Will I be able to lose 25lb by July?

Hi everyone. I'm 18, 5'3 and currently weigh 150lb. I really want to be 125lb by July when it's prom. I've always been quite body concious and the thought of going to prom as I am now scares the living daylights out of me. I have a treadmill at home but I really do not have the motivation to run on it, even though I feel great when I do use it. If I start off running for 30mins/3 times a week and slowly increase time, and count calories, do you realistically think I would be able to reach my goal by July? Also, any useful advice for when I'm feeling unmotivated? Thanks :)


  • Chain_Ring
    Chain_Ring Posts: 753 Member
  • ThinEdielynne
    You can totally do it! I find with weight loss diet is #1 exercise number #2. Watching your calorie intake will make the most difference. I try to eat a lot of vitamin rich foods that are bright colors. So lots of raw fruits and vegetables. You'll also be amazed how you'll be less hungry and more satisfied with less food when you feed your body nutrients vs mass/ filler. Cutting out all bread (gluten) and dairy will also do wonders. And don't forget stress relief. Next time you feel stressed, try taking a few deep breaths instead a reaching for the ice cream. Good luck! Have fun at prom!
  • ThinEdielynne
    Also, go buy that dress! Keep it out in your bedroom visible all the time. When you need motivation, look at the dress or look at fitspo/thinspo photos online. Start a diet blog, update it regularly. Stack up fashion magazines equal to the weight you want to lose, then remove them as you lose the weight and watch that pile shrink! Walk through the mall and imagine your new body in all the outfits you'll want to buy when you've hit your goal. And allow yourself a "cheat" day, a day you can look forward to where you can eat whatever you want : )
  • georgetf
    Yes you can!!! 2lbs per week is safe and do-able! Just plug in your weight and how much you want to lose along with any exercise goals! When I don't feel motivated to 'move'. I tell myself "THE MORE YOU MOVE, THE MORE YOU LOSE!" After repeating that about 5 times I'm already walking or going to get my bicycle. Right now I do 30 min-3 times a week of walking or Zumba class and I've lost 25 lbs and I'm 47 years old! You can do it!
  • cajach
    cajach Posts: 22 Member
    Thank you everyone :)