Eating whatever you want but staying under calorie limit



  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    It all comes down to calorie deficit. "Clean eaters" and paleo dieters are all in a deficit because they are eating low calorie foods. That is it. The only thing I worry about is getting my protein quota in. After that I eat whatever the heck I want.

    Eating clean has nothing to do with eating low calorie foods. I can have a glass of whole milk straight from the farm and I would still be eating whole, natural foods.

    To the OP, if your main goal is to lose weight then all you need is a deficit. When I'm at home cooking for myself, I try to eat non-packaged foods mainly for the health benefits (nutrients, fiber) that they bring. I've noticed that when I eat a lot of certain vegetables (kale, red cabbage, garlic), lean proteins and full fat products like butter/olive oil, I feel better, my skin is better and my hair seems healthier. But, don't get me wrong, I can attack some Buffalo Wild Wings like no one's business. :laugh:
  • tubaman58
    tubaman58 Posts: 151
    As long as you're taking in fewer calories than you're eating, you're going to lose weight.
    It's good to try to get the nice nutrients like protein, fats, etc. and too much sodium will often make you retain water, but strictly speaking... Yep. Calorie deficit is king.

    I don't eat clean.

    Welcome to the awesomeness of MFP.

    What she said!
    Over time you will find that eating healthy makes it easier to hit your calorie goals - Fresh veggies are a good example, you can eat as many green beans as you want . But if you are losing weight, keep going!
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    Eat whatever you want just not as much of it as you want unless you work out a ton. Usually when you check the diaries of the people who swear they eat pizza and ice cream daily one of two things is going on. Either they're eating super small portions (sorry, 1/4 cup of ice cream doesn't satisfy me) or they work out ALOT and have super high TDEEs (yeah, I'd be able to eat a pint of ice cream a day too if I had 3500 calories to play with).
  • steffipaulina
    I think you are setting yourself up for some neurosis.

    1. You don't need to eat "clean". You can eat what you like, within reason. A good idea is 80% "clean" and 20% whatever you like.
    2. You will adapt to the exercise and you'll have to do more just to get your "fix"

  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
    Here's my dilemma. For my entire life, I've always eaten whatever I wanted, and never worked out. 4 weeks ago I started FocusT25. The 2nd week, I lost 4lbs and and inch in my waist. The 3rd week I missed my double day workout, and went out for dinner and drinks. I measured myself, and I hadn't gained or lost anything. This week will be my 4th week, I am finding it's super easy for me to workout, and I love to do it, and I hate that I missed my workouts last week. I always stay under or at my calorie limit. The big dilemma for me is eating healthy 100% of the time. So my question is, as long as I'm staying under or at my calorie limit, and workout 5 times a week, can I eat whatever i like and can I still lose weight and have good results as long as I work out and stay within my calories?

    lost the weight eating food I liked (fast food, deep fried food, cookies, chips etc etc), and I didn't do any exercise during that time either. Calories, calories, calories.
  • jabarih
    jabarih Posts: 65 Member
    I am a stickler for good habits. You sound like you may be young and you have young metabolism that can handle anything right now. I was the same way when I was in high school and college. But as I got older, my metabolism started to slow down and I started packing on pounds. It was very, very difficulty for me to change my eating habits to adjust to my new metabolism. I thought I could just workout and eat whatever I wanted, but I realized that I could not reach my target weight if I did that. I was on the roller coaster plan. My weight would go up and and down all the time. But I eventually decided that I would put all of my attention to changing my eating habits. Once I did that, I started losing weight. They say it takes 21 days to a month to develop a habit. From my experience, the first week is the hardest when it comes to developing a habit. So my advice to you is develop the habit now so when you get older and your metabolism starts slowing, you will already have a good foundation. But realize, you don't have to eat clean every day all the time. You can have a couple of "splurge" days each week. Allow yourself these fun days, don't get down on yourself for these. But ultimately, strive to eat healthy and you will be better off. Hope I helped...:)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Tons of people on MFP have had success that way. I follow IIFYM.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    As long as you're taking in fewer calories than you're eating, you're going to lose weight.
    It's good to try to get the nice nutrients like protein, fats, etc. and too much sodium will often make you retain water, but strictly speaking... Yep. Calorie deficit is king.

