Safety warning on Apple's quick-impact weight loss capsules

Apple's Quick-Impact Weight Loss capsules pose a serious risk to your health and should not be taken.

The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has tested Apple's Quick-Impact Weight Loss capsules and found that:

Apple's quick-impact weight loss packaging it contains the undeclared prescription substance sibutramine - despite the product label claim that it is natural and contains no medicines.
consumers are advised that sibutramine is a prescription-only substance (which was the active ingredient in medicine Reductil). It was withdrawn in October 2010 after a study showed an increased risk of major cardiac events.
the levels of sibutramine found in these capsules are above the previously allowable prescription levels.
it also contains the undeclared substance phenolphthalein which was previously used as an oral laxative, but is no longer available in Australia due to serious safety concerns associated with its long term use.


  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    I am not a fan of weight loss products anyway; moderation is always the best policy. He who does not try to use weight loss pills and such does not have to worry about the side-effects.
  • Before I started my official diet, I played around with diet pills. The result, none of them worked. I lost 125 lbs in 6 months without any magic pills. Just water, diet and exercise.