New here! One week in. Need friends+Advice!

I started my dieting and exercise exactly one week ago.
I used to eat SO badly. I mean horrible!
I are a lot too frequently. I limited myself to 1,500 cal a day. I haven't gone over and I've been in the gym every day working my *kitten* off. However, eating all the right things and doing intense training and cardio I haven't lost any weight. I weight in for my one week weigh in and when I started I weighed 254.6 lbs. today I was 252.6 lbs. TWO
POUNDS. :( I feel like I've lost though,
My tummy feels flatter. And I noticed to today in the gym I can run much longer without stopping then I could a week ago! But that's it! Any friends requests or advice would be awesome!
Thanks! Bethany.


  • jessiej99
    jessiej99 Posts: 28 Member
    Hang in there and keep working hard.
  • Hi Bethany,

    Welcome, welcome to MFP. Sounds like you are doing quite well. I'll be glad to be your friend should you send a friend request. Best of luck in meeting your goals.
  • slow wayyyyyy down, not with your goals and motivation, but with your expectations.

    I know it is SOOOO hard when you feel like you've totally busted *kitten* and rocked that **** out that you DESERVE to see exactly what you want...but unfortunately it doesn't work that way. Stay on track with your food and exercise and keep pushing. You will get there. Our bad habits and fat accumulation didn't happen instantly. It took time It will reversely take at least as much time to change them

  • Thank you! I appreciate it! I guess your right I need to slow my expectations down, been watching too much Biggest Loser hehe.
    I am just wanting to see SOMETHING- ANYTHING! Didn't know if anyone else had similar stories!
  • NewDavenport
    NewDavenport Posts: 83 Member
    Hi Bethany, keep going everyone looses differently some will loose big in the first few weeks then plato, others wont loose so much in the first few weeks then they drop it like nothing and others loose some every week consistently just remember you may have water weight and although it may not look like your loosing weight (scales) you may actually be dropping centimeters so its a good idea to measure yourself as you may also be gaining muscle, if you get what i mean :)

    feel free to add me if you want to
  • queenbee5933
    queenbee5933 Posts: 11 Member
    Two pounds the first week! You are doing great! Keep up the good work.
  • Yes thank you! I do think it has to do with water, I've also cut out ALL soda. So I've drank nothing but water all week so maybe your right!
  • NewDavenport
    NewDavenport Posts: 83 Member
    A nice option is to ad a little cordial to your water not soda just the flavor cordial you get in the bottles small amount of calories but great if you don't want just water i have been having it and have lost good i don't eat meat too often and i don't have big meals i allow one day a week for a meal of my choice from take out, eg. burger or nuggets or something lol nothing too big just something to keep the cravings at bay as you can remind yourself that you have that one day a week and it doesn't have to big an impact on the diet as you can still remain under your calories if its done right :) and i don't touch milk or too much dairy and not too much bread at all lol but their just hints that could help :)
  • All very good hints thank you!!