    I don't eat clean.

    Welcome to the awesomeness of MFP.
    I always see people talking about how if you don't eat clean you wont get good results, so that always freaked me out. So as long as I only eat the calories I'm allowed to have in a day, I'll still lose weight? That's like music to my ears, I hardly ever go over and never feel starving so thats great to hear

    You will also find that many of those people are not actually successful. Many have made up this thing called "clean eating" and given it a personal definition that they can't stick with. Then they made up this metaphor of a wagon that they continue to fall from.

    Just eat. And don't eat more than you need on a regular basis.
  • feltlikesound
    feltlikesound Posts: 326 Member
    I eat whatever I want. McDonalds (and not on cheat day), pasta, white bread, chocolate bars, salt salt salt. Over time, what I want has shifted to something much healthier and cleaner, but it isn't a nutritionist's dream. I keep my diary closed for a reason -- I got tired of people judging my choices when they don't live my life and I wasn't ASKING for advice about it (which is another kettle of fish entirely).

    My results are hand in hand with people making different choices: eating clean, vegans, cardio only, etc. I think winning the war against bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle is hugely built on finding something that works for you, not what other people WANT to work for you. Pick your battles, if battle #1 is "keep below your calorie limit" -- then win it! The next battle might be macros, healthier choices, a new workout plan, whatever. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

    That's my inspirational lecture for today.
  • Always_Smiling_D
    Always_Smiling_D Posts: 118 Member
    Absolutely. My diet consist of staying away from fast food - other than that I eat what I want of course in moderation and make sure everything is portion size, I log it all

    6lbs lost since January 1st... oh and my first time in the gym, after a long 2 mos of only maybe onece a week, was yesterday
  • fairygirlpie9
    fairygirlpie9 Posts: 288 Member
    I eat what I want when I want and stay under my calorie limit pretty much every day. Feel free to check my diary - it isn't the healthiest but I do try to mix it up and strive to hit my protein macros - which is great for me as I love chicken/fish and ham. Deficit = weight loss and absolutely nothing else although you may want to do some exercise to get you there that bit quicker - I workout 6 days a week now.
  • thesimsisters
    thesimsisters Posts: 73 Member
    Another "non-clean" eater here. I have over time substituted healthier options for certain things in recipes and etc. But I have not given up anything that I love. Just better portioned and follow my calorie deficit. I eat some packaged food, some totally not healthy snack foods etc. But hey, what's life without the stuff you enjoy now and then. If I thought I could never eat something blah blah, then man I'd be preparing myself for failure. I don't worry much about processed foods, packaged foods vs "healthy foods," I just mainly try get more protein (one of things I'm guilty of) and watch the sodium some so it's not outrageous.

    And can I say, love you other "non-clean" eaters! I get tired of reading the responses to everyone about what they are eating (non-clean) is the reason they are not losing. Our big numbers in this thread alone show this is not the case.
  • thesimsisters
    thesimsisters Posts: 73 Member
    I eat whatever I want. McDonalds (and not on cheat day), pasta, white bread, chocolate bars, salt salt salt. Over time, what I want has shifted to something much healthier and cleaner, but it isn't a nutritionist's dream. I keep my diary closed for a reason -- I got tired of people judging my choices when they don't live my life and I wasn't ASKING for advice about it (which is another kettle of fish entirely).

    My results are hand in hand with people making different choices: eating clean, vegans, cardio only, etc. I think winning the war against bad habits and an unhealthy lifestyle is hugely built on finding something that works for you, not what other people WANT to work for you. Pick your battles, if battle #1 is "keep below your calorie limit" -- then win it! The next battle might be macros, healthier choices, a new workout plan, whatever. It's a marathon, not a sprint.

    That's my inspirational lecture for today.

    This is also why my diary is closed. You hit that right on the head.
  • mochamommy
    mochamommy Posts: 187 Member
    I am eating healthier just trying to choose lower calorie foods, but I'm not a great eater. I hate to cook, so it's always going to be a bagged salad or can of soup for me versus a 2 hour meal prep. I do cook meals, but they aren't the healthiest because my husband will not eat anything of nutritional value...deep fried and sugar coated with butter on top for him...