I really want to stick with it this time!

I'm Jess, 22 and I'm currently at my highest weight ever, somewhere I never wanted to be. I've tried losing weight before on this site and since then, I gave up and gained 20lbs!!!

I now weigh 252lbs and I feel enough is enough. My motivation has never been good though and I tend to be an emotional eater. I also find it hard because I can't cook my own meals as I live with my boyfriend and his mother and I don't feel comfortable going in to his kitchen. I just have to eat what she cooks for me and then I tend to go out and eat junk on top of it!

If anyone is great at motivating, I could certainly do with the help and I will try my best to motivate back.


  • You should watch this video. It really motivated me to change my life.

  • the best thing you can do is 'go in that kitchen'! have a conversation with your bf and the mom. get uncomfortable to get comfortable or... research cold food recipes that won't require cooking.
  • aklittle4
    aklittle4 Posts: 1 Member
    you can always buy skinless boneless chicken, cook up ahead of time ...this will help with the time she is cooking...go buy some medium torilla, mexican cheese shredded, lettuce, ranch if you like and any kind of veggies you would like to add.
    I make this for my kids lunch every day. It is very filling. If you want to replace this with her heavy cooking. you can heat up the chicken and throw together in a heartbeat. Melt the cheese. and best part its easy to take with you on the go.
    Cheap also. you can throw together anything in the torilla wraps. eggs scrambled..
    There are so many options. Make ahead is the trick...When she is out at the grocery store? Maybe that will help you with feeling comfortable. But I would suggest...since you do live there with her...
    Make sure you let her know its not her cooking..lol
    She may take offense. Letting her know, you are wanting to cut down you calorie intake and watch your eating habits. Since her cooking is so good you have gained a bit of weight. That may smooth it over a little better. And ask her for a time that you can use her kitchen to make your meals? That would be benificial for you all the way around.
  • lisasback25
    lisasback25 Posts: 10 Member
    I am so tired of starting over! I have to lose this 40 lbs. this year. I know so much about eating right and working out yet I don't take my own advice. I get discouraged at the littlest things and I am not hard enough on my self. I would love some friends with encouragement and any advice.