1200 seems like so few calories! How do you all make that number work for you? Hints?


  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I don't. It's too low for most users. What are your stats? Height, weight, age, how many lbs do you have to lose, how active are you, do you workout?
  • ArualR26
    Female 5'9, 166 pounds would like to get to 150. I sit at a desk all day. I am recovering from a back/hip injury and walking is about the only exercise I can do unfortunately. I plan to walk 45 min at least three times a week. Once a week I work a 9 hour waitress shift.
  • F00LofaT00K
    F00LofaT00K Posts: 688 Member
    By being very hungry, getting frustrated with a growling stomach and ultimately raising it to 1400-1500. If you're determined to stick to 1200 or were told by a doctor to do so, fill up on protein, fiber and fat. They'll help you feel fuller. . .but at 1200 it really only does so much. What is your estimated BMR? (click on "APPS" then "BMR") That is the amount of calories your body uses just to exist each day, it doesn't include calories burned from walking or filing paperwork or cooking dinner. You can eat slightly above that and still lose weight. Mine is mid 1500s and I try to end up between 1400 and 1600 calories each day. I lose weight steadily between 1 and 2 pounds per week and I do not feel hungry. Ever. It's truly a very glorious thing. :heart:

    ETA: Did I mention that I don't actively exercise? I'm recovering from a broken foot and keep my activity to what I do at my job.
  • wonderiss
    wonderiss Posts: 55 Member
    I have been at 1200 for a while. It really hasn't been a problem for me. I eat lots of egg whites, grilled chicken breasts, spinach, light and fit greek yogurt, soups, turkey sausage, whole grain flat outs, Morning Star veggie crumbles and patties, turkey pepperoni, brown rice, black beans, sugar free jellos and puddings, fiber one 80 calorie cereal and 90 calorie treats, apples, blueberries, raspberries, carrots, and dried strawberries. I do not drink any of my calories. I only drink water, green tea, and passion tea.
  • emrivkin
    Sometimes I go over because I'm already pretty small and I don't want to lose too fast (I'm 127 trying to get to 115) but, yeah- it's not that hard, really. Just make calorie smart choices and know what you can eat a lot of and not a lot of. Keep in mind you're trying to shrink your stomach to allow you to feel full on smaller portions. Personally, I refuse to eat only egg whites - it's gotta be the whole egg, so choose what will satisfy you most. Also, air popped popcorn with no oil is 15 cal/cup. it's a great thing for when you want to pig out . :P I'm a big fan of cheat days. They keep your metabolism on its metaphorical toes.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    Female 5'9, 166 pounds would like to get to 150. I sit at a desk all day. I am recovering from a back/hip injury and walking is about the only exercise I can do unfortunately. I plan to walk 45 min at least three times a week. Once a week I work a 9 hour waitress shift.

    I would try adjusting your settings to 1 lb/wk and lightly active. That's probably the right combination for you.
  • princessofmilk
    I would take an estimate of what your diet was before you decided to get healthy and then lower it accordingly. For example, if you diet was maybe 2100 calories before, lower it to 1800 for a week, then 1700 and so on to ease yourself into it.

    Exercise to give you more calories. Maybe swimming would work well with your health problems? If your doctor advises against it then just stick to eating healthily.

    Bulk up meals with fruit and veg and replace meat with chickpeas or beans for some meals (e.g curries or stirfry). Porridge is really filling for breakfast. Drinking tea throughout the day will help keep your hunger levels down (try unusual flavours like chai or raspberry and ginseng).
  • katieshkins
    Even at 1360, I couldn't do it. I don't recommend it. I upped it to 1520 and have been doing great. It hardly feels like a diet. I try to include my daily activity because I am on my feet a lot, and I have been able to stick to my goals. I will probably do even better when I start my fitness classes next month. Find what will keep you full and feeling good and still allows you to lose 1-2lbs per week.
  • princessofmilk
    Ricecakes are very filling and low calorie as well. They're pretty bland though but taste nice enough with philadelphia or salsa on them. Replace what you would normally eat for healthier versions and you're more likely to stick to it. You can make more drastic changes once you see the pounds dropping and feel more confident
  • bethyv1030
    bethyv1030 Posts: 226 Member
    I try to stick between 1200-1300 cals/day. Granted I am a smaller person at only 5'1". I try to fill up on stuff like fruits and for snacks I eat low cal Kellogg bars or granola bars. I find eating breakfast and dinner at like 300-400 cals each leaves me feeling sustained throughout the day. I do go over on days, especially date nights, but then I try to hit the gym to work off some of the cals to get around that 1200 mark. Feel free to check out my diary to see some of my meals and what they look like for ideas. For many people(including myself somedays) 1200 isn't enough cals. Just make sure to eat if you are hungry and don't starve yourself. Also don't drink your calories away. Try diet drinks, or even better WATER, WATER, WATER :)
  • ea_osborne
    ea_osborne Posts: 5 Member
    Hi there!

