Three strikes and;-)))

Hi, I"m Bonnie, I'm 50, menopausal, have a bad thyroid, I'm also on medication that can cause havoc with weight loss/gain. I have a 100 plus pounds I would like to lose....(I'm between 247/240) I'm hoping to do this in 20 pound increments. ....Everything is relative. I had my first child two months shy of my 39th BD, a non issue, I bounced back to my size 4..... It wasn't until the black dog (depression) got a hold of me.......This is where I discovered eating......I just couldn't stop, when people say they're trying to fill a void, "we" are serious..........Now that my depression has been treated, and my mind is healthy, I would like my outer-shell to match my inner.

I have to say, as far as habits to break, eating will be the hardest, I smoked for 35 years, and I went cold turkey, but eating.......You can't just quit feeding, you have to learn to adjust, create new habits, and it's hard.

I would like to mingle with people in my age range...........I would also enjoy hearing from those that live in my area, (screen name, Bon48801) if you're familiar with the zip code, add me! I would love to "Meet" people in my age range for support, maybe future walks.... Who knows. I am as shy as I am out going........I have a sarcastic sense of humor at times, not everyone gets, but I never mean to offend. Laughter is life;_)))

Currently my form of exercise is walking;-)))) a few light weights here and there. My food diary is set to friends only.........I'm not sure, where I am heading with my food intake, I will find what works for me, and go from there.

I have many reasons as to why I want to become healthy, one is just that, health. I'm tired of not being able to walk a flight of stairs without being winded, I would like to see my toes.......Tie my own shoes without grunts escaping......

Pride.......I saw an old friend, that hadn't seen me since I gained so much weight........They wanted to know what had happened........I was offended, yet, at least they had the gull to ask........I know I am fine the way I am, but I want to be improved. I also have a few realms of spite..........But these stories I'll reserve;-)))


  • PamelaLavender
    PamelaLavender Posts: 63 Member
    Welcome Bonnie - Looks like your getting yourself on the right track to begin your journey to a healthier you - Congrat's. I'm not in your zip code area but am a previous Hooiser so I do understand that when it's cold out the first thing you want to do is grab a nice warm blanket some comfort food and sit back and watch the snow fall and wait until the sun comes out in late spring before venture outside.

    My heavest weight was 374 lbsand over the course of a few years have lost a little over 150lbs. Your welcome to add me if you like.

    Wishing you much success.
