Veggie Suggestion?



  • sarabethclark1
    this was my dinner last night:

    Small head of cabbage cut in 1 in slices - brushed some EVOO on the pan. put the round slices of cabage on the pan and brushed 2T of EVOO on all of them. Sprinkled with some coarse Sea salt, pepper and celery seed (recipe called for carraway or fennel seeds but I didn't have them) delicious!

    Our "main" course was 3 oz of organic pre-cooked frozen chicken strips, red pepper, green pepper, yellow squash, zuchinni and onion sauted in 1T of coconut oil. Once tender but still slightly crispy i put in 2T of Newman's Own reduced fat seaseme giner dressing to add some great flavor! I got my protein and PLENTY of veggies!

    I am now stearing clear of unhealthy carbs for dinner, unless I just have a craving and then it's in small portion!

    Good luck!
  • MissTeeolivia
    Spinach, avocado and also edamame beans :)
  • hdg1822
    hdg1822 Posts: 75 Member
    Are there veggies that you particularly like? I found that really helped me when I was trying to increase my fruit and veggie intake. Rather than trying to eat things because you "have" to, focus on healthy veggies that you actually like and then have fun trying new recipes with them!

    I like potatoes, peas, some beans, aspargus and some squash. I need to add to what I like. Thanks for the trying new recipes idea.
  • Greytfish
    Greytfish Posts: 810
    Try grilling large slices of red/yellow/orange peppers on the grill. Very tasty.

    Spaghetti squash baked is quite nutritious and yummy.

    Either compliment a salad well.
  • baileyang33
    baileyang33 Posts: 131 Member
    I like to hit the local market & get in season veggies!!!!! You can find a million recipes for anything & whatever level of food preparation you have or desire to put into the task. I personally love a challenge & Pinterest for new veggies or fruits I haven't used.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    Hi. Not a huge fan of veggies but well aware that I need to change and increase my veggie and fruit intake. I need to up my fiber, potassium and other vitamins...naturally. I know mushrooms will be a popular answer but I cannot stand them. I can barely stand the smell to cook them for my husband and I can taste them if they get "slipped" into my food. Any suggestions would be helpful.

    i hate mushrooms so i'll never recommend them.

    edamame slipped into stir fry
    peas (and i don't like them but will eat them in stuff)
    carrots (shave them into tomato sauce)
    green beans are my favorite love love love them
    greens (kale, mustard are my two favs)
    sweet potatoes

    there are tons of veggies out there. give them a try. root veggies are great roasted.
  • rockmama72
    rockmama72 Posts: 815 Member
    How about soup? It's easy to make and there are a zillion great veggie soup recipes out there...
  • Chelseraptor
    Chelseraptor Posts: 27 Member
    I used to eat only raw carrots, cucumbers, and lettuce because I hated everything else. Eventually I started just eating them because I knew I should. I was actually really surprised how many veggies I thought I hated that I really like now. I love grilling kabobs with chicken, squash, peppers and onions and serving it over rice. I think most veggies taste better steamed, too - not too crunchy, but not soggy either. And if you cook them in something with some flavor, like making a stir fry or something, it helps to cover up the taste a little bit.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    i love shaved brussel sprouts sauteed in coconut oil with bacon as well. IT IS AMAZING. i could eat it everyday. I also have just recently tried spaghetti squash and now im addicted. i have ate it every night for like a week straight. i just put a lil olive oil and salt and pepper while baking and then eat it that way. mmmmm.
  • amoffatt
    amoffatt Posts: 674 Member
    To increase my veggie intake and limit my carbs (I'm not low carb, I just tend to eat over my allowance.. :ohwell: ), I started to do lettuce wraps. I take almost anything I would put on a sandwich or in a wrap and use lettuce instead. I even cook chicken, cut it up in slices, top with olives, or a little cheese, ect and wrap it in either romaine lettuce or iceberg.
  • hdg1822
    hdg1822 Posts: 75 Member
    Are there veggies that you particularly like? I found that really helped me when I was trying to increase my fruit and veggie intake. Rather than trying to eat things because you "have" to, focus on healthy veggies that you actually like and then have fun trying new recipes with them!

    I like potatoes, peas, some beans, aspargus and some squash. I need to add to what I like. Thanks for the trying new recipes idea.
  • ashenriver
    ashenriver Posts: 498 Member
    I hate mushrooms too.

    I found with veggies it is really how they are cooked and if they get overcooked. Overcooked zucchini, yuck!!, perfectly roasted zucchini, yummy!!.

