Slim fast shakes

I bought the chocolate and vanilla ones to have as 'Breakfast' after a workout. I'm not great at eating in the AM as it is but I've been doing a bit of research and have been told to avoid things that are high in sugar, only to look on the label and realise that yes, they are low in fat but they are extremely high in sugar! Are they still okay to have being as they're so well known as a diet brand or should i chuck them out?


  • Jillian130
    Jillian130 Posts: 174 Member
    Throw it as far you can. Its just nothing but sugar and not an ounce of nutrition in it. You're better off making a protein shake of your own with milk, almond milk, whatever, and adding some banana or other choice of fruit.
  • wyattj99
    wyattj99 Posts: 454 Member
    Throw it as far you can. Its just nothing but sugar and not an ounce of nutrition in it. You're better off making a protein shake of your own with milk, almond milk, whatever, and adding some banana or other choice of fruit.

    She's right! Making your own is better money spent as well.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    There is a chemical weapons disposal depot here in Utah, I recommend sending the there, they'll know what to do with them.

    And FYI, Slim Fast is well known because millions of people have used them to shed 10-20 pounds of water and waste weight, only to gain it back, and then get back on the "plan" several times. My mom used Slim Fast no less than ten separate times during my youth before she finally made a lifestyle change.

  • taranew21
    taranew21 Posts: 26 Member
    Oh my gosh! They're going Straight in the bin!! Thank you guys!
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Go ahead and drink the ones you have, they won't hurt you. You probably shouldn't bother buying them again since they really aren't going to do much to help you. If your goal is a post workout recovery drink, there are many proteins out there that can do a better job. Hell, I'd rather drink chocolate milk after a workout than a slimfast.
  • You can drink the high protein Slim Fast shakes but the regular ones are terrible!
  • kaylorraine44
    kaylorraine44 Posts: 135 Member
    I used to drink these a long time ago. They taste pretty gross and I was always super hungry within an hour.