In what order should you buy Jillian Michaels DVDs?

Hi guys! I was hoping you could help me as I'm not finding much info on the web. And I do apologize if Im posting this in the wrong forum. This is my first post so Im not exactly sure.

So I was interested in the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels but noticed most of the girls are already pretty small and all they really get is smaller toned abs. You see, I have 50 lbs to lose "e.v.e.r.y where" not just belly fat. I do want to tone up as well but all this fat needs to go first. So my question is, Jillian has a TON of DVDs and workouts.. Where should I start? Is there some sort of order they go in? Like: Burn fat 30 days, Tone up 30 Days, then Target certain areas kind of thing? Or if not, do you have any suggestions? I would like to buy a few and complete them one at a time. And I really do hope there is an order as I like to follow specific plans and such.

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated, thanks! :)


  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    I don't think there is a certain order, and I'm certainly no expert but I have done quite a few of Jillian's workouts so please just take this as my personal opinion and I hope its somewhat helpful. I also like to have a plan to follow, so I totally get it. :)

    From what I understand, 30 Day Shred is a bit of an older workout and presumed to be "easier" than her other 30 day program, Ripped in 30. A lot of people on here suggest starting with the 30 Day Shred and then moving on to Ripped in 30. I personally did complete the shred, and I didn't lose a lot of weight, however I also wasn't counting calories at the time. I did lose close to 8 inches total over my body and my endurance improved dramatically. It is definitely a good place to start, in my opinion. From there, I considered moving on to Ripped in 30, and I did the first week a few times, but ultimately decided to do T25 instead. However, I think that a lot of people move on and complete Ripped in 30 after doing the 30 Day Shred.

    As for her other workouts, I think a lot of them are more targeted to specific area. Killer Buns & Thighs, Six Week Six Pack, etc. For me personally, I still have quite a bit of weight to lose and so I'm not super interested in something called "Six Week Six Pack" because realistically I know there's no way that's going to happen for me right now, haha. Which isn't to say it isn't useful, just not what I'm looking for. Now that I've moved on to T25, I've been using Jillian's videos as kind of a supplement when I feel like doing an extra workout on certain days. I really like No More Trouble Zones as it's primarily strength training and very low impact compared to T25, so I feel fine doubling up with that one without worrying about injury. Another great low impact one is Yoga Meltdown, I really enjoy that when I feel like working out but not going too crazy and focusing on some stretching but still burning calories.

    Anyway, I know I'm kind of rambling and I don't know if this was helpful or not, haha. Feel free to message or friend me if you want to chat more, I've tried a lot of her DVDs so I can probably at least give you a sense of what they're like. :)
  • pps7
    pps7 Posts: 46
    You can watch level 1 of 30 day shred and 6 week 6 pack on you tube. Those are good ones to start with.

    If you are an amazon prime member you can also get a few additional ones for free. My favorite one is NMTZ. Don't worry about the names. They are all good work outs. I like to rotate them for variety.
  • TiFFz87
    TiFFz87 Posts: 5 Member
    Lol at the ramble. That was actually pretty awesome and informative. :) Good ideas and yes, I think I'll have to pass on the six pack abs too. Not much use if they're secretely nestled under a patch of flab. Haha. But thanks so much! I believe I'll go with the 30 Day Shred because thanks to pps7 I looked it up on youtube and SWEETNESS! All the levels are free!! I took it as a sign :) Thanks again ladies :)