Before Pictures

I would have to say this Part is making me a little nervous because I have never posted pics of me on here at mfp before and I hope it goes well but here is my before pics of me weighing in at around 352.6 and my goal is around 175 in about 1-2 years time to reach.






  • LoopsLinn
    LoopsLinn Posts: 17 Member
    HI JJ
    Congrats on your first step and sharing your pics....
    Good Luck in your journey,
    I started my journey 20 days ago and have managed to loose 7lbs so far
    Im aiming for 2 lb per week term, using a slowly but surely attitude.

    Keep logging in eveyday, be honest with yourself , log everything it really helps!

    Looking forward to seeing your progress

  • wvlandman2003
    wvlandman2003 Posts: 3 Member
    Cannot see pics, but sure you can do it. Little change here little change there goes a long way. I lost the weigh and have gained it back. So I know its not only possible, but a fun and rewarding journey. .you got this
  • muffinchikodaisy
    muffinchikodaisy Posts: 7 Member
    Good luck in this journey. Started out at 275 and i'm now down at 202. I wont lie, Its not easy but its sooooo worth it :-). You can do it !!!!!