Can someone look at my food diary...

And tell me if my meals are well balanced. And if I'm eating to little.
I am completely exhausted tired and irritable all day since I started eating clean and working out! Help pleaSe


  • runamym
    runamym Posts: 83 Member
    your food diary is not public. Can't see it.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    As stated, your diary is not set to public. However, these two links should be helpful and were a huge turning point in my weight loss. I hope they can help you as well :flowerforyou:

    If you are feeling badly, I would definitely look at your macro break down, not necessarily if you're eating clean or not, as that is unnecessary. Make sure you're getting enough enough proteins and fats. I know I feel better when. I aim high with these targets, also more full. If you're doing 1200 calories, I highly suggest looking into those links and finding an intake that works better for you. I tried 1200 net for about 2 months. I was miserable and energy-less. Now, I net around 1600 and am still seeing steady loss with much more energy. Hope this helps :flowerforyou:
  • MyaAlisha6
    MyaAlisha6 Posts: 19 Member
    Oops! Okay I made my diary public. And thanks I will check those links out!
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Why are you only at a 1200 cal daily goal? I would be irritable as well.
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I don't worry about eating "clean" so maybe I don't know what "clean" means to you but...

    Sunday you ate very little at breakfast and lunch. Most everything was logged under snacks.

    Do you consider kettle corn "clean"? I am asking because as I said I don't worry about eating clean...I fairly well eat anything that I want within the goals I have set.

    I am not being mean but it seems as if you are depending on snacks too much. Believe me...I love my snacks but try to get most of my food at regular meal times. My net calories are set at 1330 and most of the time I am satisfied at that level unless I over do it on those snacks.
  • MyaAlisha6
    MyaAlisha6 Posts: 19 Member
    No I don't consider kettle corn clean. I try to do the 80/20 not 100% clean. And yeah I've always kinda been a snacker . I am a mom of two girls and a lot of the time I don't have the time to prepare a full well rounded meal. As far as the 1200 idk that's what it said I should be eating to reach my goals, I am new at all this stuff.
  • MyaAlisha6
    MyaAlisha6 Posts: 19 Member
    That's what in need to consume to reach my goals, I guess
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Eat more protein!!
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    How much did you set it up for to lose per week?

    You only have 25lbs to lose and if you set it at 2lbs it will probably only give you the minimum.

    I started with a goal of 100lbs...2lbs a it gave me 1200. It wasn't enough (I was nuts) so I lowered it to 1.5 and it increase it to 1350. I still lose the 2lbs a week but I am doing it at a higher calorie level. careful about eating back all of your exercise calories...the burn calories that is listed are sometimes over stated. I eat back about half of mine or save them for my pizza night on the weekend.

    I will open up my diary so that you can see what I eat that might give you some ideas. Oh...and you will see...I eat snacks too! Love those snacks.
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Eating 'clean' doesn't mean anything for weight loss (or anything else really but we'll stick to weight loss here lol). Weight loss is about eating the right amount of calories to progress towards your goals, in a way that is sustainable and does not make you absolutely miserable. In your case I'm going to guess you're not eating enough. Here's a pretty good calculator-enter your info and see what you get

    Also, I'd suggest reading this article that just came out-really solid info-pay attention to myth #1 :)
  • hbaby08
    hbaby08 Posts: 75
    some of your meals are kind of light. make sure you are spreading out what you eat. Like not eating all your snacks at one particular time of day (if you do). Or for example, do you eat a light breakfast and are grumpy, or eat light dinner and craving, etc.) for the most part it from your numbers it looks balanced (not too much in red). Maybe some more veggies and fiber. Tweak a few things, give it a week or two, and go from there. Good luck.
  • mxmkenney
    mxmkenney Posts: 486 Member
    I think you are eating well enough... although you should try to get some more fresh produce in your diet. It will help you feel fuller longer and give you more energy. That and try to up your protein. Instead of grabbing a bar, go for an apple with peanut butter. The same amount of calories but your snack will last longer and fill you up more.

    I have tried the "clean" eating and it is extremely hard for me. I feel deprived when I have to eliminate entire food categories such as bread/grains or eliminate ALL added sugar. It is not realistic for me. I think making better choices with the calories you do consume is far more important. I like your 80/20 ideology - I'd say for the 80% make your calories count, eating whole grains, fresh produce and lean protein, but for the other 20%, eat what you like and no food is off limits.

    I also heard that the first few weeks of eating clean, you WILL be low energy and tired. If you can get through the first 3 weeks, supposedly it gets better. Good luck if you do decide to stick with it!
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Why are you only at a 1200 cal daily goal? I would be irritable as well.
    Raving lunatic is what I'd be! :noway: :grumble: :explode: :angry:
  • amelialou83

    Not sure if I can help but I can tell you my experiences using MFP and dieting...

    The first time I used MFP it gave me 1200 cals and I was grumpy because I struggled to keep my calories so low, I was tired all day but couldn't sleep at night (because I was hungry I think) This time round I am on 1440 and I haven't had any problems and I'm still losing weight, maybe a bit slower but its definitely healthier to lose it slowly.

    Over the last couple of weeks I have completely changed my diet and I can definitely notice a difference in my energy levels...even though its early days. I am trying to cut out as much processed food as I can. Most of my meals are meat, vegetables, wholegrain foods like brown rice, brown pasta, couscous. I'm trying to limit my sugar intake (I keep reading about how bad sugar is for us) and eat a lot of fibre...also I'm drinking lots of water too. Sounds boring I know but I weigh myself Saturday mornings and then I let myself be a bit naughtier for the rest of the day. I am a complete chocolate freak so I have kept a bar of dark choc in the fridge for times of desperation haha!

    I have 3 step-kids so I know what you mean about lack of time for meals...once I've cooked theirs I cant be bothered with my own. Couscous is handy if you like it because it cooks really quick with some boiled water from the kettle, I boil a load of eggs up at a time and keep in the fridge for an easy snack (bit stinky but good for you), nuts are a quick snack too and I usually keep a tub of grapes in the fridge if I need a sweet snack, I also like oat cakes with a bit of peanut butter if im hungry between meals. Just some of my ideas anyway.

    I don't know if any of that helps...good luck :-)
  • MyaAlisha6
    MyaAlisha6 Posts: 19 Member
    Thank you all for your input!! You don't know how much I appreciate it :) a lot of great info.