Stopping Smoking



  • racheljonel
    racheljonel Posts: 400 Member
    I used an ecig to quit. I honestly don't think I could have quit without it. Invest in a good ecig with a tank and a battery and some quality juice.....I couldn't quit with the kind that they sell at convenience stores. My last cigarette was on October 7 and after vaping for the past several months, I honestly don't know why I even started smoking those nasty things to start with!
  • LianaG1115
    LianaG1115 Posts: 453 Member
    I'm a former smoker, I was at almost a pack a day. I was overweight at 230 lbs, out of shape, and heading in the wrong direction with my habits and lifestyle. I quit smoking first, YES I gained weight but I only gained it because I found solitude and contentment in my food, it's my addiction, I've been obese my whole life, and I was covering that addiction with the smoking. When I quit, I knew I was going to revert to my old ways and reach out to my best friend, my pal, food!! So YES if you don't recognize it and address it, you will gain the weight however, if you look at the whole picture and see what you're doing and WHY you're doing it, you're more able to commit to doing BOTH at the same time. Not to mention, your lungs with absolutely LOVE you when you start to workout (if you haven't already) and will help you in ridding yourself of all the toxins you've ingested all along. It will take time, years to try to "fix" the damage but I can tell you, I'd never look back ever at the's all about the will and the want...will you quit and not gain and how bad do you want to quit and not overindulge, that will be your driving factor!!
    Also want to add, the whole idealogy that food "tastes so much better" after you quit is nothing short of a mental head f**k and really just plays on the psyche to fill a void that you found in smoking...break the barriers!!!

    ~ 3 years strong and 50+lbs lighter....and still going!! :o)
  • I am also new to all of this. I just recently started working out and healthy eating! I've been doing it for about a month now. On top of that, I am trying to quit smoking which seems to be a tad overwhelming to handle all at once. I smoke about a 1/2 pack a day and on weekends it tends to be more. Being a smoker for 10+ years and trying to quit is hard enough. Doing a complete lifestyle change all at once seems to be a little too much to handle all at once. Unfortunately I am the type that enjoys smoking. Every time I try to quit, I give right in and start smoking again. But, I feel as though there is no point in being healthy in all other aspects of my life if I am still doing something that is so unhealthy for me! I have noticed that if I constantly have something on hand to chew on (gum, candy, peanuts) then the cravings are not as bad. But, I also notice that it makes me want to eat more and I haven't figured out how to manage those new cravings yet. So, its either quit smoking and eat more (causing me to gain weight so the healthy eating and exercise is for nothing), or keep smoking and risking my health for the sake of actually losing weight. Sounds like an obvious decision....because smoking is so disgusting....but when you're addicted to them, it's not so easy!
  • corsiva
    corsiva Posts: 33 Member
    What helped me quit was switching to an e-cig. I got one in August, when I really began using myfitnesspal, and I've been smoke free for a few weeks now. I never noticed an increase in appetite or anything.
  • scottyg70
    scottyg70 Posts: 388 Member
    I quit smoking over five years ago and it was the best thing I did. I was a pack a day smoker and I tried to quit multiple times but I finally decided enough was enough. You might gain weight after quitting, but it's really all about habits. I was gaining weight the last few years I smoked mainly because of age and I was lazy. Find something to do with that nervous energy. Get up and take a walk (if you can) or something to take your mind off of the cravings. The physical cravings are done after 72 hours, it's all mental after that.

    I did use Chantix which helped considerably but the big thing was I quit when I left the military and started a new job. New surroundings and no habits in place yet. I didn't have the "social" aspect in place at the new job which always seemed to derail me while I was in the military. It's little things like that which help your success. If you like veggies, start snacking on those! They're low cal and they are good for you. WATER, WATER, WATER!! The more the better! Sip on water when you get a craving. It keeps you hydrated and it curbs your hunger.

