Seeking Serious and Motivated MFP Friends

I am looking for support and motivation from people around my age and those looking to lose at least 50 pounds.

I am 25 and have 70+ pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. I have lost about 10 pounds so far.

If you are truly serious about losing weight and are honest with tracking foods and exercise and have the time and energy to offer support, please add me as a friend.

I am a very active MFP user, and am very serious about losing weight.


  • ktuck0205
    ktuck0205 Posts: 51 Member
    Feel free to add me! I have been very dedicated to it. I am 29, so a little older than you but I want to lose around 140lbs all together.
  • bethyv1030
    bethyv1030 Posts: 226 Member
    I am 24 and have 50-55lbs to lose. I have lost almost 30lbs so far so feel free to add me. I am very serious about my weight loss, so I am also trying to find motivated people to be friends with!!
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    Hello... I'm 32 so I know I'm older than what you are looking for. Just wanted to say good luck with your journey!!! I have been using MFP for 3 years on and off. I have lost 73lbs so far and I have 7lbs to go. Feel free to add me if you would like. I log everyday.
  • I'm clearly NOT your age, however I'm not really sure age has anything to do with losing weight, but if you would like someone who is honest, who will tell you how it is, and motivate you to do the best you can do please add me, I also have no problem telling you or suggesting to you better things to eat then what you did, and I expect the same thing....good luck you can do this....
  • Feel free to add me! My first goal when i started MFP is to lost 50 lbs. I was 210 when I started. I lost 10 lbs before starting and another 8 since starting. I want to get down to 160 then make another goal after that. It has not been easy. I have worked out every day since starting MFP. They say to take a rest day but I feel so guilty if I do not workout in the morning that I get home at night and do my workout. I feel so good after working out (now that I am through the extreme muscle aches). I am doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred at home. Eating better was really hard for me because I love all the bad food, lol! Since eating better I tend to now crave fruits for sweets which is really good. It takes a lot of time but will so be worth it in the end. Feel free to add me I am extremely motivated and would love to help keep you motivated as well :)
  • I'm 21, new to this, and will definitely be willing to support you! I think its important for us to do something about our weight/health while we're young, so we wont have any regrets in the future :-) I'll send a request now but please anyone feel free to add me, I need support!

    Have just joined (about 20minutes ago ha) so currently have no friends on this :-(
  • Welcome, congrats on your 10 pound loss. I'm 43 and I don't care what anyone says, it's true, when you get older your "furnace" doesn't burn as hot as it use to. It takes some time......they say you didn't gain the weight in a day, you won't lose it in a day. It's a life change. A vow to yourself to be better than what you are now. Day by steps. KEEP SLUGGIN'.
  • Hello..I don't have 50 pounds to lose but I did around 5 years ago. I lost the weight (around 70 lbs) and have kept it off thus far. I am interested in finding people who could use the support and help in reaching their fitness goals. I am not a certified trainer but I have done the deal and spent the last 5 years learning as much as I possible can about fitness and nutrition, etc. I have also decided to post a blog this year touching on certain things to help us in our journey. I am not sure how to add friends so if you are interested, please add me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    Dedicated to it for 30+ years and still going strong.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness industry for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Angelfromokc
    Angelfromokc Posts: 56 Member
    Hi! I am also looking for new friends! Feel free to add me :) The more the better!
  • CoCoLynn129
    CoCoLynn129 Posts: 6 Member
    I am 26 years old and on my way to losing 30lbs! Feel free to add me, I just started MFP yesterday and trying to gain friends to help encourage me as well! Skinny Minnie's here we come! :)
  • Feel free to add me! I'm 32 and just started a few weeks ago. I'm down 6 lbs and working extremely hard at it. I have no MFP friends, but would love friends to motivate and encourage and vice versa. :)
  • Feel free to add me! I'm 32 and just started a few weeks ago. I'm down 6 lbs and working extremely hard at it. I have no MFP friends, but would love friends to motivate and encourage and vice versa. :)
  • SunnyDelight275
    SunnyDelight275 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi! My goal is to lose about 60 lbs (about 29% body fat %) and gain about 10 lbs of muscle mass to my 5' 6" frame. I plan to take 7-8 months dropping the fat, and then the next 7-8 months gaining muscle.

    It isn't a real surprise that I ended up with the high fat % that I have. I have two people simultaneously trying to occupy my body. One is a go-getter, adventuresome person who wants to conquer the world. She likes to lift weights and scuba dive. The other one really likes fat pants and says, "Nah, I'm good" to physical exertion. I've let Miss Fat Pants win for far too long.

    I've done all the fad diets out there and frankly I'm done. There is no quick way to lose weight. It takes hard-work and dedication. It means dragging yourself to the gym when it's freaking cold outside. It means saying no to doughnuts when it clearly does not meet my nutritional goals (unless it's a re-feed).

    I love meeting new people who can motivate me, and whom I can also motivate. I like to share educational information. So you're interested in the same, add me as your friend!
  • I need to lose 50lbs. I am on here everyday. Feel free to add me:)
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and Welcome!
  • I just restarted this program and looking for some motivating friends as well. If anyone is interested please feel free to add me as well. I have about 86 lbs. to lose.
  • manderz_46
    manderz_46 Posts: 9 Member
    Linda09189 - I think you are right on the age thing. I guess I've just come across so many people, mostly younger than me, that are obsessive about losing 3 pounds or some crazy thing like that. Not that I'm not willing to help them and motivate them, but I think those of us that have more than just a few pounds to lose and need to make a lifestyle change I relate to a whole lot better. Just the other day I had a woman ranting to me that she gained 4 pounds over the holidays and her thighs were so big now...I just rolled my eyes and said "Honey, one of my thighs probably weighs as much as your whole body!" Those are the kind of people I wish to avoid. You sound like you have a very realistic and honest outlook, and that's just what I'm looking for. Thank you for responding!
  • manderz_46
    manderz_46 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you each and every one of you for responding! I really love hearing your stories, and think that having people in a similar situation and moving towards a similar goal is very empowering.