Beer Pressure!!

lefrance12 Posts: 131
edited September 22 in Chit-Chat
Ok. I'm at work and the weekend is over. I am now concentrating on eating right, working out and not drinking at least not until the weekend. Why is this so hard? Answer: Beer Pressure!! This is when you get those text messages or phone calls from your friends " Hey man, where are you? Come have a drink and a shot on me and you know this is a special occasion because they never offer to buy you a drink. Now you are thinking, beer or sweat? Hmmm? Let me think? Beer. To me, this is the hardest part about being dedicated and disciplined. Sometimes it seems to me, when I am at my strongest point, I am at the weakest when this happens. I love being around people with a few laughs, good cheer and cocktails. Just sharing a thought. I guess what matters is at some point I get my workouts in. Would love to hear what others thnk and if they have similar experiences. :drinker:


  • funny i was craving a beer last night... i dont drink often and didn't have cravings for beer until i couldnt have them...when i was pregnant i had the greatest cravings for corona. very odd and now every once in a while i will get strong cravings for them. i do get alcohol pressure from my husband, he enjoys a drink almost everynight after work and offers me a drink but i usually don't.
  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Beer is completely my weakness

    Plus any chance I get to watch sports....what goes hand in hand.... BEER
  • lilmary326
    lilmary326 Posts: 3 Member
    I think that's one of the hardest things about watching what you much of our social activities with friends and family involve alcohol in some way or another, and it is just killer on your calorie count for the day....I try to not deny myself totally, but get one beer or a glass of wine and nurse it. I try to drink the lighter/lower in calorie beers, but lets be honest, if you like beer, those are really I enjoy my one really delicious beer, adjust my next meal for it, and make sure I burn an extra 100 calories or so at the gym. Its just like anything else you like to eat/drink while trying to lose should be able to eat what you want, but in moderation and with the knowledge that you have to make up those calories somehow later!
  • sherylhs
    sherylhs Posts: 141 Member
    I bowl on Tuesdays... and I drink beer. I used to have 3 but now I'm down to 2 or one and a shot. But I always log the calories and make room for them in my day...once a week. Yes, we are trying to get healthy, but we don't have to stop living to do it.

    Good luck!
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    Get your workouts in! Also, try to sip a little slower, and go for a bottled beer instead of a draft, because it stays colder and for some reason, I feel like I sip it slower!
  • I too enjoy my beer...and although I am not crazy about it ....I will drink the MGD 64. Not great tasting...but low on the calories!
  • carrieliz81
    carrieliz81 Posts: 489 Member
    Oh my gosh, beer pressure is the worst!!! Who doesn't want to share drinks with friends, but in the end it's just terrible for calorie counting, especially if you are drinking beer AND sharing a meal. Beer pressure is totally ruining my weekend calorie counts lately, and it's so difficult for me to resist. I find it impossible to Just Say No to beer pressure! Anyway, just wanted you to know I'm feeling your pain and trying to figure out how to combat it.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    Try Molson 67, it’s 67 calories and its Canadian so it doesn’t take like American water I mean beer ;)
  • flsunshine
    flsunshine Posts: 188 Member
    i quit drinking 5 years ago. best decision i ever made since i cant just have a beer or two and call it a night.
  • Light beers are not the answer. Most are filled with fructose corn syrup and are bad for you anyways. Limit yourself to one or two craft beers and you are only looking at 275-350 calories for 2. I recommend Franziskaner or any hefeweizen or wheat ale.
  • JakeNonne
    JakeNonne Posts: 74 Member
    To me, this is the hardest part about being dedicated and disciplined.

    Not to sound too preachy :tongue: but you may need to look at your commitment to your goals. Does hanging out and drinking with friends move you closer to achieving your goals?

    I'm going through the same thing myself: I love eating cheeseburgers and pizza and drinking beer but I found that doesn't not progress me toward my goals of living a healthy lifestyle. I have come to realize that I can't have beer, cheeseburgers and pizza 5 or 6 times a week AND be healthy: the two objectives are incompatible. I've just gotten to the point that I dislike eating fast food because, not matter how good it may taste, the grease, fat and salt is not worth the damage it does to my body.

    Then again, if you are just meeting friends 2 or 3 times per month, then having the extra calories isn't going to make or break you. If you are in the bar 2 or 3 times per week, well, that's another story.

    Perhaps a new version of fun would be to hang out and play tennis or softball with your buddies. They may enjoy your challenge to get out of the bar and onto the playfield.

    Just my 2-cents. :bigsmile:
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