Stopping smoking



  • Hey there

    I had the same problem until I got an electronic cigarette - sure you still have cravings but they're easier to manage. Then you can wean yorself off that by dropping the nicotine levels. On zero nicotine now and preparing to quit totally and feeling quite good about it :D
  • BonnieCaley
    BonnieCaley Posts: 37 Member
    Really appreciate all your suggestions, I am gearing up for Tuesday and plan to also avoid hot drinks - tea and coffee mainly as they are associated to me with smoking. I think a January spring clean will also be happening to keep myself busy!! Am so determined that I will quit, I don't enjoy smoking and when I'm not with others I don't miss it. Congrats to everyone who has already quit wherever they are on their path :)
  • Paindoesnthurt
    Paindoesnthurt Posts: 51 Member
    I've never been a smoker nor have I ever drank but one good tip I have that has helped me with other addictions (that some people find funny like too much video games) is getting a pen and paper and writing a milestone every single 30 days.

    Example is if I play video games 8 hours every single day. I naturally know I have good will power so I would ease into it at my level and my first 30 days would be to not play 2 days in the week or even read about video games. If that was easy or I nailed it, the next 30 I would not play video games 3 days. etc until I'm happy and finally quit altogether. This doesn't just have to apply with video games or smoking by the way! It can help everyone with their junk food addictions or any other addictions!

    Hope that helps!
  • BonnieCaley
    BonnieCaley Posts: 37 Member
    I think this could be good for a lot of things, but personally I'm an all or nothing person in a lot of respects :). I have to quit completely as cutting down still makes me a smoker and I don't want to be one
  • j0705
    j0705 Posts: 185
    i quit a while back using gum and others used e-cigs or vape .. theyre still using the vape and e-cigs but at least they arent smoking. I miss the social side of it, but i still go to the smoking areas and not smoke, if im out and everyone smokes rather than siting in a venue alone twiddling my fingers lol
  • besdais
    besdais Posts: 76 Member
    I quit in March using the forum at They saved me, and it is the best feeling ever. They do not recognize ecigs as quitting, because the biggest part of the quit is getting rid of the habit, as nicotine gets out of your system in about a week. The habit is the hard part, and the ecig just prolongs that. That being said, everyone quits in their own way, and whatever works for you is best. It is so worth it. Check out the forum if you're interested. Oh, and my husband still smokes, but wants to quit now that I have. I also couldn't go to social situations where there was smoke for awhile, but everyone understood and was actually jealous of me that I could make that commitment. Do it.
  • cms721
    cms721 Posts: 179 Member
    Go see your doctor and get a scrip for a smoking cessation drug. You take the pills and smoke for the first week and because of the drugs - they taste like crap. But ultimately when you really want to quit, it will happen.
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member - check it out. They do not like the electronic cigs though. Lots of support and tips. Helped me quit 8 years ago after a pack a day for over 20 years.
  • Paindoesnthurt
    Paindoesnthurt Posts: 51 Member
    Ah I see all or nothing type? We're pretty similar then! I quit junk food cold turkey the minute I decided that I am what I eat. Then I've no tips other than the nike motto "just do it!" I will say however that it gets so easy after a certain period that you don't think twice about it. Now when I go to a KFC, a pizza hut or whatever I don't get any cravings, my mouth doesn't water and I can go in there at any time with whoever and have no temptation to eat.

    Wish you all the best!
  • beckyhernandez1
    beckyhernandez1 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All. I've been smoke free for 20 days. It gets easier everyday but wonder will the cravings disappear someday... I would love to go a day without thinking about it at all!
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    It will happen - it just takes time. After about a month, go back and think about that first day - how hard it was, how much effort it took. Again in thirty days and so on. Most days I do not even think about it any more. Keep it up - it is SO not worth it to go back.
  • I quit on Jan 1 this year. It was my 4th or 5th try. Even my doctor said nobody is really successful at first try. So, if you relapse then try again. But you have to really want to quit or else you will get stressed and have a cigarette. The first week is the most difficult, then it is much easier. Actually, if you can get pass the first 3 days you can do it. It has been almost 3 weeks for me now and I only think about smoking sometimes, like after a big meal. The hardest part is that you have to "undo" all the smoking associations like coffee, driving etc. Ask your husband to smoke outside, or in the bathroom. I also got a "vape". It has helped me because it feels like smoking but no nicotine. You should try it