Seeking Motivation and Support Friends

I could really use some friends and a support group here. In April I went for my yearly and my doctor told me I really needed to consider gastric bypass surgery. I weight in at a top heavy weight ever at 230 that put me at 100 lb over what they consider my ideal weight. I'm 5'3".....WOW...WAKE UP CALL......
I started out just bike riding w/ a girlfriend, then she moved out of state, so another friend convinced me to join the YMCA and do belly dancing w/ her, well that was the start of what I needed! It went from belly dancing (which is no longer offered) to Pilates and yoga, boy oh boy was that tough & I not the ideal weight for some of the moves, so I decided to do my own personal "boot camp" with a 6 week goal of being in the gym the minute it opened @ 5am and that 6 weeks has flown by and I'm down to 190lb at today's weigh in. This is the 1st week of my second 6 week "boot camp" and the focus is to really work on my ABS on a daily basis on top of the regular workout (so far the elliptical and circuit machines have been my focus to just get some weight off)
I want/need to loose another 50 lb and want to do it by this summer but I'm really going to need some motivational support and advice, so I'm finally reaching out, pls add me as a friend, talk to me, let me help support you and your goal as well. Thanks in advance!!



  • aghack
    aghack Posts: 107 Member
    I just had my wake up call last week. I am 32. I stepped on the scale and almost fell over- I was 1 pound away from hitting 200. When I turned 22, I weighed 123 lbs. In ten years, I had gained an average of 7 pounds a year, and if i continued like this I would be near 300 by my 43rd birthday. I am starting out, and need support as well.
    My husband is a marathon runner, and my son is a distance runner as well. it makes it hard to talk to them about this stuff because they are already so fit! They are great- very sweet, very encouraging, but they are not struggling with the same issues that I am.
    It's awesome that you've already come so far! Congrats. What things have you found to be the most difficult, and which things are you enjoying?

  • Bobbysgirl8

    Do I ever know how you feel! I sky rocketed to a 210 pounds from 150 lbs when I was 22. My doctor told me that I was considered obese for my height (5'3"). I never thought one word could be so damaging to your self confidence and the way you saw yourself. I got in the gym immediately and got down to 130 over a 8 month period. THEN.......I got married. He was not the most supportive, motivated or helpful individual in our marriage. Lots of verbal comments and comparisons to people whom I would never look like really took a toll on me, my self image and worth and my weight. I put 60 pounds back on over 2 years. I separated myself from that marriage after 3 years and lost some of the weight; however, it has never really come off. I work out 4 days a week (heavy cardio) to no avail.....


    I found this website! I found out that there are people that have the same issues and hang-ups that I do. I believe that my success so far (6 lbs in 10 days) has been a direct result of tracking what I eat and actually seeing what the exercising accomplishes. If you have lost 40 lbs since April, all I have to say is.....WAY TO GO!!!! That is an awesome achievement! With a positive attitude, drive and determination (which I believe you have all of those qualities), you can do anything.

    I am on a 40 lb weight loss journey myself by the summer, so we can support each other and anyone else that needs the motivation. I know I am ready to get this weight off for once and all!

    All the best,

  • tessa681
    tessa681 Posts: 49 Member
    The hardest thing so far is trying something new. I'm such a routine person that switching workouts up is the biggest struggle. And finding the extra time to add thing is can be tough. I've been my only motivator so far. My favorite workout is one that burns the most calories, Elliptical, its easy on my knees and burns a lot of calories! :wink: This site, keeps my eating in check and that helps so much. Next thing to do is buy a food scale so I'm not just guessing what the portion size/weight is! I'm here for you to, what is your easiest/hardest thing about loosing weight?
  • tessa681
    tessa681 Posts: 49 Member
    WOW Shannon, your story sure did touch my heart! Thanks so much for being willing to ride the ride along with me! I truly appreciate you telling me your story!
    I see my goal is within range, and with the help of MFP & the new friends I have here i know I can achieve it. Thanks so much!

  • aghack
    aghack Posts: 107 Member
    So far, I LOVE this site. Combined with the app on my phone, I find it very easy to keep up. It helps me to thing of calories as a bank account. Working out is the hardest for me. I am an avid knitter, so my very favorite activity in the world is completely sedentary. This has made me so out of shape that everything I try seems really hard, and I get embarrassed. Today, I took a Pilates class on the Reformer apparatus, and 10 minutes before the 1 hour class was over I had to run to the bathroom and throw up. My legs were shaking, my stomach was churning! I I felt totally out of place. Everyone there very supportive, and they said it happens all the time, so I will try again. But I get intimidated by the super fit, awesomely thin women around me. If you add that to the fact that I was one of the youngest women, but I was the most out of shape- well, it really makes me want to go home and hide!
    I haven't tried the elliptical, but I think I'll give it a try this weekend.