is losing about 87-92 pounds in 8-9 months realistic?

Is it healthy and realistic? I want to look good on my birthday and on Halloween for once haha


  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    its possible, but you have to be incredibly serious and committed---no turning back.
  • rodegghero
    rodegghero Posts: 212 Member
    It took me a year to lose 80
  • TheNewDanielle
    With a healthy attitude, proper workouts and such :) I think you can :) Good luck!
  • CelesteENelson
    CelesteENelson Posts: 89 Member
    I lost 74 lbs in 7 months but had a few set backs in there that if they had not happened I would be further along. So yes it is possible but because of some medical conditions I am on medication to help me and am given a check up every 30 days to ensure that my body is holding up ok.
  • ChristieDF
    ChristieDF Posts: 178 Member
    Good luck go for it.
  • gina205
    gina205 Posts: 74 Member
    My friend did it with Weight Watchers and exercise, It takes a serious commitment. I have the same goal. Good luck!
  • mwpagano
    I am going for 80 pounds by July 30th! You can do it!!!
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I lost 90 in 18 months - and started losing my hair along the way because I wasn't getting enough of the proper nutrition. Be careful and focus on good nutrition and health or you may lose more than just fat!
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    I'm no expert but from my experience, it depends. I don't know how much you have to lose but everything I've read says 1-2 pounds a week max is a healthy, sustainable way to lose weight and keep it off. 8 months is about 32 weeks or so. 2 pounds a week = 64 pounds. So, I would think that you might be trying to be a little too aggressive. However, people who have a lot to lose generally tend to lose larger quantities at the beginning of their journey since they have so much more to lose. So, it may be possible.

    Here's the thing though. Regardless of whether you've lost 64 pounds or 92 by your birthday, you'll have made a HUGE commitment to yourself and you'll look good and knock people's socks off regardless! Just work hard and you'll reach your goals. Maybe not by Halloween or your birthday, but maybe by Xmas or New Years!! Good luck!!
  • Sheltie4
    Sheltie4 Posts: 65 Member
    How disappointed will you be if you do not achieve the 90 pounds? If you will be very disappointed then aim for 60 and you may be pleasantly surprised. The problem with 90 in say 35 weeks mean you have to lose over 2 pounds every single week - if you miss losing one week, that is 5 the following week. It sounds really easy to lose just over 2 pounds a week, but the body does not lose weight to order, sometimes it just stays the same and drives you insane.

    Whatever you do, good luck and do it healthily!:smile:
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    You have several things on your side:
    1) you're only 19. Youth makes it easier to drop the weight. Sadly, I was unaware of this at 19!
    2) You have about 100 lbs to lose. The more you have to lose, the easier it is in the beginning.
    3) You have the desire. If you don't want to do what it takes, it will make it much harder!

    To do it you'll have to have multiple focuses!
    1) portion sizes
    2) macro and micro nutrients (watch out for sodium! It's a killer for a LOT of women!)
    3) cardio AND weights (I HATE weights, but they will help you from looking "skinny fat")

    At the beginning, you will be able to have a large calorie deficit, and you'll be able to get by without eating your exercise calories. As you get closer to your goal weight, you will have less fat reserves to use. When that happens, you will have to shrink that deficit and eat those exercise calories. It's like fueling a car. Right now you have a large gas tank and it has quite a bit of fuel already in it (fat). As you deplete that fuel, you have to add back fuel in the form of food. Besure that the fuel you choose is "high octane." Make it healthy, nutrient rich foods.

    There is a lot of great information on these boards. Sort through it all, and find what is going to work for you! Some of the best topics are pinned at the top of the boards. Read through those when you have questions. There are LOTS of people here to help. Work the plan, and the plan will work! (It just may not happen EXACTLY when you want it to!)

