Got to do this....

Hello all.
I have had a weight issue for about 17 years now. I didn't start out this way, but my weight has gotten out of control because of medical complications and lack of motivation lately.
I have Cushing's disease, which (for me) is incurrable and a rare pituitary disease. This was the initial baloon in weight, and it has been a struggle to keep it from packing on. I battled with cancer for a couple of years, so wieght management wasn't a factor during the intense treatment time, since not having an appetite is more of an issue during that time. I have been cancer free for nearly 10 years now, and living an incredibly active life on my eco-farm until now...I just found out that I have Multiple sclerosis too.
This pretty much put a halt to my activity for the past 8 months, and my wasteline has suffered for it.
I'm not looking for miracles, when it comes to losing weight, but I need to lose this weight; so that I may continue to be able just to continue activities of daily living that most take for granted.
I seem to be progressing toward the rigid side quickly lately, and this will slow down a bit, but if I don't lose some weight...I know I will be prisoner to my own body.
My over all goal is 100lbs, but right now; I would be happy to lose 20lbs and go from there. I have already lost 13lbs, so the next 20lbs is my next goal. I hope to start hydro therapy soon, so that I may be able to get more exercise that is less impact.
If anyone has any suggestions, I am completely open to them.
My case is pretty different; even to the medical world, so anything is an experiment at this point.
I hope to get to know some of you.


  • leahruth2012
    leahruth2012 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow, I am amazed at your will to keep fighting! You can do it!!
  • Nakedgrass
    Nakedgrass Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you. Believe is VERY HARD. I just don't want my weight to keep me prisoner in my own body. That's my motivation.
  • ralphthedoggy
    ralphthedoggy Posts: 10 Member
    You can totally do this Nakedgrass! I'm concentrating on 10 pounds at a time or I feel overwhelmed!
  • michiganderrdh
    michiganderrdh Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome and this is a great community for support!
    Please feel free to friend me for motivation and support :)

  • mg_89
    mg_89 Posts: 189 Member
    good luck to you!!!
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    congratulations on your determination to keep moving! That is already a fabulous first step. Setting small goals is a good way to go. It helps provide motivation to keep moving forward when you start seeing yourself achieving your goals. We are here to support you all the way
  • Nakedgrass
    Nakedgrass Posts: 7 Member
    You all are so cool:) I needed a place to be with other people going through the same weight struggle. It's a battle enough trying to do it completely on your own, and with little motivation.
    I just hope I can return the
  • crickle3013
    crickle3013 Posts: 17 Member
    Wow! That is one hell of a journey on its own without having the added stress of losing weight. Cheers to you for making it through all that. I am also on a weight loss journey to lose over 80 lbs for different health reasons. I am seeing an orthopedic surgeon on Thursday to see what options I have for treating a ruptured lumbar disc in my lower back. Also, I am looking to have children in the next few years, and may face infertility if I do not get my weight under control. I wish you the best in your journey. Feel free to add me for support and motivation. :)