Weight loss and toning

Hi I am needing some help on my weight loss and toning planning.
I am Female, age 21, 5ft and weigh 126lb

I have been dieting for 8 days now and this is what I have been doing-

Consuming 1200 calories a day which only include these foods and drinks:
Chicken, tuna, eggs, fruit, veg, cod, natural yogurt, skimmed milk, cereal, brown rice, porridge, beans, green tea and water.

I have been exercising 5 times a week burning on average 600/500 calories per 1 hour session mainly focusing on cardio and a little on weights. I also walk to the gym and back which is two mile in total and I do a 10 minute intense workout before bed.

I know results take time but I am quite an inpatient person so roughly does anyone have any idea how long it will take me to loose a stone? Also this is just a plan I have made myself so does anyone know if it will be effective?

One more thing I am not pooping as often and this is alarming, I only poop once every 3/4 days.. any explanations?

Thanks, Michelle.


  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
  • moosh2014
  • jardimgirl
    jardimgirl Posts: 522 Member
    lol when someone says bump, it means they'd like to know the answer as well or they want to save that post to read later on. im in the same boat as you, so id like to know some answers as well :)
  • moosh2014
    Ah right! Yeah hopefully this will draw us some answers soon!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I know results take time but I am quite an inpatient person so roughly does anyone have any idea how long it will take me to loose a stone? Also this is just a plan I have made myself so does anyone know if it will be effective?

    One more thing I am not pooping as often and this is alarming, I only poop once every 3/4 days.. any explanations?

    At your age it probably won't take long to lose that much weight. But with eating so little and not much strength training I would not expect to be toned after you do. A slower weight loss and more strength training could help you keep more muscle as you lose fat. You are also more likely to keep it off if you don't crash diet.

    The digestive issues could be due to increased fiber intake (depending on what your diet was like before). Fiber aids in digestion, but a sudden increase can cause problems. Drink plenty of liquids and it should sort itself out in a couple of weeks. A probiotic might also help.
  • Smashley1947
    Are you eating vegetables, getting enough fibre??

    You may not be eating enough to cover your workouts.

    I would also add more weightlifting to help with muscle building (which wont happen on such a large calorie deficit)
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hi I am needing some help on my weight loss and toning planning.
    I am Female, age 21, 5ft and weigh 126lb

    I have been dieting for 8 days now and this is what I have been doing-

    Consuming 1200 calories a day which only include these foods and drinks:
    Chicken, tuna, eggs, fruit, veg, cod, natural yogurt, skimmed milk, cereal, brown rice, porridge, beans, green tea and water.

    I have been exercising 5 times a week burning on average 600/500 calories per 1 hour session mainly focusing on cardio and a little on weights. I also walk to the gym and back which is two mile in total and I do a 10 minute intense workout before bed.

    I know results take time but I am quite an inpatient person so roughly does anyone have any idea how long it will take me to loose a stone? Also this is just a plan I have made myself so does anyone know if it will be effective?

    One more thing I am not pooping as often and this is alarming, I only poop once every 3/4 days.. any explanations?

    Thanks, Michelle.

    Eating 1200 and exercising for 500 leaves your body with 700 NET calories. This is what your body has available for heart, lungs, kidneys, skin, muscle, etc.....daily bodily function

    Now because this is NOT enough for all of the above.... your body needs to make choices.....heart is more important than fueling lean muscle...... so lean muscle will not be nourished.

    This means your body is losing fat+muscle. Losing fat & KEEPING muscle is the way to look "toned"

    Look up your BMR & TDEE ......include exercise in your TDEE & subtract 250 calories (1/2 pound per week goal).

  • moosh2014
    All my meals I eat veg some which include, red peppers, tomato, spring onion, cucumber, lettuce, mushrooms, corn, carrots
    The bran flakes I eat are high in fibre and I also eat fruit, grapes, strawberry, raspberry's, banana, apples
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Hi I am needing some help on my weight loss and toning planning.
    I am Female, age 21, 5ft and weigh 126lb

    I have been dieting for 8 days now and this is what I have been doing-

    Consuming 1200 calories a day which only include these foods and drinks:
    Chicken, tuna, eggs, fruit, veg, cod, natural yogurt, skimmed milk, cereal, brown rice, porridge, beans, green tea and water.

    I have been exercising 5 times a week burning on average 600/500 calories per 1 hour session mainly focusing on cardio and a little on weights. I also walk to the gym and back which is two mile in total and I do a 10 minute intense workout before bed.

    I know results take time but I am quite an inpatient person so roughly does anyone have any idea how long it will take me to loose a stone? Also this is just a plan I have made myself so does anyone know if it will be effective?

    One more thing I am not pooping as often and this is alarming, I only poop once every 3/4 days.. any explanations?

    Thanks, Michelle.

    Eating 1200 and exercising for 500 leaves your body with 700 NET calories. This is what your body has available for heart, lungs, kidneys, skin, muscle, etc.....daily bodily function

    Now because this is NOT enough for all of the above.... your body needs to make choices.....heart is more important than fueling lean muscle...... so lean muscle will not be nourished.

    This means your body is losing fat+muscle. Losing fat & KEEPING muscle is the way to look "toned"

    Look up your BMR & TDEE ......include exercise in your TDEE & subtract 250 calories (1/2 pound per week goal).


    This is spot on advice.
  • SushiPunk
    SushiPunk Posts: 30 Member
    Since you are at a decent healthy weight already and trying to work on muscle tone, taking your measurements may be a better option for tracking your weight loss than weighing yourself. The first few weeks of exercise you probably won't see much of a difference on the scale b/c your body will be adjusting the the new workouts, but after that you will probably start losing weight. If you want to gain more muscle you may want to up your calorie intake just a little bit to count for some extra protein, getting enough protein is very important in building muscle. As far as your digestive system changing, just make sure you are eating enough and getting your fiber. If you aren't in pain or feeling bloated all the time I wouldn't worry about it. I only go every 3 to 4 days and that's how I have been my whole life. I have had many test run and nothing is wrong. Everyone is different. Good luck.