Health issues and where to start


Back in March 2013 I was diagnosed with a double pulmonary embolism and was hospatilised for 1 month,during the treatment I developed a retroperitoneal heamotoma which was the size of a beach ball on my right hand quadrant. Thankfully I have made a rapid recovery but although the heamotoma is still there it is decreasing in size and slowly dispersing into the body.

To get the point I basically need to shift some timber I'm a bulky 6ft 3inch 21 stone I still find the most menial tasks tiring and it makes me breathless because of the extra weight and my lungs, would any body have any ideas how I could slowly introduce myself into excercise at the gym without it being 2 demanding ? I know once I shift this load even say a stone or so I'll gradually step it up I just want to start with something less debilitating

Thank you



  • GeordieRover
    GeordieRover Posts: 22 Member
    I am a newbie here but have been exercising solid for two months, and one week since joining this forum.
    At 229 ibs approx 16.6 stone, and only 5ft 8 inch 49 year old male, alll I can say is exercise bikes are an absolute Godsend.
    Using a recumbent bike at home costs approx $35 per month to rent in Australia.
    Roughly if you do approx one hour on the bike you lose anywhere from 400 to 900 calories, depending on how hard you work.
    The big plus of the recumbent bike( sitting back) is you can read / use a computer, text, play a video game, whilst you just simply turn the pedals.
    I average 700 calories per 60 minutes, and feel better than I have ever for years.
    Your close shave , must have been very stressful, so I hope you a healthy future.
    Good exercising
  • snowbear1005
    snowbear1005 Posts: 79 Member
    Walking. Not too fast, but build distance over time. Just enough to keep you moving.

    You can worry about intensity after you've fully recovered.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    You lose weight by eating at a deficit. Exercise means you can eat more, but it's not necessary.

    During your convalescence, work on logging everything you eat accurately & honestly. Weigh your food. Find reliable database entries. (There's a lot of junk data in there.) When you're able, start walking. Read this:
  • warrenrose12
    warrenrose12 Posts: 22 Member
    Walking and the bike sound like a great start but do not fear if it is hard work at first, it,s always hard at first and taking the first step is the hardest, it will take time for weight to move so just keep going with it and do your best to try eat healthy food and not to over eat. portion control is sometimes hard but you can do it, how bad do you really want this , you can do it :) lots of people here will help but you need to want this your self the most, no one can do it for you where here to help ea other we all got different reasons so just ask anything at all , you will be fine :)