in half. If you aren't that fit, cut it by two-thirds. If you aren't fit at all (i.e., can't run 5km/3 miles), then use 0 for the burn number (yes, 0).

    So....yeah...sorry, but that's the universe we live in...don't yell at me, I didn't set the laws of physics in motion.... :smile:

    Good luck!
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    I went from 1200 to 1400 calories around Late Nov. Still plateaued. Now I'm up to 1600. (So looking at my diary, earlier posts will make it LOOK like I ate way under, but again I've upped calories recently to try and break the plateau).

    If you wanted to gain weight, what would you do? You'd eat more.

    So why are you eating more when you are trying to *lose* weight?

    PS Your calorie burns look over-estimated. HRMs are notorious over-estimaters for the type of exercise you are logging. Can you run for 1 hour without stopping/walking? If so, how far can you go? This is important, because you are eating a whack of them back.

    I'm eatting more due to what others have said with plateaus. Eating 1400 burning 400-500, nothing, so I'm trying more especially since many with my stats and workout have suggested it to others. Am I not to net 1200 minimum? Zumba (I don't do it half assed) does not just burn 200. HRM says 500 but I usually lower it in case. I'm spot on my calories, and servings.

    You are right; you should be netting at least 1200 calories. And I looked at your exercise logs and think they seem very reasonable. You logged Bodypump as 300 calories, which is very similar to what I used to burn. I would try 1500 to 1600 and see what happens. You don't look like you have much to lose, so I definitely think going back to 1200 is not a good idea unless you are eating back a portion of your exercise calories.

    One other thing....have you considered a reset, eating at maintenance for a few weeks?
  • snapehbp
    @Dnarules: I haven't thought of maintenance but that is something to consider. Thanks for you help! The point of my post is to get feedback and try things I haven't done before. Clearly I need some assistance or I wouldn't be where I am now :) I'm not gaining, and am definitely getting in shape and am much stronger.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    I have had my best success at losing the fat without a single plateau eating about a 20% cut from my TDEE. That's about 1800-2000 cals a day for me (45 years old, 5'8"). I use a HRM, and I don't adjust the number at all - I go by what it tells me at the end of my workout.

    Great info here and links to tools to calculate and set up your BMR and TDEE numbers, and to customize your macro settings here at MFP:

    Really simplified the whole process for me. Eat to, or darn near goal every day (over or under by a bit, not a big deal). Aim to hit the macro numbers as much as possible. Reasonable exercise, drink water, take rest days, get good sleep. And repeat. Best move I ever made was following the info in that link. I have consistently seen improvement, sailed through two holiday seasons, vacations, etc without falling off any wagons, any of my new clothing becoming too tight, or feeling guilty because I was over goal a few times. I still eat cheeseburgers, pizza, ice cream, drink alcohol.....I enjoy life, and my fitness and fat loss goals fit right in. It's lifestyle change, and it's awesome.

    Don't over-think it. Figure out your numbers, set a plan that you can stick to, and go for it. Add in new goals or ways of doing things as your progress and learn more about what you like and what works best for you.