tyring to quit smoking and trying to loose the lbs

Any suggestion on how to quit smoking w/o medicine and not go back. I tried a month ago and did great for about 2 weeks but slowly went back in to my old habits. I started using myfitnesspal a few months ago and it helped tremendously. I absolutely loved the results, then I got lazy. Any suggestions on how to stay focused? I know it's called will power but maybe a few suggestion will push me in the right direction and help me stay there, loosing weight is HARD WORK!


  • Irishgirl07
    Irishgirl07 Posts: 5 Member
    I am in the same boat right now. So, although I can't offer any advice, I can say that motivation of having a group of people to cheer you on and cheer you up when you slip up, has helped me stay on the weight loss changes. I am hoping that I can find the same applies to quitting smoking. Feel free to add me and I will be a cheerleader for you ;)
  • jayjay12345654321
    jayjay12345654321 Posts: 653 Member
    To keep motivated, I bought a marker board and hung it in my bathroom. On the first of every month, I record the date, weight and B/W/H measurements, and my body fat percentage based on my BF scale.

    I was just looking at it today, comparing January 1 to July 1 last year. I know I've had some bad days mixed in there throughout the last 6 months, but I can see a consistent drop in weight, and it's interesting to see which measurement shrank fastest versus which one shrank the most versus which one quickly stagnated and never changed again.
  • Hey! I'm new to this whole 'will power' thing. Haha. I'm making my five-hundredth attempt at losing weight as well as quitting smoking. I'm not sure what trends typically work best, but I'd be grateful to have someone to help me say accountable. (: Feel free to add me and I'll do my best to help you out too!
  • I am trying to quit as well..I've lost 23lbs so far and I can feel my body getting stronger but I still go for a run and while my body feels good my lungs are on fire..I'd say this is my main motivation right now..knowing no matter how much I work out and how much weight I lose I'll never reach my true potential while still smoking...I actually have little quotes posted around my house with facts about smoking and all the negative statistics, etc...a bit cheesy but it helped me quit for 6 months before so I'm hoping it will work again, but for good! Anyone can feel free to add me! We're all in this together!
  • ghoti3
    ghoti3 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm also in the same boat. I think that smoking is one of the biggest obstacles to me losing weight. I'm not nearly as active when I'm regularly smoking. I'm using the patch and haven't had a cigarette for 2 weeks now. I stay more active (go to the gym, walk the dog) to keep my mind off of cravings. I will cheer anyone on who is trying to do both, so feel free to add. We have a doubly steep hill to climb!
  • angelarose111
    angelarose111 Posts: 10 Member
    I quit smoking last March by switching to vaping. I still get some nicotine but without all the other nasty chemicals. I could also breathe better from day one plus no more smoke odors and ashes. Maybe consider trying that.
  • tospaa
    tospaa Posts: 8 Member
    I quit smoking last March by switching to vaping. I still get some nicotine but without all the other nasty chemicals. I could also breathe better from day one plus no more smoke odors and ashes. Maybe consider trying that.


    I also switched to vaping 4 months ago. I started with medium nicotine strength and gradually lowered it to minimum. I sometimes still crave for regular cigarettes, but these cravings are not strong enough to make me start smoking again.
  • tat20
    tat20 Posts: 53 Member
    I quit smoking last year for about 5 months, then I moved into a smoking household and got hooked right back on it. My boyfriend and I set a quit date for ourselves this year. I'm hoping to actually be smoke free for good this time. I've tried vaping, but that doesn't really work out to well for me. I need to find a positive way to replace the hand to mouth habit. Any suggestions??
  • Jim_1960
    Jim_1960 Posts: 399
    I quit smoking last March by switching to vaping. I still get some nicotine but without all the other nasty chemicals. I could also breathe better from day one plus no more smoke odors and ashes. Maybe consider trying that.


    I also switched to vaping 4 months ago. I started with medium nicotine strength and gradually lowered it to minimum. I sometimes still crave for regular cigarettes, but these cravings are not strong enough to make me start smoking again.

    I am doing the same. Six months on February 1st and now at the medium nicotine content level. Planning to go to low in March.
    Joined gym with financial savings and can now breathe easier and feel way fitter. Can't recommend it enough!!
  • Jlpmcmahon
    Jlpmcmahon Posts: 2 Member
    Have you considered hypnosis? There are lots of online hypnotherapy sites that offer free or inexpensive downloads for all sorts of things including help to stop smoking and motivation to go to the gym etc.
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    Tagging :)
  • angelarose111
    angelarose111 Posts: 10 Member
    I quit smoking last March by switching to vaping. I still get some nicotine but without all the other nasty chemicals. I could also breathe better from day one plus no more smoke odors and ashes. Maybe consider trying that.


    I also switched to vaping 4 months ago. I started with medium nicotine strength and gradually lowered it to minimum. I sometimes still crave for regular cigarettes, but these cravings are not strong enough to make me start smoking again.

    I'm on the lowest strength liquid. I was thinking about buying "no nicotine" liquid and mixing it with the low liquid to make it even lower and eventually wean myself off nicotine altogether.