    I'm 5'2, 172lbs, and also have a goal intake of 1200cal. At first it was kinda hard. I would usually go over by a couple hundred cals. However, I decided to do a grocery makeover and it has helped A TON. Anything I buy is not "normal" food. What I mean is I bought only "low fat" foods and where there was a healthier choice, for example hot pockets vs lean pockets, I picked the one with the lowest cals. I also stocked up on more fruits and salads, whole grain breads, healthy choice soups and frozen meals. I also keep yogurts and low fat cottage cheese. It's made a HUGE difference. Trying to stay within 1200 calories while eating your typical store bought, processed foods is a huge pain and NOT satisfying at all.
  • Michiiba
    I've played with the app a lot over the past year and noticed it tends to calculate caloric intake rather aggressively, usually it suggesting you eat a few hundred less then you actually can. Like myself, it said eat 2030, but the first month I ate about 2300-2500 a day and still lost weight each Wednesday when I weighed in.

    My guess is people with higher body fat had similar results.
  • gillesse
    gillesse Posts: 66 Member
    Eating 1200 calories used to be very difficult for me. But now, it's not so hard, mainly because I don't just eat anything that I want. I stay away from grains, processed foods, and have lowered my dairy intake. I have a piece of dark chocolate now and then to keep me sane, and have lots of tea, and some coffee (of course without all the added junk in it).

    Stick to fresh foods, and it will be easy for you.
  • Dare2Believe
    Dare2Believe Posts: 140 Member
    I don't. When I tried that I was miserable. Then I came across a forum post about calculating your TDEE to figure out your calories and upped mine to between 1500-1600 and was able to steadily lose 1-2 pounds a week last year. I gained it back during a stressful period, now I'm back to lose it again.
  • Chase510
    I'm at 1200 and you really do get used to it. I do work out every day though and eat a portion of those calories.

    Typical meals for me are things like:

    Breakfast - fruit (berries, apple), cheese (babybel, WW cheese stick), almonds or eggs/egg whites, lean deli meat
    Lunch - lean protein (chicken breast, tuna, swai, tilapia), veggies or salad, some sort of Fiber One treat (90 cal bar, cookie)
    Dinner - lean protein again, very small portion of carbs such as pasta or mashed potatoes or baked fries, veggies or fruit
    Snacks - fruit, cheese, almonds, Fiber One treats, sugar free jello or popsicles, yogurt, lean deli meat
  • MissLakeTime
    MissLakeTime Posts: 59 Member
    I'm at 1200 calories too. Question did any of you at 1200 change your Daily Nutritional Goals (Carbs, Protein & Fat)? I changed mine to 35%, 35%, 30% after reading a post on this forum earlier this week. Any trainers out there or people getting advise from a trainer have any recommendations on this?
  • chrs86
    chrs86 Posts: 151 Member
    It's hard at first. I am not condoning anyone follow what I do since I don't have much weight to lose so my body can handle it. I usually eat non-fat foods e.g. egg beaters, english muffins, lettuce, tomato, tuna, fish, shrimp, chicken (*half portions boneless), mushrooms, cottage cheese, skim milk, lunchmeat (*turkey, ham), lots of coffee, soups, white rice, beans. Things I don't eat are bread, soda, juices, candy, cheese, mayo, hamburger, nuts, most fruits. I did this last year and lost 30 pounds in 2 1/2 months with daily exercise both cardio, and weights. My daily average with 3 meals + snack is usually around 700-900 cals doing this. It's not a recommendation just my personal experience. Good luck on your journey.