  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Well, I think it is going to take you a GIGANTIC commitment. But I think you need to prioritize:
    1) All you want is to lose weight? Or you want to change your lifestyle and be healthier FOREVER!
    2) Are you willing to lose lean mass along the way? If not you will need to exercise, both weight training and cardio.
    In my early 20's I lived in the diet world and all I wanted was quick results. Off course they did not work in the long rum. But late 20's I was not only fat but tired of diet and had given up on trying to change. Now almost 10 years later the light bulb in my head finally lighted up and I am willing to try because what I do today is changing my life forever.
    I really try and I really eat healthier now than ever before (can take a look in diary if you want to). I've been exercising pretty frequently too.
    I hope that losing between 1 to 2.5 lb a week help me to keep them off. I am not in a hurry! I took me at least 20 years to put all my extra weight in, I really don't expect it to come off overnight.
    I do think you can do it! But you will need to lose around 2.4lb every single week in order to lose 90lbs in 9 months. Some people can lose that everyweek, I only did once...
    Good Luck!
  • KellieR56
    KellieR56 Posts: 135 Member
    thank you for the help :] I am serious about losing the weight and keeping it off forever.
  • AmeMahoney
    I'd shoot for 60-80 and see what happens. I lost 100 pounds 12 years ago (when I was your age). It took me a little over a year. I hit the weights hard, went to the gym 6 days a week, swam, did some cardio, and followed a very health Clean Eating plan - eating 5-6 small meals every day. This means planning, planning, and planning, and packing all your own food and taking it with you so you can eat every 2-3 hours. I was also going to college full time (I always did 18-21 credits a semester) and I worked 65 hours a week. So it's definitely possible. You just have to really want it and be prepared to work really hard.

    I would suggest sitting down and planning out all of your meals for a week or two, as well as all of your exercises. If you still feel excited and ready to do it after the first week of shopping and meal prep, you can do it.
  • nike2345
    nike2345 Posts: 17 Member
    I think so. I have lost 90 pounds in 9 months. You have to be very difficult dedicated to making healthy food choices as well as exercising. I started with cutting out soda, then fast food. Then I cut my caloric intake. I also started and finishes a 63 day workout program insanity. Now I am doing a 2 month program of hip hop abs. Every week I decide to change something in my diet. Last week I exchanged chips for rice cakes. This week I exchanged milk for almond milk. Small steps will lead u to ur goal. Good luck.
  • strunch
    strunch Posts: 66 Member
  • ThriceBlessed
    ThriceBlessed Posts: 499 Member
    I think that depends where you start from. Someone starting at 300+ pounds should be able to do that fairly easily. Someone who is only 90 pounds overweight to start with would find it harder. Over the past 28 weeks I've averaged 2 pounds lost per week.... but there were weeks over the holidays when I didn't stick to plan as well as I should have... so those affected my averages.

    The thing is, the less you weigh, the fewer calories you will burn doing the same activities, so if you start out heavier, losing a lot of weight doesn't require as much calorie restriction or exercise as it does when you weigh less. Figure if you are 150 pounds overweight, its like you're doing all of your activity while wearing a 150 pound backpack, that burns a lot more calories than someone carrying a 40 pound backpack, if that makes any sense.
  • sugarkissprincess
    sugarkissprincess Posts: 2,595 Member
    Not saying it is or it isn't. There is a "healthy way" to lose the weight and my opinion if your goal is lose that amount of weight you should focus on losing it slow and steady. I'm on 15 months and have lost 99 of my 135 goal to lose.
  • BreeJaxon
    BreeJaxon Posts: 128
    Losing a lb to 2 a week is a lot more reasonable than a quicker weight loss. You are more likely to keep in off for the long term than a dramatic fast loss.
  • Bettyanne77
    I have previously lost around 50lbs in about 5 months maybe even a bit less time. It was really hard and I was 10 years younger back then. I went to the gym daily and I practically starved myself needless to say it did not stay off and here I am now bigger than ever.

    I really understand how you feel, I really always wanted to lose weight fast so I could get on with the rest of my life looking how I wanted but I set myself up for failure everytime. I put my health at risk, I was crabby and obsessed and then miserable when I failed. Your goal isn't so very far off target and if you start now aiming to lose 2lbs a week but making the lifestyle changes then you will look great by october but you might not be quite down to your goal weight but you will be much better off than if you set yourself an unrealistic goal.

    I would love it if you spared yourself some of the pain and self loathing I went though in my 20's and early 30's by doing it right when you are still so young.