Getting ENOUGH calories??

PocketNaomi Posts: 62
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
Boy oh boy, did I not think this was going to be my problem when I started to diet.

I keep saying I'm going to stick close to, not far under, 1200 calories and I end up around 600-750. Today I said I was going to go for 1600 because my body was screaming for food, so I did what felt like eating everything in sight, all day, and I end up with... 1184. What's happening to me? It's like I can't even find the calories to go over with when I try! I even ate two ice cream sandwiches today!

And yes, I know, I can easily go over by putting butter on everything, or wolfing down a 20-pack of chicken mcnuggets with a large fries the way I used to. But the things I keep around the house that I like are so deliberately dietetic that I don't seem able to each enough of them to get properly fed as well as losing weight! And my mindset has shifted too, So many things don't seem to me to be "worth" their calorie content, so I skip them and eat something lighter.

Ah, well. Learning, just slowly.


  • Magenta15
    Magenta15 Posts: 850 Member
    peanut butter? almonds? using olive oil to cook your veggies? avacado on your sandwich?

    there are a few healthy add ins that you can use :)
  • I agree with you! I have the same problem. I have added almonds to my diet, which does add some calories! I have been able to get about 1200 everyday, but some days it is really hard! I think that is better than the alternative though :)
  • Have a beer! :)
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    Hey there,

    How many times a day are you eating in order to get your 1600 Calories?

    break that up into the recommended 5-6 meals a day and you're looking at about 250 - 300 calories per meal.

    Many of the simplest meals are that size without chowing down on the processed fast food.

    - Bowl of Cereal with Milk and a Glass of OJ (Approx 250 Cals
    - Nature Valley Granola Bar (220 Cals)
    - PB Sandwich and Glass of Milk ( approx 300 Cals
    - Cup of Yogurt and a Banana - (250 Cals)
    - 8 Oz Chicken with Steamed Rice - (approx 350-400 Cals).

    Add in another snack, some veggies, whatever floats your boat and you're at 1600 easily. :-)
  • I think that the calories are just a suggestion to go by, if you are getting good nutrients and vitamins and eating healthy and not starving yourself the calories shouldn't matter too much, obviously try to get closer to the goal, but I don't stress about it, everyone's calorie suggestion is different depending on your age, weight, and what you want to loose I think
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I have this problem. I've only had 470 calories today. I'm trying to figure out what to eat to get it up some. I'm just not really hungry.
  • Egger29
    Egger29 Posts: 14,741 Member
    I think that the calories are just a suggestion to go by, if you are getting good nutrients and vitamins and eating healthy and not starving yourself the calories shouldn't matter too much, obviously try to get closer to the goal, but I don't stress about it, everyone's calorie suggestion is different depending on your age, weight, and what you want to loose I think

    Calorie = Energy.

    Your body requires a certain amount of energy each day in order to function...this amount being listed as your basic Metabolic Rate.

    We intake food as Calories in order to provide our bodies with energy for nutrition and survival.

    That being said, each person is different as lifestyle plays a huge role in the individual needs, but regardless, eating less than your Basic Metabolic Intake isn't healthy as you'll be denying your body essential nutrition to survive and function.

    Quality of Calorie selection is where most people go wrong in the average diet and that's what brings on alot of confusion (and along with that people who aim to capitalize on said confustion)
  • Pitterpatter
    Pitterpatter Posts: 243 Member
    i'm having the same problem. :frown: i thought i ate great today but i'm 900 under what i should be!!! ugh!!!
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