going over carbs and fat

mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
edited September 22 in Food and Nutrition
So I was wondering how bad it is if you go over your carbs and fats? I didn't pay attention to my breakfast carbs and now I will be over. I can't change dinner menu because we are limited of food and cant go the store til tomorrow on pay day. So now I need to eat more calories but afraid of going over the carbs and fats. What do you do? Fruits have carbs but afraid to eat them because I will be over. Any advice. If I work out then I will need to eat more calories but can't because of my carbs. I am stuck!!


  • what i do is stay focused on calories. i dont focus on carbs, or fat, or anything else. You'll know what foods are good for you and which ones aren't. If you can work out, great! You'll use up some of those carbs in the process. Focus on your total calorie goal. That's what i do anyways. hope this helps.
  • Carbs are not created equal..there are simple and complex carbs. Complex carbs are considred the good carbs, they are found in fresh fruits as well as in lentils, whole grain pasta (to a lesser extent). Simple carbs (regular white pasta, etc.) are considered the not so good carbs. MFP does not make that distinction. If your carb intake comes from complex carbs, it is not such a big deal. Regarding fats, that is not so good. Here again, saturated or trans fats are the worse, you should strive for not going over the limit on those. Also, most likely, high in carbs and fats will imply low in proteins, which is not good...
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    It won't hurt you doing it one time. If you eat the same calories every day then your metabolism adjusts. so to keep your metabolism 'on its toes' vary your calories each day. You have to eat 3500 calories to gain a pound. So you would have to increase your daily caloric intake by 500 per day a week to gain a pound in that week.

    Give yourself a cheat day. Of course you still want portion control but eat what you want so you don't feel deprived!
  • Fruits wont make you fat and carbs are not so bad.
    We need complex carbs especially if where active.
    Fats is a little tricky cause it has no conversion time and it sticks instantly.
    But we still need fats too like peanut butter, olive oil etc.

    Losing weight does Not matter "What you eat", what matters is "How much your eating".
    You can lose weight eating junk food as long as your creating a "calorie deficit".

    So worry about your portions your eating if anything and how much of it your having.
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