Calling 5"7 ladies Before and Afters!

Looking to meet other ladies the same height as me! Also to see some before and after photos :)

As for me .. I'm 5"7
HW: 200lbs (approx)
CW: 158lbs
LW: 138lbs (Last Feb)
GW: 140lbs


  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    Hi friend!! :) I'm actually about 5'7 and a half... I call it 5'8 because that makes my weight seem better. ;) I was about 100 pounds through college and I could eat anything I wanted!! Then in my twenties I was around 120. Now in my thirties (I'm 34) my best weight was about 135. My goal right now is 140, which I was at the last time I was on MFP (and I was wearing a size 4!!).... and then I went back to my old ways and gained most of it back. Highest weight is/was 170, which I am just below now at about 165.
  • baby_grl_martinez
    baby_grl_martinez Posts: 25 Member
    Not quite 5'7"....5'5", here.

    HW: 228
    LW: 150
    CW: 216
    GW: 150-160
  • Catwoman1037
    Catwoman1037 Posts: 102 Member
    Hello. I am 5'7".

    HW: 208
    SW: 191
    CW: 174
    GW: 130

    I hope to hit my goal weight within this year. I will definitely show after pics when that happens. :) I would love to see other's before and after pics!!!!!!
  • molliepw
    molliepw Posts: 74 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'8"
    Add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • Lacey_Cakes
    Lacey_Cakes Posts: 223 Member
    5'7 (well 5'7.5)
    CW: 177.8
    GW: 164 is my healthy BMI but after that I might strive for 155
    Feel free to add!
  • Hello!

    HW: 196
    CW: 192
    GW: 165

    Hoping to be able to provide some afters!! Just really starting out.
  • charron0728
    charron0728 Posts: 5 Member
    I am 5'7" and 39 years old. I feel like my weight has been everywhere over the last few years. Today I joined the Biggest Loser at work plus I got the Fit Bit Flex to help fuel my motivation.

    HW: 2650lbs (approx)
    CW: 222lbs
    LW: 149lbs (my wedding day)
    GW: 160lbs (always want to give myself a window of 155-160)
  • kmg884
    kmg884 Posts: 14 Member
    I'm 5'7'

    SW: 203
    GW: around 165-170 ideally but whatever I can achieve. If i were under 145 I'd look like a rail.

    I want a weight that is reasonable to maintain while still enjoying life and its goodies now and then : ) I'm happy/ surprised i've been able to reach what I have already.
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 347 Member
    In my profile. Im not even close to being done but a huge difference.
  • juliemouse83
    juliemouse83 Posts: 6,663 Member
    5'7, also...

    SW/HW - 192
    CW - 144
    GW - 145 :)

    Took me about ten months to do it.
  • Hiya, I'm 5"7 and my goal weight is the same as you at 140lb. At my heaviest, after giving birth to my first baby,
    I was around 185 lb, but worked it all off to get back to 140. I do have a problem staying there, and my weight does
    fluctuate between 140 and 154.
    I'm 151 at the moment, I'm trying to lose this weight sensibly this time, instead of my usual low carb, low cal route. I've got my ski pants to fit back into when I go on holiday in March. Are you slimming down for anything in particular? Add me as a friend if you like.
  • kimmysueneal
    kimmysueneal Posts: 83 Member
    Starting weight was 189lbs
    Goal weight was 160. Reached.
    2nd goal weight was 155. Reached.
    153 when got pregnant in June lol. I hope to get back to at least 155 again a few months after my baby is born.

    Before and After pics should be in my ticker...
  • c1better
    c1better Posts: 15 Member
    Hello All!

    HW: 186
    LW: 150 (2007)
    CW: 183
    GW: 160 (with a goal of 29% body fat)

    After I reach my goal, I want to drop another 5lbs just for room to breath. :)

    I don't know how to add pictures..:(
  • GingerSarah0320
    GingerSarah0320 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm in the 5'7" club too and would like new friends. Everyone's stories are motivational and it's great to have buddies!
    SW: 194
    CW: 190.5
    GW: 155
  • GB333
    GB333 Posts: 261 Member
    Isn't it amazing that we're all almost the same height, but we all have different goal weights? Have you ever checked this out? <-- really interesting to see how different women of the same height and weight can look so different! Check it out. :)
  • Krisydee103
    Krisydee103 Posts: 416 Member
    Hi! Im exactly 5"7. Started at 182lbs 3 months ago, now 164lbs. Still going strong. I have before and after pictures on my profile. Its only an 18lbs difference so you might not see a huge difference but I hope it helps!
  • GeekGirlNJ
    GeekGirlNJ Posts: 22 Member
    Highest: 196
    GW1: 170
    GW2: 150
    CW: 150
    GW3: 145

    I look thin now, but toned. Like a dancer. (Weight loss took just over a year because of injury)
  • RachelRuns9
    RachelRuns9 Posts: 585 Member
    Helllooo!! 5'7 here.

    HW: 224
    Started MFP @ 194
    CW: 168 (yay!)
    GW: 145

    These last 25 lbs are tough. Friends are welcome :)
  • LokiOfAsgard
    LokiOfAsgard Posts: 378 Member
    Still working to lose.

    CW: 225
    GW: ?? I just want to get into the health range of BMI to start off
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hi there 5 ft 7 here as well

    HW 205
    1st GW 165...hit it
    2nd GW 155...
    CW 163.5

    I bought some jeans this weekend...size 6...a big snug but wearable...:drinker: I haven't yet I want another couple inches gone.