Tired of being fat! :D

Hi all! My name is Melissa, I'm 33 years old, 5'6" and here because I'm tired of being fat! I don't actually know how much I weigh, so the 205 is based on my last doctor's appointment over a month ago. I will be buying a scale and updating that!

This time last year, I went through a ton of family issues and I started packing on the pounds. Then I got pregnant and gained way too much! I've never been skinny, weight usually hovers around 170.. but this is just too depressing and it's time to do something about it. I had my baby in November, she was born at 29 weeks gestation thanks to preeclampsia. She is perfectly fine now and I can no longer use it as an excuse! (the usual conversation.. me - "I can't fit into my clothes!" husband - "You just had a baby" me - "....two months ago!" lol).

I feel like crap, I look like crap.. time to change. :)

I am breastfeeding, so I've set my calories to 1700 daily (1200 + 500 for bfing). I'm really more concerned with my sodium than my calories at this point because of my scary blood pressure and am struggling with it... I never knew how much sodium was in everything! I don't even want to think about how much was in the food I was eating before Saturday, when I started this!


  • mlima14
    mlima14 Posts: 112 Member
    Hello! Once you start shedding those pounds you'll see that the high blood pressure will also go down, that happened for my mom, she was about 200 lb and she's only 5'. After she lost about 30 lb the doctor was able to lower her blood pressure medication to half which was great, she's now around 140 - 150 and has mantained that weight for years. Anyways, if you eat out a lot, the sodium in the foods is always way too high, try and see if these places have low sodium choices. At home I cook with little salt since I am accustomed to eat low salt due to my mom, I suggest when you cook try to add a little bit less salt than what you normally use, that way you get accustomed to it slowly. I had to do that with my husband because he was used to eating very salty and I couldn't tolerate it, he never even noticed :wink:
  • FitForFunKanata
    FitForFunKanata Posts: 41 Member
    Congrats! You seem motivated and determined.. good. Be patient and stick with it.
  • Shynique37
    Shynique37 Posts: 66 Member
    Congrats! You seem motivated and determined.. good. Be patient and stick with it.

    Yes stick with it.
  • MpotRN21
    MpotRN21 Posts: 19 Member
    Keep it up! I had a baby a year before you and I'm still screwing around w my pregnancy weight. Do it now!
  • sandymihalus
    sandymihalus Posts: 3 Member
    Everything will feel better once you start dropping the pounds. I used to be in pain all the time and all of it has virtually gone away. (except when the weather decides to make a drastic change) Little changes make a big difference. READ your food labels. You don't realize how many calories are in something until you start reading the calories and the portion sizes. Stick with it and you WILL get there. Also, remember, if you have a bad food day, start over the next day and just because you eat one crappy thing during the day, doesn't mean you have to finish the day doing so. Make your next choice a more healthy, sensible choice to stay on track.
  • A Journey of a thousand miles begins with that first big step, and you've taken that. Just focus on creating the best and healthiest YOU, you can be, for yourself and for your family. Good luck