Professional Adults in need of motivation



  • CJ_Holmes
    CJ_Holmes Posts: 759 Member
    I've been an adult for a long time, but I've never managed to rise above amateur status. By definition, doesn't "professional adult" mean that someone is paying you to simply exist in a form other than "child"?

    English is not everyone's first language. It's obvious what the post is about- no need to pick apart someone else's attempt to create a support system.

    However, if you were attempting to demonstrate your "amateur status" with your snarky post, nicely done! :drinker:
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    also just wanted to say that now that my work schedule is back to normal i just go after work. it's not really an issue for me since i've never had a problem with exercising (i'm a former athlete) the main problem is with eating, especially since i have no reason to work out 3-4 hours a day like a used to and not worry about what gaining weight
  • Stripeness
    Stripeness Posts: 511 Member
    There are many roads to success - I have friends who go to very posh, social gyms, and that atmosphere is all they need to keep them motivated to go.

    Me? I prefer a more bare-bones gym: Gold's, in fact. And when the work hours reached 60-70hrs/week, I engaged a personal trainer (not a Golds employee). That accomplished 2 things:
    1. Workouts became just like meetings, where I had to attend, ready or not.
    2. For 2 hours a week, I was able to not think and just focus on a super workout. If a bench, weights, or machine was unavailable? I didn't have to think about viable substitutes. I realize that may be simple for many people, but when I'm overworked, even small stuff can really slow me down.

    Workouts weren't limited to those 2 appts, but there were months when that was all I got in. And you know what? That was 2 hours more than I'd have gotten in on my own.

    Also, I lifted HEAVY those 2 days, and set PRs.

    Are there other working formats? Sure - very YMMV. But for me a basic gym and amazing trainer were lifesavers.
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    I find the easiest time for me to go work out is lunch time at the gym and I really love the group fitness classes. At first, they seem a little weird and intimidating, but once you have been going for awhile, it's fun to see the same people over and over, and the instructors (generally) are encouraging, etc. my only struggle with this is that I also do not like to shower at the gym.... So I go back to work and sit all sweaty and gross at my desk. Oh well.... It works for me on days I don't have to attend meetings, etc in the afternoon!

    My biggest struggle is on the weekends when I don't have the regular routine to keep me accountable, and I want to be home with my family rather than at the gym. When the weather is decent, we can do fun things together outside for exercise, but it's a lot harder when it's so grey and cold. Nevertheless, I will make it through the winter weekends and will not give up!

    *edited for typo
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,329 Member
    another idea is to try to get some of your coworkers together for exercise. at my job we have weekly soccer, football and frisbie games. we've also started playing games against other companies in the area.
  • lois1585
    lois1585 Posts: 25 Member
    Hello...I'm a 28 year old professional. During the spring, summer, and fall it is difficult for me to want to hit the gym because it's just too nice out. I skip the gym to hike, run, swim, or kayak. The gym sees me more during the winter months.
  • lcl8903
    lcl8903 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi! :) i'm a 24 year old profesional.

    i have soooo little time to go to gym, so what i do is to combine those exercise routines called "30 days Challenges" for different parts of the body, and i can say it's been good so far. The thing is that it is hard to get my **** up and do the exercises... i get home from the office so tired and stressed that all i want to do is to get icecream wasted and sleep till next day (not that i do that all the time heheh xD)

    feel free to add me! i love having new friends! ;)
  • I simply dislike gyms, which is a shame because I live right across the street from one. I have a membership for the winter months, but have honestly gone maybe six or so times since November. Compare this to when the weather was nice and I was jogging five times a week... it's definitely not -my- style.

    I recently completed a challenge to walk 1,000,000 steps in three months and will be getting some cash out of that. I hope to invest in my own compact elliptical and some adjustable weights for my apartment. I have a feeling I'll work out much more at home than at the gym.
  • missvie
    missvie Posts: 21 Member
    I've recently changed my schedule to get off early 3 days a week so I can go to the gym after work. I've gained 20 pounds since starting this job a year and a half ago and it really sucks!!! I was working 10 hours a day 5 days a week and eating awful. The biggest thing is making lunches, that has helped me so much!
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    Hello Suein. YES, YES, YES the "bad food." I willl be one of first to admit this is exercising and eating "right" is not easy.
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    i random, I'm sorry you left the blog so early I think you just missed out on your opportunity to meet some real nice people. I find it funny how the word professional can take on many meanings, especially when we tag the word adult along with it..:devil:
    I bet if you had stayed just a little bit longer someone here would have" multi tasked" with you. Heck, maybe one day after a good workout I will submit to a paddle. :sad:
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    I got a gym membership that is within walking distance of my office. I drive past it both ways of my commute. Being so close, it is always on my mind. I keep extra gym clothes in my cube. If I have time for a long lunch, I'll go hit the pool for a few laps. I try to go at least three days after work before I get home. Morning exercise and I do not get along! I try to channel that "hell yeah 5pm work is over!!" energy into my workouts. :P

    Now that is dedication. Just a quick question is it really convenient to have a gym so close on days when you are totally drained? Does all this exercise rush come from having the gym available or is it all just psychological?
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    thanks for your response crazyvermont, you are so correct on the main point "dedication."
    I think dedication is our motivation for a lot of things. In order to get the results we are expecting from
    our workout we have to put in the time regularly. But just playing devil's advocate here, What about those of us who are not dedicated to working out but are able to maintain our physique due to genetics?
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    hello everyone, here is a question you all can chew on and spit out an answer if you'd like. Is it really convenient to have a gym so close to home ? If so what happens to the reason of it being convenient on days when you are totally drained? Does all this exercise rush come from having the gym available or is it all just psychological?
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    @ Burn thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment. I must admit are way way better than I am if u work out @ 8 p.m. That's great. However the body really doesn't know what time it is unless it's programed. So, you can program your your body to function at any time in the 24 hours allotted to us in a day. Isn't that a great thing to know? I applaud you. Do you need a workout partner? If so is it difficult to find one?
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    I agree with you food is very tempting and the hour in which we consume certain foods really is important as to whether or not we hold on to the calories or we burn them. But like everything else if we are determined, focus and we calculate our workout time and meals we can reach higher levels.
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    If u apply ur past eating habits to your now schedule it may help you get control on your munching. you are one of the few lucky ones who do not have to give 3 to 4 hours in the gym. that's great but I hope you still allow sometime for the gym
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    Hello resbirim and welcome. Congrats on your new position. I'm sure other people in your Professional agree with me, you need a lot of energy to deal with children. when will you get the time in to exercise? I hope you have a great schedule planned.
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    yes RachaeL Chicago is a very cold place in the winter but no excuse not to exercise. My suggestion to you if you're not interested in going to the gym then do as recommended by another blogger on this page . take the challenge and do inside activities through workout cd. I never completed the P 90 x before jumping into insanity but it helped
    FULLFIGZIP Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks for sharing this great and direct info.