Insanity, starting back tomorrow



  • mountaingirl1961
    mountaingirl1961 Posts: 75 Member
    INSANITY is a 60-day high-intensity workout program that focuses on bodyweight exercises with a very healthy dose of plyometrics. It is NOT for the joint-challenged, nor is it a place to start for the deconditioned. It IS extremely effective for those willing to do the work (dig deeper!) and who are very conscientious about form. Google it if you'd like to learn more, it's all over the Internet.

    I loved INSANITY and would gladly go through it again. Unfortunately, I have a knee injury and have been warned off of plyometrics by my doctor and PT. Good luck all of you - push play, watch your form, dig deeper, and pay attention to the nutrition piece. If you're going to be going through all of that work, give yourself the best chance possible of success.
  • kotersmom
    kotersmom Posts: 96 Member
    So here I am AGAIN! I have started and restarted and not completed Insanity yet!

    Someone kick my *kitten* until I get through it PLEASE!! Thank you! :)
  • joehempel
    joehempel Posts: 1,543 Member
    Add me, I'll do it LOL.
  • a link to Insanity:

    Its awesome, hi cardio high impact, great to burn fat. 6 days a week for 2 months. and the time needed is usually under an hour. This was a major deciding factor for me - i wanted to do P90X again but couldnt put that much time into my workouts, 90 days straight (some days were close to 2 hours-yoga)