    If you want to try adding new veggies, start small, make small portions and try different recipes and try more then once (I think it takes at least 7 tries before you start to like it)

    It took me a while to like sautéed spinach, last night I cooked some and added to quinoa and some soy sauce and it was delicious.
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    I agree with roasting them. Toss in olive oil lightly and salt and roast carrots - they get sweet, broccoli - had a little bit of a nutty taste, zuchini sticks, sweet potato sticks - like fries. I also add cauliflower and butternut squash to my homemade chicken soup because they can dissolve in the soup if cooked long enough so you don't even know they are there. Add pureed butternut squash to mac and cheese, add zucchini or spinach to spaghetti sauce or sauteed veggies to rice or pasta. I also cook chicken with salsa on top and serve over rice or use lettuce leaves or shredded cabbage as a base for chicken and beef terriaki instead of rice. Start with smaller amounts and increase as you get used to the change. I premake lunches such as salads with cooked chicken or soups and chili and freeze cooked chicken, soup, and chili in small containers so it lasts longer and so I am not eating the same thing everyday. Try celery with peanut butter or light cream cheese too. I am a veggie freak, so every dish I cook has veggies in it. It is a little more work though....
  • woodml1
    woodml1 Posts: 199 Member
    Tomatoes, avocado, and cucumber are my favorite... all raw!

    You might also want to look into the cookbook 'Deceptivly Delicious.' It's all about how to 'sneak' veggies into food. I haven't used it but I have a friend with a 5-year-old who swears by it :)
  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    mushrooms ive hated all my life but now I like them sliced up in a salad, still cant eat them cooked though. My favorite veggie to eat is Broccoli, sprayed with some 0 cal butter spray, then sprinkled with garlic powder and roasted at about 375 for about 20 minutes, I also cook cauliflower and asparagus the same was (only you only cook asparagus for about 10 minutes) if you like spicy, I cook cauliflower in the oven the same as i already said but without the garlic, then when its done cooking, mix it in a little franks hot sauce (you can then put it back in the oven a few more minutes so it kinda cooks the hot sauce in to it) then eat it with a little light ranch, sooooo good
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I have not read all the responses so my apologies if any of this is a repeat. I prefer most veggies raw with dip. There is a type of ranch by Bolthouse, it is in the refrigerated section with produce, that is really good and one of the lowest calorie ones I have found. If you are cooking green leafy stuff you should try putting some balsamic vinegar or kikoman seasons rice vinegar is good, but I loveeee balsamic especially for brussell sprouts and kale (I just put some water in the pan, vinegar, and boil/sautee the veggies). There are also the general tip for hiding it in other things, spaghetti sauce is a really good one!
  • Momjogger
    Momjogger Posts: 750 Member
    Also toss cooked asparagus with chicken, a jar of marinted artichoke hearts, and sun dried tomatoes with a little olive oil over pasta. Chicken broccoli ziti, eggplant parm, veggie lasagna - with spinach and zuchini sliced thin, french onion soup, beef stew with carrots, parsnips or turnips cut smaller, and potatoes. Eating veggies doesn't have to be painful. I think planning out meals weekly helps the most if you have the time.
  • cherylicious76
    I love kale raw, massaged w/ lemon juice, the leaves get really soft and totally edible, you can add apples and dried cranberries and make a vinagrette w/ some orange juice, apple cider vinegar and spices-I used cloves, cinamon, ginger, turmeric, and a little agave or honey to sweeten it up a little, even my husband said it wasn't bad, which is a compliment coming from him. Roasted cauliflower is tasty, I can eat a whole head by myself no problem. Check out pinterest or google vegetarian recipes, there are lots of interesting things out there these days for free. and the chef and the dietician on youtube are both excellent resources for plant-based, unprocessed recipes. Veggies don't even have to be slathered in salt, oil, or sugar to taste good!!
  • Iwishyouwell
    Iwishyouwell Posts: 1,888 Member
    My new favorite veggie is Brussel Sprouts... Always swore I hated them then I had the baby ones in the butter sauce (green giant) I can't get enough. I make them all sorts of ways. Roasted is the best with some onions. peppers olive oil and spices.

    Yes. I didn't grow up eating them, and all anybody could talk about was how bad they tasted. All it did was make me more curious to try them. Thankfully my taste buds disagreed with the general consensus. We prepared well they are ridiculously tasty. I personally love to oven roast them in a little olive oil, lemon pepper, basil, and thyme. They're also great pan fried.