Motivational Friends

So I don't mean to sound bitter or rude or anything...but I think I need some new friends on here. I try to be motivational and encouraging to others but I don't really seem to be getting that much in return. Don't get me wrong. I have a few friends on here who are great but when my phone is blowing up because I commented on someone's status and there are 20 more people commenting on it - and then I post a status and I barely get a like or two, maybe one or two comments within a day or two of it...idk...kind of makes me want to have more friends who are on here daily. I understand everyone has lives nor do does everyone have desk jobs where they can sit on MFP all day...but idk, i don't want to have to go looking for encouragement because I'm having a bad day. I don't want to have to post a status of being all depressed and sad b/c I ate a hamburger and I'm so fat and I'll never reach my goal and I should give up to get a little encouragement. It's nice to be able to post a status about saying hey i didn't have a great weekend but i'm hitting the gym twice today and I'm working hard and am excited to get this week started and for someone to be, Great job! you can do it! me selfish but I think that's why we're all on here...motivation. Regardless of where you're mental state is.

Now I'm not trying to bash on those who aren't as strong willed...i definitely have my days. I don't have a problem being extra supportive to those that need it. I like it, it feels like it gives me purpose. But Idk, I guess i'd just like some more strong willed friends who log on regularly and work out regularly and are just as motivational as i if that's you...don't tell me to add you, just add me, i'm down for whatever :)
