Big Goals...please help

I am turning 50 this year, which has me TOTALLY freaked out, so to help, my goal is to be healthier than I have been since I was in my 20's. I have at minimum, 60 pounds to lose...ultimate goal would be more like 70. I want to be that person that when people meet you, they say NO WAY you are 50! I am doing P90X right now and am in the third week. So far NO results at all, so I am using this site to better track my diet as I find it hard to figure out the diet plan provided with the workout. I think it will help a great deal as I can already see what food I need to change. My husband is doing the same workout and he has already seen major changes, though he has 2 weeks more than me because I had to step away at Christmas due to lack of time. Once P90X is done, I plan to do a more cardio based program as they always work better for me, but since Hubby was doing P90X, and there is only one room for workouts and one time that room is available that we are home, we have to do the workouts together. I would love to have some people to motivate me. I don't care if you are the same age or have different goals. Also, If you have a good, fun cardio program that would be good for both men and women, that is around 30 min per day, please make suggestions. The P90X is long and makes for very rushed, stressful evenings with everything else that needs done. Once we do the cardio, we will most likely try P90x3 as it is much shorter.


  • leona74
    leona74 Posts: 18 Member
    Fell free to friend me. I love and need encouragement. I think Turbo Jam is a very fun workout. Most likely the funnest I have done!!
  • If you are looking to go for more cardio than strength building, but are short on time. Might I suggest Focus T25 by Shaun T. Intense cardio training 5 days a week for 25 minutes a day. I am starting mine tomorrow. I applaud you though for doing P90x because to me that is really hard. :)
  • I lost my first 40 lbs on Turbo Jam, I love that program.
  • ataylorgardner
    ataylorgardner Posts: 203 Member
    Welcome and way to go!! P90X is awesome. give it some time and you will see results. When I did it last winter I didnt see any results until my 4th week. I thought I wasnt getting any results at all because I wasnt losing weight but when I took my 1 month update photos i could really see the difference. I had lost a total of 5 inches.

    It is a really good idea to use this site for food tracking. It isnt uncommon for us to be eating more than we realize. It also helps us see if we need to make adjustments in certain types of foods, like adding more fruits and veggies for example.

    If you like P90X I would suggest trying T25 when you are done. It provides great results like P90X does but it is more cardio based.

    I would love to provide support and motivation to help you along your journey. Best of luck
  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    I did the full haul of P90X. All three phases, didn't miss a day. And I did not lose a single pound. HOWEVER, I lost more inches than I did doing anything else, including running outdoors, plus lifting weights. So, if you are focused on the scale, P90X may not be the best route. But if you are focused on your actual size and body make-up, then it's a great program, but you have to stick with it.
    Good luck!
  • lrose50
    lrose50 Posts: 58 Member
    I will be 50 in two more years and it's not coming without a fight - LOL. I have been doing Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. Mixes cardio with strength and as well as a few times a week on my treadmill. Please friend me if you're looking for additional support.
  • I wish I lost inches or ANYTHING, but I actually gained 3 pounds and my husband lost about frustrating. I am not so obsessed by the weight, but I thought maybe my clothes would be go. I will wait until the end to judge. I just know that cardio always seems to work better for me that this type of workout.