Does diet coke aid in weight gain?

I know it's supposedly calorie free but I have heard so many bad things about it lately. I only drink it occasionally, usually before bed, but I don't want it to hold me back from my weight loss goal! Thanks :)


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    diet coke has no effect on your weight loss. if you're eating at a calorie deficit you will lose weight.
  • BrettWithPKU
    BrettWithPKU Posts: 575 Member
    The worst I've heard about diet coke is that it makes SOME people crave sugary things. But those people might crave sugary things anyway.
    Oh, and that the artificial sweeteners cause cancer.

    But hey, everything causes cancer.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I drink diet soda every day. Hasn't effected me at all. All you need to lose weight is a calorie deficit.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    The worst I've heard about diet coke is that it makes SOME people crave sugary things. But those people might crave sugary things anyway.

    It aids in weight LOSS for me.
  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    It isn't a healthy drink but doesn't cause weight gain or loss by itself but can screw with your taste-buds and you should just reach for your water or mineral water instead.
    The title suggests the question is not because of healthiness as pretty much everyone know that soft drink isn't good for you and if you are drinking something for the reason of no calorie go water always. Carbonated drinks can make you feel sick especially if you aren't eating enough anyway.
    Overall I'd say do what you feel is right and if you have side effects (dizziness, ill, tiredness etc) or doubts see your doctor. Trust yourself and if you don't know use a doctor or multiple doctors.

    On another matter in regards to weight loss (this is my doctor) the deficit was wither eat enough to maintain the weight or lose slowly, the doctor trusts that slow and steady wins the race.
  • DoNotSpamMe73
    DoNotSpamMe73 Posts: 286 Member
    The worst I've heard about diet coke is that it makes SOME people crave sugary things. But those people might crave sugary things anyway.

    It aids in weight LOSS for me.

    Not surprising coming down to calorie deficit and exercise and can help some to not overeat. Just not the healthiest (but not the worst) drink will aid or not aid depending on the person.
  • j3nndar3lla
    Thanks everyone. I recently read that it messes with your blood sugar levels and over time can mess with your metabolism. I just don't want to be drinking it now thinking that it's okay because I'm not seeing any immediate bad effects.
  • nikki0753
    nikki0753 Posts: 383 Member
    Wont make you gain weight but will make u feel bloated! also soooo bad for your teeth just before bed. diet drinks are highly acidic and will wear your enamel
  • ronellevan
    Diet coke contains a sweetener called Aspartame and there are so many articles online on why that is bad for you and can hinder your weight loss, if not stop it completely. Not to mention all the chemicals that are doing who-knows-what to the rest of you, including causing cancer.
    Do a quick google search on it,.

    Most health experts would advise against drinking or eating foods with aspartame - and many other sweeteners - or at the very least cutting down.

    Of course this varies from person to person, but maybe it's a good idea to stop drinking it for two weeks and see what it does for you.
  • toddis
    toddis Posts: 941 Member
    Diet coke contains a sweetener called Aspartame and there are so many articles online on why that is bad for you and can hinder your weight loss, if not stop it completely. Not to mention all the chemicals that are doing who-knows-what to the rest of you, including causing cancer.
    Do a quick google search on it,.

    Most health experts would advise against drinking or eating foods with aspartame - and many other sweeteners - or at the very least cutting down.

    Of course this varies from person to person, but maybe it's a good idea to stop drinking it for two weeks and see what it does for you.

    How about instead of doing a google search do a pubmed or google scholar search.
    Who believes unverified sources on the internet anyways?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    no, over eating aids in weight gain …

    under eating leads to weight loss

    diet coke has zero impact on either of these...
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Diet coke contains a sweetener called Aspartame and there are so many articles online on why that is bad for you and can hinder your weight loss, if not stop it completely. Not to mention all the chemicals that are doing who-knows-what to the rest of you, including causing cancer.
    Do a quick google search on it,.

    Most health experts would advise against drinking or eating foods with aspartame - and many other sweeteners - or at the very least cutting down.

    Of course this varies from person to person, but maybe it's a good idea to stop drinking it for two weeks and see what it does for you.

    How about instead of doing a google search do a pubmed or google scholar search.
    Who believes unverified sources on the internet anyways?

    I heard once that they can't put anything on the Internet that isn't true.
  • geebusuk
    geebusuk Posts: 3,348 Member
    Do a quick google search on it,.
    How about doing a longer google search where you seperate out the conspiracy nuts from useful information.
    Most health experts would advise against drinking or eating foods with aspartame - and many other sweeteners - or at the very least cutting down.
    They aren't 'expert' if they do.
  • padams2359
    padams2359 Posts: 1,093 Member
    It is known to cause short term memory lose. My wife use to drink tons of the stuff, but stopped a few months ago. I have noticed her memory has improved significantly since stopping.
  • steffipaulina
    I think it does different things to everyone. And maybe it just has to do with your mind set.

    I've drank a lot of it during my thinnest times and my heaviest. The difference is during my thinnest times I viewed it as a 'treat' and then was just content to have it. During my heavier times I have been on sugar binges and it just made me think about sugar more and when I was going to get my next sugar fix.

    I know for a fact that you can still lose weight because when I was a teen I used to drink a 2L of diet colas along with under 500 calories of food. Unhealthy - yes! but I did lose weight and was completely satisfied because I was getting my energy from the soda.

    I know it causes cancer and this and that but it's really hard not to get back into the habit of drinking it. I just find when I am in the right mindset of dieting it helps conquer my cravings.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    It only aids in weight gain if you use it to wash down meals that exceed your TDEE.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    I know it causes cancer and this and that but it's really hard not to get back into the habit of drinking it. I just find when I am in the right mindset of dieting it helps conquer my cravings.

    how do you know it causes cancer?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    It is known to cause short term memory lose. My wife use to drink tons of the stuff, but stopped a few months ago. I have noticed her memory has improved significantly since stopping.

    LOLZ thats all I got
  • TinyBriony14
    I can't see that it would affect you in terms of weight gain. Of course artificial sweeteners are said to cause some people to crave sugary things.

    I sometimes drink diet coke if I really really want something sweet but don't have the calories for it. So I guess it helps me!
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    lost almost 60lbs while drinking 5-6 cans of diet soda a day. Now maintaining while still drinking 4-5 cans of diet soda a day. I'm healthy and I have had absolutely no negative side effects from drinking soda (I've gone through periods where I've stopped drinking it and didn't notice any difference at all). Some people can be sensitive to aspartame, but that doesn't mean it's bad for everyone, just like anything else :)