Weight loss buddies anyone?

capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
Hi! I started a grad school program recently, and boy, do I have 20 pounds to lose. I am looking at 1-1.2 pounds a week and would like some friends! We could share recipes and stuff :) What do you say?


  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
  • xcharbzx

    I'd love a weight loss buddy! I'm totally new to all of this and your post is actually the second one I've stumbled across. I'm at university too so I know how hard it is juggling work and weight.

    I'm terrible at staying motivated, after a few days of dieting I feel like just lying to my MFP app haha! I'm also hoping for at least 1lb a week drop because any less than 1500 calories a day and I feel like I'm going to die! Although saying that, today I still have around 300 left!
  • hellomiaow
    hellomiaow Posts: 15 Member
    I started college last September, similar situation to you. Would love to have a friend! :)
  • capriqueen
    capriqueen Posts: 974 Member
    Hi xchar and hellomiaow! Nice to find someone in the same boat. Feel free to add me :)