IF with an aggressive 20% TDEE plus banking cals for wknd?

Hi this might seem an odd question but I just like to know others thoughts on what I'm beginning to see as my hybrid "lifestyle" change. Okay, so I'm 31 and between 40-50lbs over weight, for the first 15-20lbs I'm aiming to do an aggressive -20% of my TDEE (I will reduce the deficit the closer to goal I get i.e -20%, -15%, -10% ect) while incorporating intermitt fasting no food from 8pm to 11am (I like to have a very small lunch then a massive dinner of my favourite food all built into my daily calories). I also like to bank 50-100 calories Sunday to Monday so I can "relax" on a Friday & Sat, this balances out and I seem to not be going over my weekly target of 10500cals +exercise cals earned (I'm currently doing 2mile walks in hilly terrain that takes me 30 mins in a few weeks I will incorporate a total body dumbell workout for beginners).

Basically do you all think it's okay to do TDEE with intermiting fasting and bank some of your daily cals to enjoy your weekend? Does anyone else do this?

Thanks in advance for any answers x


  • psych0kitty
    I think that's a smart way to go if it's working for you. I do IF and a TDEE-type thing, too. I don't think of "banking" calories for the weekend, but your weekly intake is what really matters in the long-run anyway.
  • husseycd
    husseycd Posts: 814 Member
    I do something similar, though I'm not as strict on the IF lately and I'm more maintaining than trying to lose. Be careful with the weekends. It's much easier to go 500-1000 calories over. That 50-100 calorie "bank" is only 250-500 calories. That doesn't go very far.
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    I am willing to concede I could be wrong, but I'm not sure if it's possible to "bank" calories. I mean, it's not like your body knows what you're doing. But I do know that many people aim for a weekly average, rather than a daily one, which gives a lot more flexibility.

    For me, I don't fast or cheat day or bank anything. I workout and fuel my body. It's the plan that works best for me. I suppose the easiest way to see if it works is to try it for a week. If you're satisfied with the results, continue.

    I do suggest a food scale and a heart rate monitor so you can accurately log your food and exercise. Log everything and take pictures and measurements now for reference later.

    Good luck!
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    If it averages out over the week and works for you --> GO FOR IT! The more day to day differences you have, the greater the weight fluctuations will probably be. But if the trend is downward over a greater time period, don't worry about them.

    I do 2 days at 500cals, eat TDEE (lightly active in daily life w/o exercise) on the other days and earn some more cals through exercise for the weekend. Works for me :wink:
  • flet2
    flet2 Posts: 43 Member
    I think you're fine. I generally follow an IF style though I'm not super strict about it. Like you, I just like to have a huge satisfying meal at night. I generally do what you're suggesting, I try to shoot low all week since i know i'll wind up over on the weekend. As long as my weekly goals balance out, i call it good enough.

    One thing with TDEE though is that you aren't supposed to be eating back your exercise calories. Those are built into your TDEE calculation. I assume exercise 3x a week and sometimes if i do something very strenuous on top of that i'll eat some of that back but my 3 workout days i don't log calories burned since it's built into my TDEE figure already.
  • amyx593
    amyx593 Posts: 211 Member
    I typically do almost the same thing! Lunch around 11/11:30am, afternoon workout, afternoon snack, and I love feeling like I'm eating a lot for dinner. I follow MFP method though, not TDEE. I don't totally track my "bank" of calories saved, but knowing that I stay under on most days, I allow myself to have some drinks during the weekend. I think it's great as long as it works for you, and it sounds like it does!
  • Bambalina_1
    Bambalina_1 Posts: 78 Member
    Oops forgot to say inset my TDEE to sedentary just in case I don't exercise, so if I exercise I add the extra cals earned on. Its just read so many different ways to lose weight and what's good for you and what's not that it can get mind boggling, but I started this officially a few months ago but only really started to get back to logging cals and adding exercise with the drinking water a few weeks ago - it seems to be working but still early days but I think this might be the one that I finally click with and stick at after a month.

    Quite nice to see there are more hybrids out there :D

  • jetlag
    jetlag Posts: 800 Member
    Hi this might seem an odd question but I just like to know others thoughts on what I'm beginning to see as my hybrid "lifestyle" change. Okay, so I'm 31 and between 40-50lbs over weight, for the first 15-20lbs I'm aiming to do an aggressive -20% of my TDEE (I will reduce the deficit the closer to goal I get i.e -20%, -15%, -10% ect) while incorporating intermitt fasting no food from 8pm to 11am (I like to have a very small lunch then a massive dinner of my favourite food all built into my daily calories). I also like to bank 50-100 calories Sunday to Monday so I can "relax" on a Friday & Sat, this balances out and I seem to not be going over my weekly target of 10500cals +exercise cals earned (I'm currently doing 2mile walks in hilly terrain that takes me 30 mins in a few weeks I will incorporate a total body dumbell workout for beginners).

    Basically do you all think it's okay to do TDEE with intermiting fasting and bank some of your daily cals to enjoy your weekend? Does anyone else do this?

    Thanks in advance for any answers x

    Yes. If it works for you, then why not?

    Edit: I set my TDEE to sedentary, too, for the same reason. I have skeletal issues that mean I can't always get exercise in.
  • Shoechick5
    Shoechick5 Posts: 221 Member
    I do the same with the banking of calories. I love the weekly view on the App. Makes going out on weekends easier as I know I have a few spare. I just aim for a full week at my goal calories. Some days I'm up and some days I'm down...it all works out. Your body doesn't have an expiry date on calories.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    The only issue I see is that you are doing TDEE and talking about eating back exercise calories. You don't do that with the TDEE method...they should already be accounted for in your activity level. If you're also logging them then you are double counting.

    TDEE basically works as an average over the course of the week. Since an estimate of your exercise is included in your activity level, you are going to have days where you have bigger and smaller deficits depending on that days activity...but it should net out at the end of the week.

    Edit: just saw your previous post. Basically you are just doing the MFP method...why not just use MFP if you're going to do that?
  • Bambalina_1
    Bambalina_1 Posts: 78 Member
    The only issue I see is that you are doing TDEE and talking about eating back exercise calories. You don't do that with the TDEE method...they should already be accounted for in your activity level. If you're also logging them then you are double counting.

    TDEE basically works as an average over the course of the week. Since an estimate of your exercise is included in your activity level, you are going to have days where you have bigger and smaller deficits depending on that days activity...but it should net out at the end of the week.

    Edit: just saw your previous post. Basically you are just doing the MFP method...why not just use MFP if you're going to do that?

    Hi ya because I get to eat more using the TDEE calculator, the MFP one puts me below 1500 cals for some reason, I don't know why that is but a TDEE calculator seems to work better for me :)