    Good luck and in this case, it's okay to be a quitter!
  • Chezzie84
    Chezzie84 Posts: 873 Member
    I quit cold turkey and I did not substitute cigarettes for food. I have been cigarette free for 18 months now. In the first few months it was awful, now its the best thing I ever done and I am glad I fid it without aids. My partner is hooked on the tabs now and still needs a nicotine fix every now and again. Just do it and speak to your doctor if you ate worried about weight gain.
  • ChaoticMiNd
    ChaoticMiNd Posts: 247 Member
    I quit two and a half (ish) years ago in August. I used the Ecig for another year and quit that on Thanksgiving. I was VERY hard to quit. Be prepared, but you can do it. Sadly, I didn't make dietary changes for either time I quit so I put on a LOT of weight. I'm not trying to discourage anyone because I ate my way here myself. I'm just saying be very aware. My Dr said a gain as large as mine is not uncommon in the least for quitting smoking...
  • maawee
    maawee Posts: 1 Member
    I am an ex smoker but I am the opposite of what you are looking for so I am going to share what I did so you can NOT do it. Stay away from candy you suck on. I turned into a lifesaver junkie three bag a week. I did the mints ones with a hole. Still a ton of calories. My doctor told me not to worry about the weight gain I could work on that later. OK that is what I did. I drank a lot of cranapple juices. Cranberries gets the nicotene out of your system. Well the juice is loaded with calories. If you just absolutely just drink water try the powerade zero no calories no carbs. I had toe cramps for several years this also got rid of the cramps. The powerade zero did work for that. Now for the part that should work that I would do I if I got a redo. I would drink the powerade zero with a straw I did use a straw for a drink when ever the craving for a cigarette hit me. The drink and straw give you that had to mouth sensation that you need from smoking. In all I still don't regret listening to my doctor. I would rather be able to breathe to exercise my FAT butt off than not be able to breath at all. I have been quit for over 3 years now. I did the Chantix 1/2 doses. It was the hardest thing I ever did in my life but it was well worth it. If you need some one just for support to cheer you on I would love to help you any way I can. I will never judge a smoker as I was on for over 35 years.
  • My last go around with MFP, i was also trying different things to curb my smoking. At one point, just to track how many I was smoking and around what times of the day, I started logging them as 10cal/ smoke. It made me cut back a bit just to save myself from the arbitrary calorie loss and it was a bit off putting to see how much I was actually smoking, but then... it's been a year, i've only just re-joined MFP, and that first smoke after a workout at the gym is still my favorite part.

    e-cigarettes have improved a bit and i've got one that i use periodically, but i could never really manage to replace the actual tasty, tasty death.
  • airforceman1978
    airforceman1978 Posts: 100 Member
    Ok this is what you have to look at and my doctor told me after my hartattack.Even if you put on 10 our 20 pounds you will be healthier for quitting smoking
  • Lovely_at_any_size
    Lovely_at_any_size Posts: 94 Member
    I quit smoking a year ago. I am 10 pounds less than I weighed when I QUIT. As long as you stay active you should be fine. I am healthier than I have ever been. I also took up running. Such a better habit than smoking.
  • nikkiskip79
    nikkiskip79 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for all the advice guys!!
  • I used an ecig to quit. I honestly don't think I could have quit without it. Invest in a good ecig with a tank and a battery and some quality juice.....I couldn't quit with the kind that they sell at convenience stores. My last cigarette was on October 7 and after vaping for the past several months, I honestly don't know why I even started smoking those nasty things to start with!

    Me too. I got a decent ecig (not one from the paper shop) and haven't smoked since. Utterly painless, much cheaper, and no weight gain at all. And I use nice flavours, which satiate my sweet tooth as well. :smile:
  • nikkiskip79
    nikkiskip79 Posts: 24 Member
    Well still not smoking.. no intensions to either.. Really wanted one last night after my tea but distracted my mind with other things and it helped.. so on my way to work now with my pockets full of sugar free gum feeling determined
  • Ezwoldo
    Ezwoldo Posts: 369 Member
    That is half the battle with giving up at first, I used to go and do the washing up when I wanted one or take the rubbish out anything. I did find at first that lollies helped take the taste for one away, I still do it now and this is over three years later.

    When I gave up I didn't really care how much I put on and so I put on just over a stone in a month, which yo yo 's with what targets and stuff I have going on in life but I feel much better now and that is more important to me. I would not beat your self up about putting some weight on at first it will happen, get smoke free then tackle the next challenge small steps bigger picture.
  • I quit 2 weeks ago cold turkey smoked 20 a day for around 15 years, i put nearly a stone in this short time, but now that the cravings have lessend let the healthy eating and workouts begin ;) I Will be thin and healthy and smoke free x
  • nikkiskip79
    nikkiskip79 Posts: 24 Member
    Well Done you.. thats awesome :)
  • jd1208
    jd1208 Posts: 81 Member
    This might sound controversial, but my give up smoking tactic was to spend an evening getting drunk and smoking sooo much I vomited. I have not wanted to smoke since and I have been dieting. Pretty effective.
  • regosaki
    regosaki Posts: 265 Member

    I quit smoking 2 years ago last week, I smoked 20 a day for about 23 years, woke up one day and thought "NO MORE" threw my cigs in the fire and have never wanted one since, I gained weight sure, but I also regained my taste buds, food tasted wonderful, my sense of smell returned, I stopped stinking of that horrible cigarette smell,and most importantly I could breath sooooo much easier..... I looked at things from a long term perspective, yes I may of gained weight, but, I saved a small fortune in money, and I feel amazing now, I go to the gym six days a week, all the weight I gained has gone plus a little more, I can run, I can row, I can lift, it really is INCREDIBLE!!!! Don't worry about the small stuff, just quit smoking before it kills you!
  • Good Day All,

    It's been 1 month today with no cigs. I feel great!!! Yea so I gained a few pounds but now i'm getting on the work out schedule aiming for 4 days a week at the gym or the pool. I was a pack a day smoker but I also, at the time swam a mile a day. Now I have switched jobs and sit at a desk so I HAVE to start working out again and not go back to smoking. I know we can all do it if we put our hearts into it.